Haha- so it's 4 a.m. I'm sick and wanted to write something~

I apologize for the suckage I haven't written fanfiction in forever!

Disclaimer- I do not own DGM or anything related... unfortunately ):


Sometime Around Midnight

By: ForeverxDrowning

Lenalee laughed and threw her arms around Allen's neck. He looked shocked for a moment, but it wasn't long before he gave her a quick kiss on the lips.


Lavi looked down at his writing utensil which was now in two pieces on the table. He sighed to himself before picking them up and tossing them into the library's garbage can. That had been the third casualty today.

"Maybe you should stop gazing out the window... You might actually get some work done..." Bookman muttered from his seat across the room.

Lavi looked down at what little he had gotten done so far.

"You know what? I think I'll call it a day," He closed his book.

"Already?" Bookman eyed him. "You are getting lazy... You'll have double the work tomorrow,"

"That's fine... I'll get up early,"

Lavi gathered what books he had been working with and headed for the door. Bookman muttered something about him being an idiot, but Lavi wasn't in much of a mood to joke around with his master. He left the library and dragged himself back to his mess of a room. After finding a good place to set his work down, Lavi took a seat on his bed and pulled off his headband.

Letting out a long sigh, Lavi ran his fingers through his hair. His stomach ached as Lenalee and Allen's kiss played back in his head. Oh, how he hated remembering things so well sometimes.

And that wasn't the only memory that came back to pester him.

He could remember last night... when he saw the two of them wandering around holding hands. Last week they had had a picnic, their laughter was so vivid, and Lavi swore he could still hear it as if they were in the next room. Three weeks ago, Lavi had come across them kissing and hugging near the library. That wouldn't have been so bad if they then hadn't tried to talk to Lavi as if everything was still normal between them. Everything had obviously changed once Allen had confessed to Lenalee. It was a sad fact, but the friendship the three of them had, had entirely changed.

Lavi was furious. Mostly, he was angry at himself. He was at fault for the entire situation after all. If he had stepped up first and said something, Allen instead would be in his predicament, and Lavi would be happy. Oh what a selfish man he was.

Allen and Lenalee were his friends, close friends, and here he was getting sick over seeing them together. He knew he should be happy; he actually wanted to be happy! But whenever Lavi thought about it all... knowing she would be in his arms, and would be giving him all her love, that she would be telling Allen how much she loved him. Lavi wanted to vomit.

A knock at the door, startled the red-head.

".. Come in?" He muttered out of habit and cursed at himself once realizing who his visitor was.

"Lavi?" Her voice alone seemed to brighten the dim room.

"Yeah?" He sat up straighter, doing his best to cover any emotion on his face and in his voice.

"What are you doing all cooped up in here? It's such a beautiful day today... you should come outside," She paused. "Allen and I were going to take a walk... we were wondering if you wanted to maybe come with us?"

Lavi cringed at the mention of Allen.

"Thanks for the offer, but I'm not feeling very well. Maybe next time?"

"Not feeling well?" She walked further into the room, and Lavi caught a glimpse of her, more than he wanted to see at the moment. "You're sick?"

"Just tired, mostly," Lavi smiled, meeting Lenalee's gaze. He didn't tense up at all, even though her large, worried eyes caused his heart to beat faster.

She relaxed and nodded. "That's good. Be sure to rest then,"

"I will,"

She smiled at him and Lavi looked down.

"Have fun with Allen," He forced out, biting at his lip.

"Of course," She replied. "But we would have even more fun if you were with us,"

Somehow Lavi didn't buy that. They were a couple... why bring a third wheel?

"Feel better, Lavi" She gave him one last glance before leaving the room.

The door shut, it became dark again, and he listened to her footsteps until they were gone.

"... Feel better?" Lavi lied back on his bed, his head propped up on his hands. "Wishful thinking..."

Lavi closed his eyes, and could see Lenalee's face as clear as day. Smiling, laughing, and as he continued to let his thoughts wander he could see her lying in his arms. He could see himself kissing her, playing with her hair, and holding her close... He could smell her, taste her even.

"I love you," Those words would come from her mouth, and he would press his lips against hers before giving her his reply.

"I love you too, Lenalee.... I always have,"

Lavi slowly fell into unconsciousness, his dreams the only thing comforting him from the reality he already knew so well. Lenalee was all he wanted. She was the one he loved most, the one he lusted after most... And as luck would have it, the one thing he couldn't have.

She will be yours, Lavi. She will be.

Constantly he tried to convince himself of the impossible.

You will have her.

Not a chance.

One day.


Good? Bad? Let me know!

Thank you for reading ^^

~ Hannah