Disclaimer: Don't own Harry Potter but my own ideas

A/n: Sorry for the long wait. Had much to do with final test and holidays were also very busy. But here is a long chapter and i promise i will update more often.

I'm also looking for a beta because i know my english sucks and this is actually just for advancing my english but i dont want you to suffer because of my bad grammar :)

So just send me a pm if you are interested.

I also like revies very much hehe. If i know my story is readable, i'm more motivated to write more =)

Harry awoke the next morning with a strange feeling. He opened his eyes and found himself in a different room. Jumping out of his bed he stumbled over the clothes on the ground and fell. Suddenly the door flung open and someone started laughing. Harry laid on the ground just in his boxershorts tossed with his blanket and a stupid look on his face. The teen on the ground realized then that he was at his cousins house and that his cousin laid on the floor laughing. He got up and shot Liam an angry look, then with a wave of his hand the door closed and he was alone in his room again where he changed into a training outfit.

After the morning work-out they made themselves breakfast and sat at the kitchen table.

„What are you going to do today?" asked Liam Harry.

„Dont know. I could need a bit fun after yesterday. Perhaps I call this girl from last week for a date tonight. In the meantime we could talk about our training."

„Sounds good to me. I haven't opened the letter of my father yet. I wanted to wait until we both could read it together."

„Good idea. Is it okay for you when I go out tonight?"

„Of course. You aren't my babysitter. I think I go to a bar here in the near. Heard they should have some good drinks." Liam smirked at Harry.

„Okay, then that's planned. Where's the telephone?"

„It's in the hallway." Harry stood up and went to the telephone where he called Jamie.

After three rings a female voice answered. „Hello?"

„Hey, it's Harry. Can you remember me? You helped me last week getting new clothes."

„Yeah, I remember you but I thought you forgot about me."

„No, can't forget a sweet girl like you. I just had a lot of things to do." Harry heard her gigle at the other end.

„So, I called you because I wanted to asked whether you want to go to a restaurant with me tonight."

„Really? Yes, I want to, Harry. That's nice."

„Cool. Wanna meet at 7pm?"

„Yes, that's good for me. My workship ends at this time. Where shall we meet?"

„I just pick you up at work, alright?"

„Okay, see you tonight."

„See you, bye." Harry hung up and went back to the kitchen smiling from ear to ear.

„Stop smiling like that is your first date." said Liam mockingly.

„Actually that IS my first real date."


„Yes. The one before was just a catastrophe."

„You have to tell me later about that. Let's read the letter now."

Liam pulled out the letter, opened it and read out loud:

Dear Son

When you read this I will be dead and you are probably in England and claimed your Inheritance. At first I want to say that I'm proud of you. Everything in this letter I couldn't tell you because of a curse Albus Dumbledore put on me. But here I will explain:

For a few years I had a cousin in England. His name was James Potter. That is also our real surname: Potter. At this time there was war in England. A wizard named Voldemort fought with his soldiers against Dumbledore. They both hated each other. But Dumbledore didn't wanted to fight on his own and so used other people for his plans.

The Potter line are descendants from a very old and powerful vampire clan. We are called Tabuns because we aren't vampires but have some special traits. Because Dumbledore thought we could be good little pawls in his game he manipulated us in joining the order of the Phoenix, a group who fights against Voldemort. The situation became worse and we lost friends and companions. At this time Voldemort wanted more than just fight Dumbledore, so he started to „clean" the wizarding population from muggleborns. James wife, Lily, was one and after she got pregnant, James stopped to fight and they went into hiding. Dumbledore took that as an advantage for capturing the Dark Lord and made a false prophesy about their son, Harry. It said that Harry is the only one that can bring Voldemorts downfall. Snape, a spy from Dumbledore went to Voldemort and told him this so that Voldemort will go after the Potters.

