Author Notes: Thanks to everyone who has read my story and left me a review. I really appreciate it. Please review this chapter too!

Ratings: M



"Stay away...don't...don't come any closer...." Sasuke muttered into the silk sheets upon his bed. "I'm...I'm not afraid of you..." He tossed and turned under his navy comforter. "" THUMP! The raven's body landed hard on the wooden floor.

"Are you okay?" Naruto leaned over the edge of the bed.

"AHHH!" Sasuke scrambled back up against the wall. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm guessing this happened when your mark touched mine." The blond pointed to his back. "Who knew, huh?" He jumped off the bed and began to wander about the bedroom.

"This is all your fault!" The raven padded himself down, thankful that he was still dressed as when he left this morning.

"Don't go blaming me for what happened." Naruto opened the window and drew a deep breath. "But since it did, let's make the most of it."

"How could you be so calm about this?" Sasuke glared at the blond as he stood to his full height. "You've left your home. That doesn't bother you?"

"Not really." Naruto spoke more towards the outside than to Sasuke. "I've always dreamed of spending time with you and now I finally get the chance." He flashed a grin over his shoulder.

"Naruto, you can't just invade my life like this." Sasuke tossed the crumpled blankets back onto the bed. "There are things going on right now that I don't need any distractions from. The reality of things is that you're going back to your grotto right now."

"What's the rush?" Naruto continued to gaze outside. "It's only midday and there's still so much we have to learn about each other."

"Sorry, but that's not happening." Sasuke grabbed a brush off his nightstand and ran it through his ebony locks. "We need to spend time getting you back where you belong, not bonding." His voice trailed off as he found himself staring a little too long at the Aquarion's tanned and sculptured body.

The oceanic paints which spread across the blond's back held Sasuke's interest the most. In fact, its alluring presence seemed to speak out to him telling the raven that it wanted to be touched and caressed in a way that only Sasuke could do. "Hmm...I wonder...."

Out of the corner of his eye, Naruto could see the look on Sasuke's face and he considered it to be very encouraging. "How about you show me around the house?"

"I'm not a tour guide." Sasuke snipped.

"Fine then, I'll just show myself around."

"Wait a minute." Sasuke threw a pillow at the blond. "You're not going anywhere dressed like that."

"Why not?" Naruto looked down at the wrap that hung about his hips. "I'm comfortable like this."

"Just stay there and don't touch anything." Sasuke stepped into a walk-in closet.

Naruto nodded but as soon as Sasuke was out of sight, he dashed over to look at some framed photos that were sitting on a shelf above the bed. "So, she's my competition." He carefully studied the pink haired girl sitting on a picnic blanket next to Sasuke. "She may be pretty, but..." After a few minutes of staring at the happy couple, Naruto's vision stared to focus more on his own reflection. "My face.." he brought a hand up to his cheek and rubbed it. "'s naked. I don't understand, the paint, it only comes off with aquatic mint, but I, I haven't been anywhere near it since I recently met up with Sasuke." He returned the photo back to its correct place, this time noticing his left arm. "My fins! They aren't here either." He checked his other elbow and his legs. "They're gone?! They're all gone!" He panicked.

"What are you getting all hyped up about?" Sasuke drawled as he returned with a stack of clothes.

"Why didn't you say something?" Naruto's voice sounded upset.

"I don't see what the big deal is." The raven pushed the pile into the blond's hands. "You look more like a human now which certainly makes things easier for me."

"I'm glad someone's happy about this." Naruto uttered. "I wanted to spend time with a human, not become one." His voice turned sad. "Now everything that marks me as an Aquarion has disappeared."

"If only I was that lucky." Sasuke leaned in dangerously close and blew across the blond's sensitive finned ears. "You still have these..which poses a major problem." He backed away and then moved to open another drawer. "Add this to your pile." The raven tossed a blue fisherman's hat at Naruto. "Go into the closet and get dressed."

"Gee, don't sound too sympathetic or anything." The blond muttered as he did what was asked.

"I'm not that kind of person." Sasuke leaned against one of the bed posts to wait for the Aquarion.

"Could you at least tell me if the design is still on my back?" Naruto shouted while pulling an orange shirt on.

"It's there." Sasuke answered, his cheeks reddening.

"Hmm, I wonder why some things disappeared and others didn't." The blond furred his brows in thought as he stuffed his legs into a pair of Bermuda shorts. "Hey Sasuke!"

"Now what?" Sasuke raised a brow.

"These clothes are actually quite comfy." Naruto stepped out of the closet.

