SonAmy at the Winter Olympics

Hello everyone it is me again the blur blue himself Sonic the Hedgehog. It has been about 6 months since me and my pals got back from the Olympics held by Mario and his gang. Things have settled down and I was able to by a new house with the rings I won and I am very pleased with the work I have done with it. Also if you all are wondering my relationship with Amy Rose has improved drastically the last 5 months. After I finally got over my cold feet I asked her out and we both had a fantastic time on our date. We have become a couple and it has been very smooth with few problems. The only problems are when I planned a date and either Eggman attacks the city or he ambushes me our date. However usually when he interrupts our date Amy is the one who takes care of him with her hammer because she is absolutely furious and I never EVER try to get in between her and the thing that ticked her off.

Of course all relaxation and good things came to an end when I got another invitation by Mario to have a Winter Olympics as a rematch to his humiliating lose to us at the last one. This time I was smarter and I accepted under 2 conditions. The first was that we would hold the events at the Ice Cap Zone here on Mobius and the second things was that the judges would be evenly divided between our judges and theirs. He agreed and in only one month the stadium and all the events were set up and we meet in Ice Cap Zone to shake hands and get our teams ready for the rematch of the century many called it. Boy did my trust in Mario take a downward spiral afterwards.

Well after giving all my pals a pep talk of my life we got ready for the events. Cream had returned as one of the officials along with Espio and Charmy. Rouge didn't make the cut (I am just guessing okay so please Rouge Fans don't flame me ) so she decided to sit in the stands and cheer us on. Actually I think she decided to stick around so she could see Shadow fight with Knuckles about who should be her boyfriend and boy did they fight. I had to separate them from competitions but that didn't mean that afterwards did they fight.

So after almost all of the events were over with, we were pummeling Mario's team in the dust as we had 10 more gold medals than they had. I could tell Mario was not happy about this as we prepared for the final event which was a race to the bottom of the Ice Cap Mountain on snowboards. Well it turned out that me and Amy were competing together against Mario and Bowser and I felt a bit concerned about Amy's safety. In the end I should have paid closer attention to her and her equipment.

The path was pretty straight forward and all we had to do was go down the side of the mountain and avoid the forest and at the end the frozen over lake that had thin ice. So we took our positions at the starting gates as we readied ourselves for the gun that Espio had to go off and signal the start of the race. I looked over to Mario and Bowser and they both gave me a bit of a sinister look that made me start to worry about my own safety that the may have done something to my equipment. I was quivering violently in fear until I felt a familiar warm hand lay on my left shoulder blade and I looked at the owner's face. Amy gave me her warm smile that seemed to sweep all of my worries off with the wind that blew against us and I gave her a quick kiss on her sweet rosy lips in thanks as I psyched myself up for the race. I could tell she blushed a little at the kiss and then turned her attention back on the task at hand as the loud bang from the gun fired and the gates immediately opened.

We all rocketed out of the gates simultaneously as we started to fly down the mountain at high velocity. I had a bit of a hard time like the others getting my balance right on the board because of the speed I was going but it only took a second for me to center myself. Amy caught her balance next followed by Mario but Bowser was wobbling like crazy because of his immense weight. I hit a snow ramp on the path in front of me as I propelled into the air and soared in it like I was the wind itself. I landed way in front of everyone else. We continued down the mountain as I increased my lead and speed and blew away the competition. I was only a few kilometers away from the finish line when out of the corner of my eye I saw what made the competition take a sour and fearful turn for the worst. I saw Mario wink at Bowser then he nodded in return as the Koopa King pulled out a remote with a large red button. He immediately pressed it and I saw Amy's snowboard light on fire as she lost control of her board as it propelled her toward the frozen lake. I realized that this was probably the lowest trick Mario ever could come up with to make sure that he would win and I had a choice of either the medal or Amy.

I shifted my direction my board toward Amy as I raced toward the frozen lake as Mario took the lead. I was about halfway towards the lake when Amy reached it and she was trying desperately to unlatch her feet from the snowboard. Then my heart stopped as she hit the thin ice and plunged through it like tissue paper and screamed for dear life. She became submerged in the arctic cold water and I knew I had to get her out and fast. I jumped off of my board and used all the energy and speed I had as I blasted toward Amy. I quickly reached the hole where Amy fell through and I looked down at the cold water. I shivered a little at my weakness of water and I seemed to have just frozen still at my fear of it. However my love for Amy burned through my fear and I immediately took a deep breath before I leaped into the air and plunged into the freezing water. I immediately opened my eyes and searched frantically for Amy in the cold bone-chilling water. I searched hard until I saw a small glimpse of a pink figure below me. I then swam towards the figure as fast as I could until I could see Amy with her eyes closed and my heart started to beat at an unbelievable pace that could only be matched by my speed when I am in super form. I quickly grabbed her wrist and swam as fast as I could to the surface. In only 20 seconds I emerged from the water and lifted Amy above my head and placed her on the ground. I shook the ice cold water off of me by vibrating at a blazing speed. I looked at Amy and noticed she was knocked out but her skin was faded pink. I then noticed Amy was not shivering and I knew she needed to or she could get hypothermia.

