
This is what happens to the Cullen's one hundred years from when Breaking Dawn left off. Humans found out about werewolves and have killed all of them, including Jacob. Jacob by that time was a part of the family. He was Renesmee's husband and Emma's father. (Emma is third human, third werewolf, and third vampire. One of a kind. Renesmee and Jacob's daughter.) Renesmee was left heart broken, but more importantly one of the werewolves before their death gave away that vampires exist and their descriptions. Sparkle in the sun, pale, beautiful, doesn't eat, and they of course drink blood. At first the humans laughed, but after finding a coven they sent out a warning to the world to contact the police if they suspect anybody. So far because of their diet the Cullen's have been able to escape the people but they still must be very careful, and never give them selves away.

Authors Note

This may be in the future but I don't want to deal with super cool technology, ignore everything. I will be switching perspectives between everyone in the house hold. Edward, Bella, Renesmee, Emma, (who is eight by the way and ages normally) Jasper, Alice, Emmett, Rosalie, Esme, and Carlisle. For a little more back round. Renesmee never wanted to be a mother and unlike Bella she doesn't take to it very well. I am making her a sort of a club girl for these purposes, so she agreed for Emma to be the family's child. Bella didn't like this at all but Rosalie and Esme loved the idea of being her honorary mothers. Bella and Alice serve as her sisters. Jasper and Emmett as her brothers and Edward and Carlisle as her fathers. Confusing I know but live with it, I think it is adorable.

Also I am writing my own book so this comes second. I will get to it when I can sorry! Anyways enjoy!

Disclaimer: SM owns characters and their personalities. She owns the original story line. What I a making out of the characters is all mine :D