In you and I....
There's a new land....
Could there be such a place?
Splinter stopped to rest, chest heaving from his run, staring up at the dark world above the sewer grates.
Even in this city that never slept, there was such a thing as a still moment of quiet.
It seemed that, in the sewers, the normal empty ringing of the wind rushing through with a creaking noise-No wonder his little ones were so
distressed at night-and the simple drop of water seemed louder by tenfold.
Yes, he could see, that, in the darkness of the shadows, everything hidden from you was another terror, another horror, though their fears were
quite irrational.
My Sanctuary,
My Sanctuary yeah
Where fears and lies melt away
Music will tie
What's left of me,
What's left of me...
Well it hadn't been music that had pieced together the old rat's broken heart. It had been something much greater.
You show me how to see
That nothing is whole and
Nothing is broken
Splinter hurried in his pace. He needed a moment to think, but, right now, all his feet and brain were telling him as he silently rushed past the
canals like a wraith of the night was that he needed to return home to his little two month old sons.
He truly saw the little ones as his beloved family.
Afraid that he might lose them, lose them like his master Yoshi-which tore his heart so profusely in the first place-Splinter had tried to distance
himself from the little ones.
He failed Miserably.
As Splinter crept in the hidden entrance of their home, he smiled gently to see his little ones still safe and sound.
In you and I there's a new land... rescuing the turtles, there was a new day, a new challenge every moment...
And a brand new world.
Ah.....Leonardo was trembling. He was just the last one getting over a cold.
Splinter carefully cradled his little one in his arms, blanket and all, and went to sit on the old recliner.
My Sanctuary....
Nothing may be entirely whole-even the practically newborns who were still dozing.
But Splinter felt more then close to that feeling right now, where he belonged.
In their home.
In their sanctuary.