Here we go another story. YAY! Sorry I love to write but anyway Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or Danny Phantom. This is slash. Vlad/Danny.

Danny looked around the resturant he was at. He was looking for his date.

The kid was in fact going on his first date with a guy and that guy happened to be Vlad.

Danny last saw Vlad when they were fighting as their ghosts halfs. Vlad didn't want to fight anymore.

So Vlad ended up kissing him and asking him out instead.

That is why Danny is at an exspensive resturant and waiting for Vlad.

Speaking of him, here he comes.

Vlad sat down across from Danny and said,"Why hello Danny. How are you doing today? My don't you look very nice today."

Danny is shocked from him being so civil but he does recover quickly and replies,"I am doing well today and how are you today? And thanks?"

Vlad laughs and mentions that he is fine and a your welcome. Then he says," Danny most likely you're wondering why I asked you here tonight and most likely why I haven't been chasing your mother lately. Also, I'm sure you'll wondering why I kissed you that night and asked you out on a date tonight."

Danny looks at him and replies,"Yes I have been wondering and asking those questions. It would be nice to have a reply instead of beating around the bush like you usually do." He crosses his arms and waits.

Vlad sighs and says,"Well simply I don't like your mother or love her anymore. I've fallen for you. In other words I love you. I know you're a lot younger then me but I don't care." He grabs Danny's hand and continues."The moment I met you I fell for you already. You were so different then your mother that I actually thought you'd give me a chance if you knew me."

Danny just sits there shocked and doesn't reply but has a thoughtful look on.

Vlad continues,"Yes I know it does sounds weird that I,Valdimir, seem to have fallen for someone at least 20 years younger but I have. I don't have any regrets and I'm hoping you'll give me a chance Daniel."

For once Danny doesn't get upset for being called Daniel by Vlad. In fact he's beginning to like it and is hoping to hear him say his name again.

Danny says,"Give you a chance? You're my enemy." He doesn't remove his hand from Vlad's at all which give Vlad some hope about a relationship. "If I wasn't 18 my parents would be killing you right now and if they didn't know I was a ghost either then you would have been dead the moment you came in. I need to know if you're serious because if you're not. You are so dead. I've had people play with me before and it didn't turn out good in the end. So I'm telling you if you're lying about even one thing you'll break me. I don't want to break anymore I want to heal for once."

Vlad looks at him and says"I can assure I mean every word. I love you for you. I want to heal you and not break you but I want you to be yourself. I don't want you to change. I'm not messing with your heart I promise." He squeezes Danny's hand to reassure him.

Danny smiles and says,"For some reason I believe you. Maybe because you're just like me and a half ghost. Or maybe because I've loved you for while and thought this could olny be a dream."

Vlad just stares at him.

Danny laughs a little and says,"Yeah I know but it's true. I do love you. Now will you just kiss me?"

Vlad smiles band replies,"Of course." He goes over and kisses him.

Danny smiles and says after they pull from the kiss,"Aren't you going to take me home tonight?"

Vlad laughs and calls for the check. After paying he says,"Of course. You're always welcome to my house anytime." He kisses Danny again and deepens the kiss.

Well I'll leave the rest up to you. I think this leaves it to use your imagnation. :) Anyway, Got to go. HeartofaGoddess2009 out. Later!