Disclaimer: I own no one.

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The Five Worst Days of My Life


1. Lily packed her bags, and left for Hogwarts. And that was that, my little sister, my best friend, had just packed up and walked away. Professor Dumbledore refused my pleading letter to get into Hogwarts, and that Snape boy had basically told me I was worthless because I was something called a 'muggle'. And now Lily, the one person whom I had always confided in, had just took off and left without a second thought. She had gone to join their lot now, and there would be no room left for me in her life. Even though I kept thinking this, I still had hoped, with all my heart, that when she returned, things would be back to normal again.

2. It was clear the first day of the Christmas holidays that things were not going to go back to the way they used to be. My parents were ecstatic that she had come home for a little while, and they wanted to hear all about the magic she had learnt, and her new friends. She barely talked to me, and when she did, she tried to apologise but I wouldn't have it. This was the path she had chosen, there was no room left for me anymore. I made out that I didn't mind the tiniest little bit, but I always minded. Why should she get to be a witch, and not me? What had she done that was so special? Life would never be the same again for us.

3. When I received the initiation to Lily and James' wedding, I tossed it aside, assuming that I would never feel the need to go to their pathetic little gathering. However, as the day grew nearer and nearer, I was starting to worry myself a little bit. Did I want to go to that freak's wedding? Of course, I kept telling myself that I was being crazy, but I had my doubts. The day of the wedding, I assured myself that I had a million and one other things to do and going to a wedding simply was not one of them. Nevertheless, feeling as though I owed it to my parents, I got all dressed up and I made my way to the wedding. When I arrived, I realised that I was being ridiculous and they were probably laughing at my foolishness. As I turned around to walk away, my fears were realised, "If only Tuney could se me now, eh?" I overheard Lily say as I hid around the corner.

"Too right, Lils. You look beautiful," a male voice I didn't recognise, "A no show then?"

"No. Not that I expected her to come, selfish cow. It would have been nice, though. Oh well, I'm done with her now." I ran straight to my car, not wanting to hear more, drove home, and never looked back. Until now.

4. When I got pregnant before Lily, I was overjoyed. I had finally beaten my sister at something. She could have ten children after me, but nothing would be more special to my parents as their first grandchild. Everyone congratulated me, and I was simply thrilled. But it appeared that I had been wrong. A few months after, Lily got pregnant. My parents were delighted, hoping that there would be yet another little witch or wizard in the family. They seemed prouder of her than they were of me. I was absolutely furious. I was the first one pregnant! I was sure that they would spoil the little brat that Lily had much more than they would ever care for my child. So I made a silent pact with myself that I would make sure that my son or daughter would be as loved as humanly possible.

5. When Vernon told me that Lily had died, I did nothing. I didn't go to her funeral, I didn't put flowers on her grave, I didn't think about her, and I only talked about her if I had to. It may sound awful now, but I was shocked. One weekend, soon after her death, my husband had to go away for a business trip. As soon as he shut the door, I sank to the floor, and I wept. I sobbed until I could sob no more. My sister had been nothing but kind to me over the years, and I just threw it back in her face. All because of one thing, jealously. Jealously had taken over my life, and made me be so cruel to my sister. The last time I told my sister that I loved her was when she was ten years old. She asked me whom I loved most in the world, and I told her, truthfully, that it was her. That was it. She probably grew up all those years thinking that I hated her, but I didn't. I may have been angry with her, jealous of her, some days I felt like I would be happier if she were gone, but I never hated her.

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