Sorry it took so long! But, hey, I've got a new story called "The Lost Race". It's pretty cool. Check it out if you can! ;]



'The Cure'


Isabella Marie Swan

Have you ever seen a color so much it starts to make your eyes hurt? Of course you have. Everyone has. But maybe you wouldn't tell me. Seeing as I have a mental illness. Or, that's what my Psychiatrist says. I think it's stupid. I cut myself a few times and everyone freaks out! I mean, I know it's terrible that I did cut myself but... I'm not crazy. I've just had a few bad things happen to me.

"Isabella, come on." Mrs. Jenny, the Receptionist at 'Dr. Dahlia's Office For Mentally Stressed Kids'. Though, the name was a joke, for Dr. Dahlia was no beautiful flower. His face and hair had been warped by all the hours of work. But, despite his balding hair, he was a nice guy.

Setting down the magazine with images of too skinny women and too expensive cars, I followed Mrs. Jenny. My eyes were burning from all the white when we finally made it back into Doctor Dahlia's consoling room. Today I was doing group service. Which pretty much means I have to share my problems with a bunch of whiny kids.

"Isabella! I'm so glad you came," like I had a choice, but I approached the doctor anyway.

"This is Lucas," he pointed out a lanky boy with too baggy clothes and pants that hung around his thighs. When he saw me his eye's widened slightly, before he just laughed. How old was he? Maybe fifteen. Well, I wonder if he would like to be introduced to my fist.

"And you will be sitting beside Danielle. I'm sure you guys will be best friends!" I scoffed, knowing that was almost impossible. But, I looked over to where he pointed and I saw a girl with small, icy, blue eye's. I raised a brow, sitting down in the large circle. Her hair was bleached blonde. Worse than being a real blonde in my opinion.

"Oh my, God. Why does it have to sit beside, like, me?" Danielle sneered at the doctor. Rolling my eyes, I pushed the hair from my eyes.

"Shut up. Don't get your kitty-bra in a twist. I'm not going to bite... much." I hissed the last part at her, baring my teeth menacingly. She gasped, surprised to see the piercing on my lips I guess. Some people...

"Kitty bra?! I do not wear a kitty bra! If you're the queen of all that is big, what size do you wear, huh?" she growled, noticing my black band t-shirt covered any curves I had. I laughed a little, knowing I definitely had a larger size then this girl. The tight shirt she wore only helped show a slight bulge. But it wasn't up top. She wasn't over-weight. She was just a little pudgy. And the name brand shirt she wore didn't help cover it up.

"I wear a C." I whispered into her ear, chuckling when her eye's bugged and her face turned red. With another laugh, I turned my attention to the Doctor. He was giving Danielle a dirty look. I kind of felt bad. I'm sure she just hasn't grown... out yet. But, some people do need to be punished for their rude behavior. And obviously, she never had been.

"Sorry..." Danielle whispered back to me, her face still a bright red.

"It's alright. Just don't judge right away." I muttered back, watching Dr. Dahlia's face slowly calm. He obviously noticed the tension easing.

"Alright. Let's start by introducing ourselves to each other and telling what we did to have to come here and why." The doctor praised me with a happy smile, nodding his head slightly. "Lucas, you can start."

"My name is Lucas Brown and I brought a gun to school because someone dared me." he smiled proudly, looking at Danielle expectantly. I rolled my eyes. Boys will do anything for a dare.

"Um... like, I'm Danielle Summers and I got into a fight with some bi— girl who was making out with my boyfriend." She told us, her eye's narrowing. Ah, the drama of boyfriends. Can't live with them, can live without them. Or at least I can. But, maybe that's just me. She turned to me, her eye's teary. This boy was obviously important to her. Or was.

"My name is Isabella Swan. But, please call me Bella. I came here because... I— I cut myself." I finished, my eye's burning with tears I told myself I would not shed.

"Isabella, why would you do that?" the doctor asked, looking genuinely concerned. I breathed a sigh, my hands balling in my lap.

