A/N: I felt the need to write this after seeing Ronnie's Excecution Episode. It was so sad and I felt his story needed to be told, so here it is. I know in the episode, Ronnie couldn't write but for the sake of my story, let's just say he can. Also, I do not own 21 Jump Street and for the sake of a rant, I wish season four was on itunes so that I could watch that episode whenever I want. It always brings tears to my eyes!

The Seabrook Chronicles:

Because I Couldn't Come up With a Better Title

I don't even know why I am writing this, no one is going to read this anyways but maybe some poor loser along the line might get bored and pick up a copy and say "hey, what the hell; why not?" Honest, I don't care rather or not someone reads this; I just knew I had to write it. There's only a few more weeks left before they stick me with the needle and it'll all be over. The doctors that visit say that I am writing this to reflect upon my life. I say I'm writing this because what the hell else do I have better to do as I sit and rot in waiting for my big debut in the chair.

Anyways, I guess I should start at the beginning. Hi there, I'm Ronnie Seabrook and when you read this, if you read this, I'll be dead. That's right, dead as a doorknob. I guess I can't say I don't deserve it. I really did. I did some awful things in my life and I suppose I deserve what's coming. Anyways, I figure if I aint gonna be doing anything else in this cell, I might as well write about myself. Not that it means anything or nothing. Honestly, even if someone read this, I don't know why'd they'd want to. I'm Ronald Anthony Seabrook and this is my story, the story that deserves to be told.

The story that no one will read.