Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road/ Time grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to go/ So make the best of this test, and don't ask why/ It's not a question, but a lesson learned in time/ It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right/ I hope you had the time of your life- Good Riddance/Time of Your Life: Green Day.

In the weeks that followed, Katie kept expecting Alicia to turn up and tell her that she and George had broken up. In fact, it was not until the end of March that Alicia finally banged on Katie's door with a smile and declared that for the first time in over four years that she was a single woman.

"How's George?" asked Katie.

Alicia shrugged. "Relieved I think." She said honestly. "Seriously Kate, I think if we hadn't have ended it now, we'd still have been plodding along together in ten years time. We'd be fine, but not happy. We can follow our own paths now."

"And your path is...?"

"Undecided." She said firmly.

The next few months passed in a blur for Fred and Katie. Katie was writing essays and studying for her exams- something which made her schoolfriends do a double take, as her preferred method at Hogwarts had been cramming the night before- and Fred and George seemed to have a huge burst of inspiration, and were churning out new products left, right and centre. Before they knew it, it was May and Fred had become an uncle for the first- but my no means last- time.

Katie and Fred went with George to visit Bill and Fleur. The twins both held their niece with ease, but then the moment that Katie had been dreading arrived: it was her turn to hold the baby.

"Here you go, Katie," beamed Bill "Meet Victoire."

Awkwardly, Katie held Victoire and stared into the baby's blue eyes with something close to fear.

"She won't bite Kate." said Fred, looking amused.

"I take it you two won't be next then."smirked George.

"Not when Katie reacts with this amount of terror, no."

"This time last year you were facing Death Eaters without a hint of fear, but put a baby in her arms and she freaks out-"

"Shut up." She held the baby back out to Bill. "Here's your daughter- I don't want to break her..."

The twins burst out laughing. They were still teasing her as they left the hospital to head to Hogwarts.

A ceremony had been planned to mark the one year anniversary since Voldemort's defeat. A memorial had been put up with the names of those who had fallen in battle, as well as those who had died before it.

Katie was standing staring at the tiny patch of the stone with the name Rachel Carlisle, when she sensed someone walk up behind her.

"Hey," It was Leanne. Katie said nothing, just pointed at Rachel's name.

"I know." Leanne said softly. "Hazel nearly bust a gut when she saw it."

"Why?" Even to her own ears she sounded resigned. ""We made our choice and we've got to accept that people are going to think of her as a war hero."

She was surprised to find that she didn't feel the familiar swoop of betrayal and anger in her stomach. Maybe she was starting to accept it.

"There's another thing." said Leanne, in a lower voice. "Have you seen Hazel recently?"

"No," with effort, Katie turned from Rachel's name to face her best friend. "Why? What's up?"

"Nothing." Leanne said quickly, glancing away. As she did so, Katie could swear she heard her mutter "That I can prove."

Katie frowned. "Where is- oh."

Hazel was chatting with Lee a few hundred metres away, wearing a long loose dress.

"Look at her."

Katie shrugged. "So she's wearing a loose dress instead of something skin tight. Maybe she realised how inappropriate most of her wardrobe is for a memorial ceremony. Maybe she's growing up a bit."

"Oh, she's growing all right." said Leanne tightly.

"And...okay, she's put a bit of weight on." Katie conceded. She looked at Leanne who widened her eyes. The light dawned on Katie and she sharply turned her head to examine Hazel more sincerely.

"Leanne, that doesn't make her pregnant."

"I heard her be sick the other morning."


"I caught her looking at baby clothes."

"Her cousin just had a baby."

"She's given up smoking!"

There was a pause. Katie narrowed her eyes and squinted. Was there a bump hidden underneath that dress?

"She can't be." She definitely could. "She can't be. Is she?"

"I don't know." Leanne looked as though she was about to cry. "She won't talk to me about it, and we had a huge row when I brought it up. She hasn't spoken to me for a week."

"Okay," said Katie decisively "Hazel and I are going for a catch up by the lake."

She made her way over to Hazel and Lee. "Hey guys."

"Hey Kates." Lee hugged her "How's uni? Lots of booze, I hope?"

"You're an alcy." She told him bluntly, and he laughed. "Not yet Katie, not yet." He winked, and disappeared into the crowds.

"God, I haven't seen you in so long." Hazel said linking arms with Katie as they began to walk. Katie steered them gently towards the lake.

"I know! Too long. How have you been?" asked Katie "You look great, though, love the dress."

Hazel rolled her eyes. "Thanks. At least you're not telling me I look fat, like Leanne did."

"She did?"

"Yep. Well." Hazel paused "Not in so many words. But she does think I've put weight on."

They stopped by a bench and sat down. "She told me you'd quit smoking." Katie said causally "I mean, most people put on weight when they stop, don't they?"

"Exactly," nodded Hazel, "but trying telling her that."

"I will." said Katie "In fact, I'll do it now, she's on her way."

Hazel glared at Katie and tried to stand up, but Katie pulled her down. "You bloody well planned this ambush." She hissed.

"Yep." Katie said unrepentantly. "I want my friends to get on with each other. And she just wants to know that you're okay."

"Oh, peachy." Hazel said sarcastically.

Leanne stood slightly sheepishly in front of Hazel. "We just want the truth, Hazel."

"And whatever you say, we'll believe you." added Katie.

"Hazel." Leanne took a deep breath "Are you pregnant?"

Hazel gaped at them. "Am I what now?" she sounded both shocked and amused, but neither of them seemed convinced. So they waited.

The silence deepened. Hazel looked from Leanne to Katie and back again, before dropping her gaze to hands and admitting "Yes."

Fred was in the hall with George and Lee and a drink each, discussing Potterwatch. Obviously there had been no more broadcasts since the Battle of Hogwarts, but they were enjoying the reminiscing.

"Excuse me." The three of them looked up to see a Hogwarts student with a shiny Head Girl badge on her lapel, fiddling with her robes. "I'm sorry- I could hear you talking- are you really River from Potterwatch?"

"That's me." grinned Lee. "Were you a frequent listener?"

"Yeah," she smiled "I actually just wanted to say thanks- it saved my sanity last year. I was in hiding with my Mum, and we didn't know where Dad was, or if he was- well, you know, until he got a message to us via the show. Plus," her smile got broader "You also kept me from wasting away with boredom..."

Lee stood up. "Can I buy you a drink?"

"Typical Lee." George said, shaking his head as Lee lead the girl away "He just can't help himself can he?"

"Congratulations, guys." Hazel said bitterly. "You two are the first to know. I haven't even told the father."

"I think you need to, Hazel." said Leanne gently.

"I would but..." she trailed off "This is the worst bit...I'm not even sure who it is."

Katie and Leanne exchanged awkward looks, both trying to make sure they didn't look as if they were judging.

"It's either Jake," Hazel said "Or..."

"Or...?" prompted Katie.

Hazel whispered the name. Katie gawped. "What?"

Hazel sighed. "Or Lee."