Today our heroes find themselves once again lost in a forest without any real idea of how to get where they are going. In other words, they're lost.

"Oh man," Ash said, "We're lost again!?"

"Yep, sure looks that way to me." Brock said.

"Ash, must you always lead us in the wrong direction?" Misty said sadly, "I mean, why do we all have to suffer from your lousy sense of direction?" she shrugged.

Ash started to get mad. "Are you trying to tell me something?" he asked raising his voice.

"No Ash, I'm not trying to tell you anything, I'm coming right out and saying it! Stop leading us down the wrong path!" Misty shouted.

"Well I'm sorry," Ash replied, "but I want to use the road less traveled."

"Ash, you do know that that was just a metaphor, right?" asked Brock.

"What's a metaphor?" asked Ash in return. Misty then went and banged her head on a tree while Brock put his head in his hands. "Did I say something wrong?" asked Ash and even pikachu looked slightly bemused.

"Ash. Bed. Now!" Misty exclaimed trying to stifle a giggle.

"But Misty, we're not even ready to set up camp and there's still hours of daylight left!" Ash complained.

"Well it is a good place to stop today." Brock countered.

"Humph." Ash said as he went off to find firewood.

"Your friend is very stubborn." commented an old voice from behind them.

"That's for sure." Misty agreed, "Wait a minute," she said after a moment, "Who're you?!"

"I am called many things, but among humans I am known as Bartholomew. You may call me Barty for as long as we know each other." Barty said slowly and deliberately.

Brock turned around to face the elder. "What is one as old as you doing this deep in the forest?" he asked.

"I have come to invite you all over for tea at my house." Barty said.

"That sounds great!" Misty exclaimed. "Thank you sir."

"Find your friend and follow me." said Barty as he left.