"Yeah, well, I'm just glad they fit you." Sasuke placed two gym shoes in front of Naruto. "These go on your feet."

"I know that." The blond put them on.

"Well here's something that I'm sure you don't know..." Sasuke began. "'re to wear a hat at all times. Got it?"

"Alright, alright." Naruto sulked. "But I don't like covering my ears like this."

"You'll get used to it." Sasuke eyes traveled up and down the blond's now covered body. "That's a good look for you." He nodded in approval.

"You really think so?" Naruto wrapped his arms around Sasuke in a hug of gratitude. "I've always heard that humans are selfish, but you, you're not. You've given me such wonderful clothes and all I could give you is this." Naruto's lips suddenly latched onto Sasuke's. The contact was soft and warm; giving the startled raven a chance to ease out of his immediate response of shock. Next, the blond used his tongue to coax the raven to open his mouth a little wider, which surprisingly happened without much of a struggle. Naruto then ran his tongue along all parts of Sasuke's moist cavern, happy to discover that this caused Sasuke to emit a small moan. "I like the way you taste." Naruto murmured against Sasuke's mouth. "It reminds me of the outdoors..." He pulled back and placed his forehead to Sasuke's. "...a place I like very much."

"And that's exactly where you're going back to." Sasuke panted out.

"Not this again." Naruto plopped on the bed. "I thought that would have changed your mind about me having to leave." He sulked. "You seemed to like it."

"That's impossible." Sasuke turned away from the blond. "I'm engaged. The only one I should be kissing is Sakura."

"How could you still keep telling yourself that?" Naruto placed his hands behind his head and laid back on the bed. "Oh well," he sighed. "I'll just have to keep waiting until you wake up."

"Hold on a second, you expect one kiss could change things?" Sasuke raised a skeptical brow.

"Why not? Our first time meeting each other changed everything. Why should this be any different?"

"Because....because...." The raven rubbed at his temples in frustration. "Let's go downstairs." He marched out of the room.

"Hey, you didn't answer the question." Naruto chased after Sasuke.


"We found lots of great stuff today." Deidara got out of the Hummer with lots of plastic bags in his hands. "I can't wait to set this stuff up tonight."

"I'm sure your boss will love the décor, especially the singing fish and the plastic starfish lights." Itachi stated sarcastically after kicking the door closed with his foot since both arms carried two, large paper bags.

"Those were great deals! But if Hidan doesn't want to use them, could I keep them here?"

"No way." Itachi flat-lined causing the dusty blond to frown. "Let's get to the house."


"Are you finished yet?" Sasuke stated in an annoyed manner.

"What's the rush?" Naruto glanced up, his cheeks full of little Debbie cupcakes. "I thought people always ate after getting up." The blond was currently seated at the table in the breakfast nook whereas the raven chose to remain standing.

"Isn't it obvious?" The raven grabbed the box of treats and put them back into the refrigerator. "I don't want you here when my brother comes home."

"Sasuke!" Itachi's voice rang out. "Open the back door!"

"Our hands are full." Deidara chimed in.

"So much for plan A." Sasuke sighed in defeat. "Alright, Plan B, if they ask you any questions, let me answer for you."

"But Sasuke," Naruto piped up; however, he was ignored as the raven hastily obliged his brother's request.

"What is all of that?!" Sasuke eyed the bags with a twinge of curiosity.

"Adornments for the club." The dusty blond placed his bags on the table, blocking Naruto from view.

"Neptune's going to be the best looking underwater club for miles."

"You work for Neptune?!" Naruto excitedly jolted out of his chair and then firmly grasped Deidara's shoulders. "How'd you manage that?!"

"I applied." Deidara answered with a wary grin.

"Naruto!" Sasuke pulled the blond backwards.

"What?" Naruto looked from Deidara to Sasuke and then to Deidara again. "He knows Neptune."

"New friend, Sasuke?" Itachi stood beside his brother. "Perhaps you should introduce us."

"Naruto, this is my older brother, Itachi and this is his boyfriend, Deidara." Everyone exchanged hands.

"He's a classmate from school." The raven smoothly lied. "He's also my partner for my thesis paper."

"I wasn't aware that I'd have another guest here over the summer." Itachi looked over the new blond.

"He's not staying." Sasuke reached for Naruto's hand.

"Where is he staying then?" Deidara blocked Sasuke's path.

"But out Deidara. I don't have to tell you anything." The raven shoved past the dusty blond.

"I don't want to leave." Naruto fought back. "It's so damp back home."

"Damp?" Itachi raised a perfectly formed eyebrow. "Where exactly do you live, Naruto?"

