Shout out to the wonderful Kittyb78 for her drabble. I shall work on the full story behind it soon



The one word snaps Lauryana out of her thoughts, and she turns her head to look at him. He had that look on his face again. The one she both feared and loved. It was a look of lust and tenderness. Tenderness that didn't usually come out when he took her. Studying her form for the painting had probably gotten him aroused. Suzaku strode over to her and smirked. "Drop the bone, and undress."

The tone of his voice indicated he wanted it done as soon as possible. Lauryana swiftly dropped the bone from her mouth, got out of her clothes and returned to her position on all fours. He hadn't said she could get onto her feet yet. The saint beast undresses as well and leans over her, put his hands on her hips, and leans over her body.

"You have such an amazing body. Know that?" he murmurs silkily in her ear. "I love all the things I can do to it.", then with a powerful thrust roughly entered her. Lorry let out a yelp of pain and then whimpered as he started pumping in and out of her. He was being too rough. It hurt. Suzaku continues his assault, nibbling on her neck as he took her, loving the soft cries of pain she made. He demanded complete submission from his pet. She was his and his alone.

"Whom do you belong to?" he asks.

Lorry gasps as his teeth nip her neck "Ah! You! I belong to you!"

Another question, "And who am I to you?"

She yelps at a particularly harsh nip. "My Master! Master Suzaku!"

The admission pleased him. He fondles her breasts and nuzzles her neck, making a slight effort to make his thrusts gentler. Lorry whimpers again, this time in need. She could feel her desire coiling in her belly, and it tightened with each thrust. Suzaku bites her neck again, the sudden pain causing her to moan in pleasure. Suzaku smirks and continues to nip and nibble her neck as he pounds into her.

"Suzaku..." comes her low moan. The demon in question runs his fingers gently down her sides, caressing her body as he thrust into her, loving the sound of his name on her lips

Slowly his thrusts grow faster and his pet moans again. Lorry couldn't help it. She was growing more aroused with each passing second. A few more thrusts sends her over the edge, and she lets out a loud yell as she climaxes. The feel of her muscles clenching around his shaft triggers Suzaku's release. He groans her name as he cums, then collapses with her.

They lay there panting on the floor and Lorry yawns. He had completely exhausted her and she wasn't sure if she could follow another command. She could barely keep her eyes open.

Sensing this, Suzaku sighs and takes the collar off, then picks her up and carries her to their shared bedroom. As she falls asleep in his arms, he smiles softly, wondering anew at how patient she was, at how well she put up with his demands, and at how kind and gentle she was. She was truly one of a kind. Reaching the bed, he sets his pet down and lies down next to her, wrapping his arms around her body and pulling her close.

As the human curls up against his chest, Suzaku thinks back to when he had first met her.

Another idiotic hunter had met his end in the castle. This one had gotten farther than most, if only because Bayako had complained that Genbu always got the intruders. It wasn't a big deal for Suzaku. He was content to watch the show. However, Bayako had reported that he had smelled the scent of another human, not the one he had just eaten, and a female at that. Apparently, she had snuck past the battles and had moved further on, finding hidden passages to get her past the dangers, and almost getting to his domain.

The phoenix had thought it was irritating to have to go find the runaway human, but had gone searching for her anyway. He had found her on the platform that lead to his tower. She had golden blond hair, like his own, and a well-formed body that had the most delicious curves. She was attired in a shirt and jeans that fit snugly to her body. The human was watching the sky, and apparently didn't hear him. Curious, he had approached slowly, and watched as her face would light up in delight and wonder every time a lightning bolt flashed. As he drew nearer, she had turned to face him, revealing bright blue eyes, smiled and commented on how wonderful the weather was.

He had looked up at the sky as well. "…Yes… it is nice."

When he had turned to look at her again, she was once more staring at the sky. "We don't get much in the way of weather where I live. It is mostly sunny from spring to fall, and since there is currently a drought we are lucky to get much rain in the winter time."

'Strange human' Suzaku thinks to himself, and asks "So you like rain?"

"I like any kind of weather, especially if it isn't just sun. Granted I do like warm weather, but I've see too much of it during the year to really like it. Out of them all, I like lightning the best. There is something special about it. I think it is because it is the one type of weather that leaves the best impression. You only see it for a second or two, but the image is burned into you mind for a lot longer. That and because it has little to do with water, with the slight exception of the clouds it arrives in." came the long answer

Suzaku was slightly amazed. He had rarely thought about lightning, unless he was working out a new type of attack or determining how much damage he wanted to cause. In fact he mostly took his powers over lightning for granted. It was surprisingly nice to hear a fresh viewpoint on something that he saw so often. As he watched the human, he marveled at how she could be so awe-struck by such a simple thing. She was only seeing the lightning that was caused by his excess demonic power. She hadn't even seen what he could do with lightning, and was already amazed.

This human was an enigma to him. Most of the humans who entered the castle only thought about battles and power. They issued challenges right off, and didn't stop to look around them. A pity really. Maze Castle was carefully constructed, and he personally liked the architecture of the place. But this human had stopped to look around, which was probably why she had found her way out here without being confronted by anyone.

She wasn't a fighter, which peaked his curiosity as to why she was here.

"How did you get here, if you don't mind me asking? You don't seem much of a fighter." He asks

She turns to him again and, to his astonishment, gives him a respectful bow. "You are correct M'lord. I am not a fighter. I am more of a healer, and I made my living as a singer. Not fighter material at all. In truth, I didn't even come here voluntarily. That man, who I assume has been killed by now, dragged me here to use as a distraction, as bait."

The pheonix demon smirks. "He was quite an idiot if you were able to escape him that easily."

The blond haired human nods "He was. Once he caught a glimpse of… that tiger, uh… Byakko, he forgot all about me and ran off to fight."

"Oh! I'm sorry. I didn't introduce myself. I'm Lauryana. Though people call me Lorry for short." She adds with a slightly sheepish look on her face.

Suzaku smiles and walks over, placing an arm around the waist as he starts to guide her inside to his home. "My name is Lord Suzaku, and I am the ruler of this Castle. I'm guessing that you found one of the servant's passages. You would have had run into the other three, Seiryyu, Genbu, or Byakko if you had taken the usual route. You are extremely lucky you found it."

They had walked up to his rooms, where he had said she could stay. He had been as kind to her as possible, trying to give her a false sense of security. It had worked, but often he would revert back to his cruel self. That was probably what had caused her to run away. He had brought her back, stripped off her clothes, and had told her that she would have to earn the right to wear them again. That week was one of the best. She had done everything he had demanded, and by the end of the week, they had come to an understanding. He had learned she valued honesty, and so when she had asked that he just be himself and not try to trick her with false kindness, he had readily agreed.

Suzaku smiles at what had happened next. He had taken her, pouring as much of his passion and kindness into the act as he could. Finding that she was a virgin made it easier. He had a personal belief that a woman's first time should be special, filled with gentle emotions.

Their bond had become stronger then, and the following years had been rather free of conflict. He was pleased that she was naturally submissive. It made things easier.

The Saint Beast nuzzles the neck of his pet, his friend. She was both lovely in spirit and in appearance. As he drifts off to sleep with Lorry in his arms, he muses to himself once again that she was his treasure, a treasure that he would guard with his life. He would have to show her how much he appreciated her sometime.