Authors Note: The conclusion!

It ended up being a little after nine o'clock at night when Bebe and Wendy got to Kenny's house. Bebe walked right up and knocked on the front door while Wendy stood next to her. Kenny eventually opened up the door.

"Kenny!" said Bebe, throwing her arms around him. They quickly embraced and started making out. Instead of letting them have at it for a minute or two before breaking them apart, Wendy immediately stepped in to separate them. After a brief struggle Wendy succeeded.

"Bebe, you're supposed to ask him a question, remember?" said Wendy.

"Oh, right." said Bebe. She took a deep breath and then slapped Kenny across the face. "Why didn't you tell me you fucked me!?" yelled Bebe angrily.

"Ow-" said Kenny before Bebe slapped him again.

"Didn't you realize I was drunk that night!?" Bebe yelled even louder, her voice starting to shriek. "I'm pregnant now because of you!!"

"What!?" Kenny managed to say before Bebe slapped his face again. Wendy was able to grab Bebe's arm before she could slap Kenny a fourth time. Kenny put his hand up to his reddening cheek and touched it lightly. His face winced ever so slightly when he did. He looked in disbelief at Bebe, whose nose flared like an enraged bull. Then he looked at Wendy hoping she could clarify.

"What Bebe meant to ask you was: what happened the night of Clyde's party after you came home?" said Wendy calmly. Kenny blinked rapidly several times to hide the fact his eyes were tearing up.

"Why don't you guys come on inside and I'll, uh, explain." said Kenny, sounding weak.

"I'd rather you just explain right here." said Bebe.

"Bebe, please. Let's just go inside and sit down with Kenny." pleaded Wendy. Bebe sighed.

"Fine." Bebe said as she stepped inside, making sure she didn't touch Kenny as she went by him. Wendy followed her in and Kenny closed the door behind them. After standing in the living room for a few awkward seconds Kenny gestured for them to have a seat on his couch. Bebe decided to sit down at the far end of the couch. She sat down in a huff, crossing her arms and legs and leaning back against the armrest. Wendy sat down next her, leaving Kenny to sit at the other end of the couch. Wendy knew instantly that she was sitting in between Kenny and Bebe-a position that was normally impossible with the two of them. At that moment, however, Wendy felt it was the right place to be.

"You came by around 11 that night…" started Kenny.

Friday, August 30th, 11:00 PM

Kenny had just closed the front door and he and Bebe were making out as if they were possessed by love demons. Bebe was so horny she was acting as if the world was about to end. The force with which Bebe was grinding against Kenny's body caused him to back into things. First they ran into the bookcase, then the coffee table, finally the lamp-which fell over and broke. Eventually Bebe guided him toward the stairs, hoping he would walk up them and take her to his room. Instead he fell backwards onto them and Bebe fell right on top of him.

"Maybe we could make out somewhere more comfortable." said Kenny, despite having Bebe's tongue in his mouth.

"Like where?" said Bebe, despite having her tongue in Kenny's mouth.

"Bed?" suggested Kenny.

"Bed!" said Bebe. They toned down their making out enough to get up the stairs and into Kenny's room as fast as possible. Bebe ran inside followed Kenny, who immediately closed the door behind him. As soon as he did Bebe slammed him up against the back of the door and kissed him wildly, a gesture he instantly reciprocated. Bebe peeled off Kenny's shirt and began rubbing her hands all over his bare chest and highly toned abs. Kenny quickly unbuttoned Bebe's shirt and disposed of it, allowing his hands to run freely across her upper body. He barely had a moment to think about whether or not to remove her bra before Bebe pushed him down onto his bed. As soon as he was down Bebe was lying right on top of him taking off his belt.

"Wait a minute, Bebe" said Kenny with a hint of concern "Are you…exactly how much did you drink?"

"Yeah yeah yeah, we agreed not to go all the way, I know." said Bebe quickly. She then started giving him a series of slower, more loving kisses "But (kiss) I've never wanted you (kiss) as much as I do (kiss) right now (kiss) and for me (kiss) that's saying a lot." Kenny was internally conflicted. He spent many hours thinking about Bebe and what their first time would eventually be like, but it was never like this.

"Um, that's great and all-fantastic in fact-but, uh...our first time shouldn't be like…this. It just doesn't feel…right, somehow…" said Kenny, trying to convince Bebe and himself. Bebe just smiled.

"It seems to feel right to 'little Kenny'…" said Bebe playfully having just undone Kenny's belt with the help of 'little Kenny'. Kenny smiled.

"Yeah, it always feels right for-hey! What do you mean-it's not 'little Kenny' at all!" said Kenny, getting defensive regarding the use of the word 'little'. Bebe grinned from ear to ear.

"Prove me wrong." said Bebe...

…as soon as she said that I just couldn't stop myself anymore." finished Kenny "I unzipped my pants and pulled down-"

"Ew ew ew OK, I don't need to hear any further details." interrupted Wendy "What happened after…that?"

"Well to make a long story short, eventually you came by looking for her and you took her back to your house." said Kenny.

"Back to my house…" said Wendy with a slight nod "So I guess that's the whole story then…"

"I hope you realize that this is your fault Kenny." said Bebe with conviction.

"Me!?" said Kenny "You were the one who came to my house completely drunk and horny as hell!"

"You were the sober one!" said Bebe, raising her voice "You weren't supposed to let me do anything stupid like that!"

"How could I stop you? You practically held my dick hostage in my own room!" retorted Kenny angrily.

"You could have at least worn protection!" screamed Bebe.

"Or you could have stopped and thought about the consequences of your actions for once in your fucking life!" yelled Kenny.

"ENOUGH!!" shrieked Wendy. Kenny and Bebe stopped and looked at her. Wendy couldn't sit in between their yelling any longer so she stood up and faced them.

"It is his fault isn't it?" Bebe asked Wendy.

"It takes two to tango, ya know." Kenny said to Bebe.

"At this point it doesn't matter whose fault it is." said Wendy in a scolding manner "What matters is what you're going to do about it now." Bebe looked up at her with watery eyes that implored Wendy for support. Wendy looked at Bebe and sighed. "And this time I can't help you."

"What!" said Bebe incredulously "What do you mean you can't help me? You've been helping me this whole time! Tell me what-"

"I can't tell you the answer Bebe!" interrupted Wendy authoritatively. "Not this time. I can't tell you the answer because I don't know what the answer is. Only you do. Both of you." Wendy turned her head to address Kenny too. "You have to do what you think is right. For yourselves, for each other…and for the baby." It was the first time the word 'baby' had come into the discussion. Bebe and Kenny looked at each other, but then quickly looked down at the floor.

"The… the baby…" said Bebe in a barely audible whisper. Her hands slowly moved over her stomach.

"You two have a lot of serious thinking to do, and whatever your decision happens to be-make sure it's yours." said Wendy. She let silence fill the room in order to let her words sink in. "I have to go now." said Wendy softly. Bebe looked up quickly but didn't say anything as Wendy walked over to the front door, opened it, and left, closing it quietly behind her.

Bebe and Kenny were left in silence. They were still sitting at opposite ends of the couch. The mere four feet of empty space between them might as well have been four billion feet. They couldn't remember the last time they were together, yet apart from each other. They were physically separated and emotionally torn, but they were spiritually connected. The second hand on the wall clock was all that seemed to move.


The End

Authors Note: And thus the mystery is solved. I may end up writing an epilogue at some point, but ending it this way closes the story while leaving room for a potential new one…maybe, I don't know. Any and all comments/opinions/rants/reviews are awesome.