"Ummm....." The blond bit down on his lower lip and looked at Sasuke, unsure of how to answer the question.

"Fine, he'll stay here." Sasuke reluctantly came to the blond's rescue. "I suppose it wouldn't feel right to make Naruto walk back home in the dark."

"Hurray!" Naruto embraced the raven in a tight hug.

"He could stay in the den." Itachi headed that way. "It needs to be cleaned up, so I'll tackle that for a bit until we leave."

"Did you tell Sakura that Naruto was coming?" Deidara started to unpack and organize his newly bought items.

"It was kind of a last minute thing, so not yet." Sasuke wiggled free of the blond's over-enthusiastic hold. "Speaking of my fiancée, I wonder where she is?" The raven opened the back door and pushed on the screen door. "Hn." He only caught sight of Razor, his stallion from before, grazing on some grass near the stable. "She must have decided to extend her horseback riding excursion this morning and make a day out of it. Good thing too because with all the fresh air, she's bound to be too exhausted to discuss what happened earlier." He added under his breath.

"Are you guys coming tonight?" Deidara popped open a can of Pepsi.

"Come where?" Sasuke shook his thoughts of Sakura and turned to face the dusty blond.

"Neptune's." The now empty can hit the rim of the recycling bin and dropped in. "I'm the DJ there remember? My boss told me that after doing such a great job last night, that I could get my friends in for free tonight."

"We have to go, Sasuke." Naruto replied cheekily. "It's rumored that Neptune's hidden grotto is the most wondrous thing anyone could set their sights on."

"Wow!" Deidara's eyes sparkled as he intertwined his fingers with Naruto's. "Neptune's is that famous?!"

"Yep!" Naruto's eyes reflected Deidara's. "Rumor also says that Neptune's servants are the best of the best. Oh please, Sasuke, could we go with him?" Both blonds turned to face the scowled face raven, their eyes large and round, their lips quivering; giving off an overall effect that was between pitiful and pleading.

"What time are we leaving?" Sasuke heaved a heavy sigh.

"8 o'clock." Deidara answered as he and Naruto bounded about like two little kids.

"If Sakura's not back by then, I'll just leave her a note." Sasuke reached for a pen and paper.

"Sure, sure." The dusty blond responded indifferently while pulling Naruto up to his table of trinkets. "So Naruto, which decorations do you like the best?"

"I can't believe I'm going along with this." Sasuke trudged back upstairs to change.


"You can't keep me here!" Sakura angrily bellowed out while gripping the bars before her.

"Temper. Temper." Sai teased as he idly played with a small, glossy black stone which hung from his neck. "That's no way for a damsel in distress to be acting." He lectured while standing in front of her.

"Don't think I'm helpless just because I'm stuck in some medieval cage." Sakura's emerald eyes narrowed as they took in the small size of her iron prison. Luckily it allowed her to stand, but as far as the width goes, she could only take about five steps back and forth. The cage was butted up against the inside of the cavern Sakura was so curious about earlier, she knew this because she could see the beautiful tropical paradise just a few feet beyond the mouth of the cavern. "What do you want with me?"

"Nothing at the moment." Sai strode past the girl until his feet were submerged in the water which bled into his cavern. "I just need to hold you here until I find someone."

"What does this someone have to do with me?" Sakura watched the strange male carefully.

"Let's just say it's my job to keep the numbers." He picked up a small paintbrush that was sitting on a small rock.

"Huh?" Sakura's face was etched with confusion.

"Azzurrio. I summon thee." Sai bent down and drew a variety of symbols on the water's edge.

"What are you doing?" Sakura peered through her bars, hoping to get a better view of what was happening.

"Why spoil the surprise?" Sai took a few steps back. "Just enjoy the show." The glistening water slowly started to rise and then morphed itself into a magnificent, twelve foot beast with the front end of a horse and the back half of a barracuda. Azzurrio's hooves thundered upon the jagged rocks on the cave's floor as its slender, powerful tail splashed viciously in the water. "Calm down, Azzurrio." He sternly addressed the creature. "You are to keep an eye on this human." He gestured to the frightened girl. "No one is to enter or leave my cavern. If that happens, you know what to do." The creature nodded its watery head as Sai dove into the water and disappeared, leaving the beast and Sakura alone.