"I got tired of other people hurting me, so... maybe I thought it would be better if I hurt myself. It did help, a little." I murmured, embarrassed of the revelation. Lucas rolled his eyes, wanting the attention on himself. Danielle bit into her lip lightly, her eye's growing wide. She scooted a little away from me. I sighed.

"Do you know why these people hurt you? And who did it?" The doctor asked, leaning towards me slightly. I ground my teeth together.

"It was the kids at school. They didn't like me for one reason or the other. I thought if I left Phoenix it would stop." I informed him, rubbing my hands together. This room was too hot.

"And did it?" Lucas asked, raising his eyebrows.

"No. This time was probably the worst. Second to the time some boys broke arm and rolled me into the ditch outside the Police Station where my dad works. Cut me up pretty bad too." I mumbled, rubbing my palms together in hope to remove the clamminess.

"What did they do?" Danielle asked, looking at me, wide eyed.

"Hit me with a wet bag full of ice." I hissed out, embarrassed.

"Why didn't you just run?" Lucas asked, his mouth twisted downward. I took a shaky breath, feeling sick.

"They held me down." I muttered, my eyes finally releasing tears. Hurriedly, I rubbed off the tears and looked at the doctor from behind my shade of hair.

"Well, let's move on. Lucas, what's your favorite hobby?" Dr. Dahlia murmured, his voice low and gravely. His sounded angry.

"Hunting." Lucas replied, trying to be casual. But, I caught him sending a quick glance in my direction. The doctor asked the same question to Danielle.

"Shopping." she responded, running a hand through her hair. Dr. Dahlia looked at me expectantly.

"I'm an artist." I muttered, clearing my throat.

Soon after, it was time to leave. The Doctor gave me a quick hand shake before pulling me in for a hug. I broke down right away, remembering all the times I had been cut and bruised. The days I had to go to school with huge bruises covering my face. And when my dad found me, bleeding and broken outside the police station. I was only thirteen for goodness sake!

"Bella, I'll see you again next week, okay?" The doctor asked, leading me out to the waiting room where the Exit door awaited.

"Yes, sir." I mumbled through my hiccups. Turning towards the door, I was surprised to see Edward, sitting like a king upon my motorcycle. I blinked, waiting for my father to appear in his truck. But, he never did. Because Edward, in the flesh, approached me.

"Bella... how are you?" His voice incased me in honey, almost making me die where I stood.

"Would you mind telling me who you are?" My doctor asked, going into parental mode. I smiled at Edward.

The God in front of me simply wore a designer leather jacket. And, of course, gorgeous black skinny jeans. Tearing my eyes away, I saw Edward looking at me with a crooked grin. I had been caught! My face heated up quickly.

"My name is Edward Cullen, and I am Bella's... friend." Edward's voice was hypnotizing. He beckoned me to him, and I couldn't deny him anything. So, I stepped closer. Staring down at me with a look I couldn't name, he grinned. He was so... crazy. Hypnotizing. Stupid. Perfect. Sweet... gorgeous...

Shaking my head with vigor, I stood beside Edward. He chuckled, lifting his arm so he could pull me into his chest. I barely knew him and he was hugging me! But, as I was about to pull away, I inhaled.

All I could see and feel was Edward. How the leather on his jacket smelled of... I can only identify the smell as 'Edward Cullen'. He was his own. And I couldn't get enough of that smell..

"Bella? Are you alright?" Edward's voice made the fog clear. I gasped, feeling the burn in my lungs. Had I forgotten to breathe? How embarrassing...

"I'm fine. Just a little dizzy." I muttered, putting my hands on Edward's chest. I chuckled at my stupidity, running a hand through my hair.

"Come on, Isabella. Let's get you home. Thanks, Doc!" Edward laughed, helping me onto Bohnam.

It was easy to see I was falling for Edward. But, I barely even knew him. And how could someone as perfect as him love someone like me? But, I gripped his waist as we pulled out of the lot and I pretended. If only for an hour, Edward Cullen was mine.


What did you think? Sorry for not updating in so long. But, if your not too busy, check out my story 'The Lost Race'. And review if you can!
