DISCLAIMER: House belongs to FOX. The song "Please Be Here" and all lyrics belong to The Loved Ones.
-- Please Be Here --
I know your scars start to feel more sore
On nights like this where I can't bear to face
The fact that I'm not sure which road makes sense to take
He tormented her with his words, just as he always did.
"You'd make a great mom."
He always knew the right place to poke a sharp stick. Unfortunately for her, he never seemed to be able to hold himself back from using the knowledge to poke said place with the metaphorical sharp stick.
Like right now.
Why couldn't he just say what he really wanted to say? Why did he always have to take the hurt-others-before-they-have-a-chance-to-hurt-you approach when feelings were involved?
I know you're tired of feeling like we're under the gun
Just hold on tight my lonely one
And then they were kissing.
It felt wonderful. It felt right.
Too soon it was over, and he was out of her arms again. He was leaving.
This isn't quite what you bargained for
I know it stings to always prop up on someone whose own
Selfish heart seems to be the one that's beating
"Stay," she cried, going after him and catching hold of the back of his coat. "Stay."
He stopped walking. But he did not turn toward her.
"Stay," she pleaded, tears streaming down her face. "Stay. I need you."
But we would die if we just keep score
Just give me time I know it feels like you've put
Everything on hold but I swear I'll make this right
Then he turned and opened his arms to her and she collapsed into his embrace. She buried her face against his shoulder and sobbed.
"What do you want me to do?" he asked helplessly.
"Just stay."
Heaven knows I need you here
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