"Hey, Hikaru." Haruhi tapped her boyfriend on the shoulder.
"Yeah?" he said, turning his head. They were both lying, still, on the lush green lawn, gazing up at the cloud-blotched azure sky.
"Look at that cloud over there."
"What about it?" he asked, jerking his brow upward.
"What does it look like to you?" she replied.
"Um…a cloud?" he answered. Haruhi sighed. The one time she was trying to be romantic, he didn't get it. What luck.
"No, like what does it resemble?"
"A cloud." He shrugged. "And there's a cloud, and there, and there," he continued, all the while pointing at little white fluffs in the sky.
"But, what does it remind you of?" she persisted. Hikaru simply shrugged again. "Can't you see any shape about it?" she said.
"Nup." He shook his head, messing up his orangey bangs into unruly spikes.
"Agh…come over here. Come lie closer to me," she said, patting the area next to her petite frame. He shuffled over to her side, blushing slightly at the extreme proximity.
"Alright, now do you see anything?" she persevered, nudging him gently.
"Uhm…nope." He looked a little embarrassed, like you do when you forget your homework.
"Hik– oh, whatever. It's supposed to look like a heart," she deadpanned.
"A heart? Really? From here it looks like a hamburger."
And to this day, Haruhi has never tried to cloud-watch with Hikaru again.
OK, I know this is really short, but I just thought of it during Science class. Please review if you can!