Chapter 1: 'Scene it', anyone?
June 28, the day our lives became more complicated than you can imagine.
The way I see it, it was all the weatherman's fault. If he hadn't predicted a high of 96 and 98% humidity we would have gone bike riding as planned. But no. Ol' Mother Nature had to make the great outdoors feel scorching hot even on oven standards.
We couldn't go anywhere. The pool? Closed due to freaking maintenance. The Mall? Ha! The local mall was all outdoors. The Movies? Please! At eight bucks a person? Not in this economy! There was nothing good to watch anyways.
So, in our complete desperation and boredom I had the genius idea to have us all go over to my place and play some board games. This is where our story really begins.
"Monopoly?" I asked my friends. The four girls had each claimed a spot of my bedroom.
"Nah, we played that twice last week" said Cameryn, wrinkling her nose. Her blond hair sagging in a ponytail, as usual.
"Alright," I tossed the box oh-so delicately back into my cramped closet before suggesting, "Clue?"
"Oh! I call Mustard!" cried Marley, waving her hand over her head. The other clutched the ankles of her long, criss-crossed leggs.
"NO!" yelled Rikki from my computer desk. The young sports enthusiast was checking out the facebook group of her favorite international soccer team, Italy. She never missed a game. "No clue! Remember what happened last time?"
I cringed at the memory. Marley had gotten so wrapped up in the game last time we played that my parent's favorite vase paid the price. She hadn't meant to break it, but still, Rikki made a valid point.
"Um, on second thought not today Marley", I said replacing the game in my closet.
"You still have Apples to Apples?" Anya asked. The twelve year old red-head sat in my bean-bag chair quietly. Don't be fooled, she may look incredibly young, but she's smatter than all of us combined. Which, kind of explains why she skipped a grade.
"UGH! That's all we ever play! It's definitly lost its appeal." whined Cameryn.
I sighed and began shifting the boxes of junk in my closet. That's when I saw it. A two year old Christmas present from my aunt who, for some reason, can't cope with the fact that I'm not three years old anymore. An edition of 'Disney Scene it?', never been played. My eyes went wide with embarrassment and I started to cover the box up as inconspicuously as possible.
"Whatcha got there?" said Rikki.
Apparently, it was not inconspicuous enough.
"Nothing" I lied and continued to toss junk over the box.
"Ooo! Whatcha hiding Kori?" teased Marley, coming up behind me.
"Nothing! I'm not hiding anything" I didn't even bother looking at her. Either way, my guilt was obvious.
"Liar! Move over and let me see. Rikki hold her back." she exclaimed, pushed me aside, and moved some of the boxes I tried to use as cover until she found what she was searching for. The entire time, I only stood there with a mortified look on my face.
"Aha!" she yelled, holding up the box like a trophy.
The others gravitated towards her. Leaving me to wallow in my shame.
"What is it?" said Cameryn expressing mild interest.
"It's…Disney scene it." Marley read the cover after lowered her arm.
"Oh, God" I grumbled.
How embarrassing! I secretly had a minor obsession with all things having to do with Disney. The movies, the parks, the Mouse, anything. Living in Orlando it's not exactly something to be even remotely proud of.
"Disney?" cried Cameryn. Her features were on the brink of laughter.
God, if there was ever a time to smite me, do it now. Please. I begged.
"Y-yeah, it was a Christmas present from my aunt a few years back. I know its lame guys. Let's just put it back and forget about it." I stammered , trying to explain.
"Why? It's the only game of yours that we haven't played yet" said Anya.
"Yeah, you've been holdin' out on us, Kori!" scolded Marley, wagging her finger in my face.
I just gave her the look and took the box from her hand. Looking at it I couldn't help but admire it a little. The shimmering rainbow silver and the line up of characters from some of my favorite movies.
"You guys sure you want to play?" I asked.
"Sounds good."
"Okay." I sighed as I walk over to my TV and popped in the game disc. My friends set up the game board and we all crowded around, choosing our pawns. Anya chose Minnie and I got Mickey. Cameryn took Donald duck while Rikki and Marley formed team Goofy. Seizing the remote I selected the Play Game option. The rolling order was chosen and, me being first, I rolled an All Play and pressed the option with my remote.
That's when it happened. The animated Tinkerbell on the screen flew in a flurry of pixie dust. But instead of disappearing after a few seconds and revealing the question, she kept going. Spinning and twirling until finally, unbelievably she flew off the screen and started zooming around us in a wide circle!
"What the hey?" Cameryn screamed.
The little fairy began to accelerate. Faster, faster, faster she flew! Each turn sending up an impossible gust of wind. Soon we were enveloped in a miniscule whirlwind. My drawings, which were hung on my walls, flapped haphazardly in the wind. God, i suddenly wished i had gotten some frames.
"Is this supposed to happen?" yelled Rikki, eyes wide.
"No, I don't know what the hell is going on!" I hollered at the four pairs of giant eyes staring at me.
Tinkerbell flew faster still, until she was nothing but an undulating beam of light circling us. Before we could stand, the band widened and Snap! We disappeared from my room in a flash of light.