Mr. Ink and Mrs. Paper

Disclaim: I don't own Harry Potter or Fireflight's Unbreakable.

Note: Here is the rushed ending. It was written in study hall in like 10min. So, sorry if it wasn't the ending you were looking for.

Chapter 3: Unbreakable


The days have passed like seconds sense that night. I barley blinked and so much happened in between in the small time I had my eyes closed. Percy had held me close, whispering softly to me, saying that it would be alright, that Ron wouldn't hurt me anymore. He promised. And now Ron, the one that had beat me down and bruised me, he hides just out of sight. He knows that he can't hurt me anymore, not with how Percy was; the way he is very protective over me, his unspoken feelings clearly written all over him. I am precious to him and he loves me.

And with Percy, I feel stronger. I feel like I can dream again. He is taking me to a place I've never been before. I feel like I'm floating 3 inches off the ground. This place, could this be what it really means to be in love? I feel like I'm slowly falling into this place of love. I want to go there, I want to be engulfed in it until I'm completely high in it, and it's such an amazing feeling. I was scared at first because I've never felt anything quite like this before, not even with Ron. I was scared that I maybe hurt again. I didn't know if I could trust this love, but with the strength that Percy has given me, I am now unbreakable, it's unmistakable. I have to forget the fear, it's just a crutch that tries to hold me back and turn these dreams to dust. All I need to do is love and trust.

I'm sure it will work out perfectly because we are perfect for each other…

like ink to paper.

Chapter 3: Unbreakable- End

Mr. Ink and Mrs. Paper-End

R&R! That you so much for reading! You all make me so happy!