James used the Fidelius on his house and they made Peter Pettigrew, one of his best friends, secret keeper. Just me, Sirius, James best friend, Dumbledore, Lily and James knew who the real secret keeper was. Everyone else, also their other best friend Remus Lupin, thought it was Sirius Black. Dumbledore told them it would be obvious that James would make Sirius secret keeper and that it would be a great feint. But Albus knew that Peter was a traitor and actually a servant from Voldemort. So it was that Peter went to Voldemort, told him the location, Voldemort went on Halloween '91 to Godric's Hollow, killed James and Lily and wanted to kill Harry but because of an ancient charm, Lily put on him and her sacrifice, he survived the killing curse which rebounded and killed Voldemort. Sirius came shortly after that to their house and saw his best friend dead.

He went after Peter, but Peter blew up the street, cut himself a finger and ran, changed as a rat, away. Sirius got arrested although he was innocent and went to Azkaban. Dumbledores plan went better than he hoped but he knew Voldemort would come back again, so he put Harry to Lilys manipulated sister, who abused him.

That is the last thing I know. A few days after Halloween, after I wanted to claim guadianship of Harry, he came to me and put a curse on me that prevented me to speak about it and sent me to America where a friend of him was. This friend made it clear that he would harm you if I would try to ran away.

When you read this I hope it isn't too late. Find Harry and if Voldemort is back at this time, start training, but also have fun. Voldemort is a powerful enemy, and so is Dumbledore, but there is a way to defeat them. In Hogwarts is a special library. It's very well hidden and only the heirs of the Tabuns can open it. A legend says that in there is something like a map that shows you the way to a weapon that kan kill every demon and evil creature on earth. You have to find this weapon to defeat them.

I hope you have success. Stay safe and take care of yourself and Harry.

In love,

Your father

It was silent in the kitchen. Both had mixed feelings about that piece of information.

„That explains much." said Liam with a thick voice.

„Yes, and it makes me to want to kill them both so much more. That's unbelievable."

„Yeah, Harry, but we have to think clearly. Father says, we have to find that library so we can find the weapon. Do you have any idea where the room is?"

„No. Never heard that something like this exist."

„Hmm, okay. Let's just look for it when we're in Hogwarts. How shall we train until then?"

„I thought Dudley can teach us street fighting and there's a dojo a few blocks away. We could go there one day, then do street fighting with Dudley,and then a day off. In that pattern we can learn effective what we need. On the afternoons we can read and learn new spells, and in the evenings and on the day off we can have fun. When we're at school again we can start training with swords and daggers."

„That's better than the pla i had. It should work perfectly."

„I know that this is a great plan. It's my plan." smirked Harry.

„But I think we should also do some muggle studies like languages, chemistry, biology, physics and math. It helps us in potions, healing and arithmancy." added Liam.

„I don't know any arithmancy. And neither Runes."

„That's a proplem. They are important subjects. Write to your school that you want to take those subjects and I bring you up to date, okay?"

„Yes, okay. I just hope that this will work."

„It will."

„But how do you know muggle studies will help us?"

„In my old schools in California they teach them with the magical subjects. For example potions and healing. If you know how your body works its more difficult to understand potions and the art of healing. Those schools also aren't boarding schools like Hogwarts. School starts at 8am and you go home at 3pm. America is more involved with muggles that England is."

„Wow. That sounds much better than here."

„It is. Here I think no pureblood wizard knows how electricity works. The wizards in America don't have candles anymore. They also use electricity."

„Cool. So, what languages do you think are useful?"

„I can speak english, german, latin, and spanish. You're very intelligent and a fast learner, so I think in a half year you can speak them too. Don't look like this." Liam added at Harrys unbelievable face.

„Okaay, if you say so. Let's talk about an other subject than learning. What can we do in our free time? How does american people use their free time?"

„I used to go to the skate park, play guitar and bass guitar, watching films in the cinema or go to McDonalds."

„You can skate? I always wanted to do this since Dudley got a skateboard to his 10th birthday."

