Story Notes

SPOILER WARNING: Major and minor spoilers for my other story, Beyond the Borders, Beneath the Skies. Do not proceed yet if you are anti-spoilers and wish to read the other story first. (But I warn you now, I do not know when I will edit and update that story…)

The background for the characters (Dila, Ana, Harry and Vorin) is taken almost thoroughly from my AU Harry Potter story in : "Beyond the Borders: Beneath the Skies." But the story is basically like this: An aristocratic English couple bearing the sirname Kensington (an old Wizarding family) blood-adopted a pair of eight-year-old girls (who became twins by the magical adoption, since their birthdays were the same and they had been born at the same time, and they wished to be twins) in 1984: Ardila (Dila) and Ariana (Ana). The family came across Harry while he was being hunted by his cousin and gang one day before his birthday in July 1990, when he was ten years old, and adopted him, seizing the right of guardianship from the Dursleys for child-neglect.

The story proceeds from that to 1994, in which the Last Battle broke. The seven years of Harry's learning were compounded into 3 (and a year of Horcrux-hunting). Events were otherwise quite similar to HP canon; but Harry's thirst of knowledge did make a difference. (Oh, Dila and Ana were out of school by then, homeschooled by their parents and tutors.) By Prologue's time, the twins and Harry were respectively eighteen and fourteen years old.

Vorin was found and adopted just some months before Harry went to Hogwarts; he had been an urchin before. He was the bastard son of Voldemort and Belatrix Lestrange. Due to the warped nature of Voldemort, he attained some anomaly. The progress of his age was nearly nonexistent; for all aspects, he was a three-year-old with the mind of a (bright) five-year-old, whereas he had lived for more than thirty years old. (He was conceived during Voldemort's first rise to power.)

And here is the short timeline-summary of those more-or-less four years:

1990: The Kensingtons adopted Harry and Vorin; the twins were adopted six years prior. Harry learnt of his parents, his heritages, powers and past. Sirius was released from Azkaban after a trial he had never been given with full apology, and he lived with the Kensingtons afterwards so that he would always be near his godson. Remus came to stay at the same time. Harry learnt about the Wizarding World, Wizarding families and customs, and began to study and train his powers. He befriended many children from Wizarding families then.

1991: Harry's first year in Hogwarts: learning second and third years. (He covered first-year materials pre-Hogwarts.) Quirrel succeeded to go into the chamber holding the Philosopher Stone in Halloween and was killed by the curses and enchantments there. Lockhart taught Defense Against the Dark Arts in the second half of the semester, but the poor marks of the students in the final DADA test saw him out of Hogwarts. Malfoy Manour was searched entirely by a crew of competent agents from the International Confederation of Wizards, and the Hocrux diary of Voldemort was brought to the Department of Mystery to be destroyed. (Word of it reached the Kensingtons and Dumbledore.)

1992: Harry's second year in Hogwarts: learning fourth and fifth years. Umbritch taught DADA because no one wanted the job. She tortured the students in various subtle ways just for the 'fun' of it. Harry learnt his materials mostly in secret, to keep her interest out, and outwardly joined the second-year students. Dumbledore secretly taught Harry about Voldemort's past and about the Horcruxes, since there were dark rumors about Voldemort's rising again.

1993: Harry's sixth and seventh years. Snape taught DADA on Dumbledore's instruction since no one wanted to teach the class still. Slughorn taught Potions. An infiltration attempt by Voldemort and his Death Eaters via an unknown passage in the Chamber of Secrets took his life, as he battled and killed the basilisk before it got out from the broken girls' bathroom in the second floor. Dumbledore and some other teachers died trying to evacuate the students to safety. Hogwarts was not taken, but the Dark had much influence in the teaching staff, via the Ministry of Magic. The second war begun.

1994: Harry, the twins, Ginny, Ron and Hermione embarked on a hunt for Voldemort's Horcruxes in two separate teams which sometimes crossed paths, had additional members, and exchanged members. Vorin stayed with the Kensington couple, and the Kensington Manour became their base of operation. Meanwhile, they tried to encourage the Wizarding World to get out of the shock of Voldemort's sudden rise to power and gather themselves for a defense. During the year, they also trained themselves and other people in fighting, in preparation to end Voldemort's threat once and for all. The Last Battle broke out in May 1994.

The chapter will be mostly in present tense, first person point of view. The point of views are varied, but I cannot spare one for every character, for various reasons. I might manage to contrive something which you wished to see, though, if you requested it; but I am not really sure about that.

Comments will be very much appreciated. This is a revised story, so I hope it works better than the original one. If you wished to comment but could not do so through the site, you could contact me via my E-mail in my profile.

Thank you and happy reading!
