AN: Blame this on getting my hands on the Clone Wars movie, and add in some of the situations in the series with a wonder of what would happen with Order 66.

"You know, Commander," Rex stated as the star destroyer entered hyperspace from Utapau, "I understand him now."

A pause as the other clone considered this, unsure what his subordinate was meaning.

"Some of us are different enough to learn this, it proves we're more than they planned for us," the captain stated, "More than they can handle."

"What do you mean?"

"After what just happened, it was a revelation about our brothers," the tone was almost mournful, "And I realized that only a few of us were anything but puppets."

He reacted in an instant as the clone commanders eyes widened, quickly kicking his superiors helm across the room.

"And you know something, while we were made for loyalty," anger flashed through his eyes as he drew his blaster, "I realize now that we can give it to who we want to, and the Republic, or rather this Empire that it's become, has proven that it betrays such loyalty in what we were ordered to do, what you ordered and did back there."

"Our orders came from the Chancillor himself!" the other protested.

"Orders aren't everything, General Skywalker proved that several times since I met him, and I betrayed what he showed me back there by not at least trying to stop it," he paused for a breath, "I won't do so again, even if I die because of it."

A flash as he fired the weapon point blank into the clone commanders head, directly between the eyes.

"Slick was right," he added as the man fell to the deckplates before him, "I won't live a slave, but my squad cannot abide by this insanity taking over the Republic."

A moments pause as he watched Cody breathe his last.

"And if I must betray our brothers to free the ones I can from the Empire," a moments sadness as he pulled his helmet into position upon his own head, "Then so be it."

He turned away, exiting the room and into the corridor, a half dozen clones waiting for him and recieved a nod.

"Fives, Echo," he ordered, "Your with me, we'll take the bridge with what we can."

"Denal, take the rest and," he added, signaling the remaining troopers, "Vent the atmosphere from the environmental controls."

"Those of our Brothers who are with us are in position elsewhere, the ship will be ours," he stated with a tone as calm as he could manage, "And may the force be with us."

Heading off, he breathed a silent prayer, hopefully there would be enough of his brothers who could be free of this madness enveloping the GAR to help him rescue Ahsoka before those loyal to the Empire could get to her.