„I can teach you if you want. We could go to the skate park tomorrow with Chase and Tyler." „Sounds great!"

They talked more about holiday plans until it was time for lunch and they went over to the Dursleys to eat there and to ask Dudley whether he has time on the dates they made up. Then they went over to the dojo to get registered and to set up a time table with Karate, Judo oder Aikido. They decided to learn how to fight with daggers and a sword at Hogwarts in the room of requirement.

At 6pm Harry took a shower, shaved and put on a jeans and a black button-up shirt where he left the last three buttons open to show the white t-shirt under it. Then he styled his hair so that it looked systematically unruly and put on his new sunglasses and black shoes. He took his purse and apparated to a near deserted alley. Gladly he learnt it in one of his morning work-outs. He found it relatively easy to apparate but thought it came from his wandless abilitiy. He still had 10 minutes to pass but he thought better earlier than late. He went to the store and waited there. At 7pm Jamie came out and when she spotted Harry she went over to him.

„Hi Harry."

„Hey, Jamie. Long time no see. You look amazing." he said as he hugged her. She wore a short jeans which ended at her knees and showed her long thin legs and a green summer shirt. Her long black hair fell over her shoulder. She giggled.

„Thanks, you too. Where do we go now?"

„Do you like Spanish food?"

„Yes, that's my favorite food."

„Good, there's a fine restaurant here in the near."

„Then let's go."

As they walked down the street Harry took Jamies hand in his and she smiled an adorable smile at him. They talked about her job all the short way to the restaurant. As they were seated at a two-seat table, and looked up the menu, he asked.

„So, what do you want? Shall we order a few tappas first?"

„Yes. I thought about the Tortillas de Patatas next. You?"

„I thought about Chilli con carne with rice. Do you want wine?"

„Okay. Sounds good."

Then the waitress came over and they said what they wanted. The wine came shortly after and the tappas too. As they were eating they talked about their life.

„So, where do you live?" asked Jamie.

„I live with my cousin in a little suburb. Across from us lives my aunt, uncle and other cousin. But for the most part of the year I am at a boarding school in Scotland where my parents went."

„Why don't you live with your parents?"

„They're dead."

„Oh, I'm sorry. I hadn't known this." She looked really sorry but he waved it away.

„They're dead since I'm one. But what about you?"

„I live here in London in a small apartment with my best friend. I work at this shop to earn money for univerity."

„What do you want to study?"

„I thought about fashion design."

„Sounds cool."

„Yes, I always loved drawning and making my own clothes."

„Have you made your shirt you're wearing, too?"

„Yes." She looked down at her green summer shirt.

„It looks amazing on you. Great work."

„Thanks, Harry." she smiled one of her cute smiles.

At this time the waitress brought them their main meal and they chatted animatedly through the whole meal. When they finished they meal they just sat there and looked each other deep in the eyes, now and then taking a sip of the wine. Suddenly Harry felt something slid up his leg. It was Jamies leg which slowly moved Harrys leg up. She smiled at Harry who looked at first surprised, then smiled back with a contented look. When her feet made the way up Harrys inner thigh he put his hand under the table and touched her leg. He made the same and moved his hand up Jamies leg and they just looked each other in the eyes with a somewhat hungry gleam in the eyes. Harry came back to his senses when her feed got in contact with his private area and he almost moaned out loud. When she saw that she giggled and pulled her leg back.

„Shall I pay and walk you home?" he asked innocently.

„Good idea." Harry paid and they walked the short way to her apartment. In front of the door she stopped and turned around to him.

„I know with you going to a boarding school in Scotland and me going here in London to Univerity that a relationship will never work."

„Yeah, I know. But it was a fun evening."

„Yes, it was. But hey, I have just one life and I want to live that. So, wanna come upstairs?" Harry knew what this look and the smile meant and he readily agreed. When Harry thought the evening was fun, then now he thought it was nothing against the night.