"Here we are!" Deidara gestured proudly to a three story brick building coming into view. The four man group decided to pile in Sasuke's black pick-up due to the lack of large, or any, parking spaces for that matter around the club. People were everywhere making Itachi extremely bitter as the traffic was stop and go for the next few blocks. The eldest Uchiha, who was dressed in a mahogany shirt and black pants, was at the wheel, while Deidara, who sported a backwards baseball cap, a blue belly top, with a long-sleeve mesh shirt underneath, denim jeans, and gym shoes, was sitting shotgun; leaving Naruto and Sasuke crammed behind them, their styles hidden in the dark. The newly bought decorations were crammed, yet neatly stacked and secured in the bed of the truck.

"I wanna see!" Naruto rolled down the small, side window and gaped at the scene before him. Crowds upon crowds of people made their way to the entrance of the club, which was off-set to the left by a large, man-made waterfall that fell from the top of the building onto a large, sea rock below that was roughly eight feet tall. In bright, neon green lights, was the word, Neptune's, that glowed brightly from its spot, right in the middle of the rock. Two busty mermaids, one a blond with a cerulean seashell bra, the other a brunette with a green seashell bra, sat atop the sign, their mannequin forms posed in sexy positions to match their equally sultry face expressions. "That's weird." Naruto furrowed his brows.

"What is?" Deidara spun around in his seat to look at Naruto.

"Those mermaids." The blond sat back in his seat. "I always thought they were private creatures; preferring a life of solitude among their own kind."

"They're fake, Naruto." Sasuke said flatly.

"Oh." The blond felt a little foolish.

"Hidan's really into theming though sometimes it's a little tacky. Just wait until you see it, you'll think you're really under the sea," said Deidara.

"Wow...." Naruto's eyes grew large.

"Deidara," Itachi gruffed out. "Turn around and keep your eyes peeled for a parking space. It's much more crowded than last night."

"K!" Deidara did a 180 and raised his hand above his brow. "It must be my awesome music that's bringing people here! Oh! There's a spot!" He quickly jumped out and stood in an empty spot next to a small tree; holding it until Itachi maneuvered the truck there. "Alright," Deidara waited for everyone to unload from the vehicle. "Itachi and I are going in the employee entrance due to all these decorations, which means...."

"And just how are we suppose to get in?" Sasuke interjected while crossing his arms over his chest. "I'm not waiting in that obnoxious line."

"I'm was getting to that part." Deidara huffed. "Anyways, you two are to go straight to the front and seek out Sasori."

"Whose that?" Naruto's gaze drifted towards the hustle and bustle.

"He's the bouncer tonight." The dusty blond replied. "Just tell him that you know me and he'll let you in no problem. He's a cool guy like that."

"Oh really?" Itachi cocked a brow.

"He's nothing to be jealous of, Itachi." Deidara looped his arm through his boyfriend's. "We just met yesterday and hit it off pretty good as friends."


"Come on, Sasuke," Naruto raced towards Neptune's. "I can't wait another minute!"


"Naruto!" Sasuke puffed out while jogging, just to keep up with the excitable blond. "Will you slow up?" He placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder as he caught his breath. "The club's not going to close for another six hours."

"I know that. It's just that I'm so stoked to see this place."

"Well, I'm not." Sasuke grumbled.

"Why not?" Naruto scrunched his brows.

"Gee, where to begin?" The raven looked down. "Oh I know," He stated grimly." clothes."

"What's wrong with them?" The blond studied Sasuke from head to foot. The Uchiha was wearing a black vest, with no shirt underneath, black cargos, with a few chains here and there, and a pair of black combat boots. A thick, leather spiked collar adorned his neck while bracelets, complete with silver studs decorated his wrists. A dark gray bandanna covered his head, but still allowed his fluffy ebony bangs free movement. "I don't ever dress like this." Sasuke frowned deeply.

"Really?!" Naruto was shocked. "But you have such a nice body."

"So I've been told." Sasuke bent down to re-tie his boot, but on the way down, he couldn't help but take a quick glance at the blond. Naruto was wearing a black ski cap, a black t-shirt, loose fitting jeans and dark brown hiking boots.

"What do you think?" Suddenly Naruto's face was right in front of Sasuke's. "Deidara told me to wear these. They're a lot different from the ones you gave me, but I like them too."

"You like everything, don't you?" Sasuke's face held an unreadable expression.

"Would you rather I be moody like you?" Naruto teased before kissing Sasuke playfully on the nose. "Now come on, we have to find this Sasori guy."

"Give me your hand first." Sasuke extended his own.

"Sakura's not going to get jealous?"

"She won't even know about it. Besides, I'm only doing this because I don't want us to get separated."

"Ready when you are!" The blond happily hooked his fingers within the raven's moments before they burrowed into the crowd ahead.