I grabbed Amy in my arms and then made it so she was close to my body so she could get at least some warmth. I then bolted towards the inn that we were all staying in and in only a minute I arrived in my room. Normally I would take her to a hospital but there wasn't one for 1,000 miles and that would take me an hour to get there. I then placed Amy on my bed and wrapped her in my covers as I started a small fire in the fireplace that was in my room. After the fire was roaring at a good size I then walked to my bed where Amy laid and I grabbed the bedposts with both of my hands. Then I pushed the bed so it would be as close to the fire as possible and still be safe. I have to admit that the bed with Amy was indeed heavy and I had a difficult time pushing it as I had let out a couple of grunts in the process.

I then smiled at my work and wiped the sweat that was starting to come down my forehead.. At first I thought that my work was done and Amy would be just fine but that was not the case as I noticed that Amy was still shivering furiously. I then noticed the one thing I was hoping not to do and be a last resort in warming Amy up but I realized that it had to be done. Amy's clothes were dripping wet with the freezing cold water and she needed them to be taken off. I walked over to the side of the bed and looked at the shivering girl that I was in love with and then I looked at my hands trying to think of another way around this. I knew that if Amy was conscious she would take her clothes off as well but make sure it was in privacy but unfortunately she was unconscious. I then took a deep breath as I slowly unzipped Amy's dress until it was completely unzipped. Then I slowly and carefully took of her dress and placed it on the ground in front of the roaring fire. Then I took off her red and white boots and placed them right beside her dress and I followed this by taking off her skirt as well. Now I looked at the innocent Amy still shivering but a little less in her white underwear. I noticed that Amy had always taken good care of herself, had proper nutrition, dieted well, and had exercised a lot. She was rewarded with a very graceful body that was just too beautiful to be ignored. Her curves were noticeable yet not too curvy and her fur looked silky to the touch. In essence she was perfect in everyway that any man would probably attack her right now if they were in my shoes. But I won't. I love her too much to take advantage of her in this weak state so I clenched my fists and sat down beside the bed and stared into the red hot blazing fire.

-1 hour later-

I started to feel drowsy and my eyelids felt as heavy as a pair of anvils. I wanted to drift off to sleep so badly but I knew that if I did I might miss something that Amy may need and may lead to her demise. I then let out a loud yawn and shook my head to wake myself. Then I heard something that made me feel a lot better.

I then heard the rustling of the sheets and the chattering of teeth. I quickly sprung to my feet and looked down at Amy to see her awake and shivering vigorously. She had her eyes barely open and her body looked like it was slowly coming back to the bright pink color she always had. I smiled and ran my hand through her quills to her bangs and then ended with my hand cupping her left cheek. She looked at me weakly and slowly started to stop chattering her teeth as she stared into my eyes. I just couldn't help but do the same with my eyes as hers glistened brightly like real emeralds.

"Hey how are you doing?" I asked warmly trying to comfort her.

"I am a bit cold but I guess okay thanks to you," she answered as she gave me a weak yet warm smile.

"It was nothing really" I answered. "I just can't believe that Mario pulled that on you."

"Me neither," she agreed as she slowly nodded her head. Then her eyes immediately shot open in realization that took me a bit off guard.

"Wait I remember I fell through the ice at the lake. So did you?" Amy asked with a bit of disbelief in her voice.

"Yeah I got you in the water," I answered trying to calm her down. "I may not like the water but that doesn't mean I don't know how to swim."

"I can't believe you faced your fear for me," Amy answered with a hint of tears starting to form in her eyes.

"I couldn't let my girlfriend drown now could I," I answered as I winked at her.

"Hey why are my clothes on the ground?" Amy asked now realizing that she was not wearing her dress as she pointed to her clothes in front of the fireplace.

"Well you see you were in bad shape and I did everything I could to warm you up until I realized your dress was still wet with that cold water," I answered as I scratched the back of my head with my other hand. " And well I sort of took off your dress, skirt, and boots so your body would warm up."

"Well I guess it was for the best," Amy answered with a touch of nervousness. Then she started to blush deep red as she asked," Umm did you see me in my underwear?"

I was caught off guard by Amy's question and my face erupted in a furry of a deep red blush.

"Well yeah but I didn't do anything fishy or something like that if that is what you are thinking," I answered as I waved my index finger in front of her.

"Well at least you were the first boy to see me in my underwear and I was kind of planning on you seeing me like this after the games," Amy answered as her blush deepened and she took the sheets off of her revealing her body in her white underwear while she was folding her arms around her chest area to hide her cleavage.

" Well this is a bit unexpected," I said in a bit of an uneasy tone as I turned my attention to Amy's body. " But you know I don't think I have ever said this to you but I think you have a fantastic body."

I erupted in a furious blush and my gaze moved back to Amy's face as I hoped she wouldn't slap me or pull out her hammer. I closed my eyes though just in case if she did as I took my hand away from her cheek and clenched both of my hands.

" You really mean that?" Amy asked in a shy innocent way.

I immediately opened my eyes and relaxed my hands as I said, " Yeah most defiantly. In fact I think you are the most gorgeous thing I have ever seen in my life."

Amy then placed both of her hands on each of my cheeks and warmly smiled at me as she quietly said, "That is the one thing I thought you would never say to me."

I wrapped both of my hands around Amy's right arm as I brushed my face against her hand as I smiled. "Yeah and it is so true Amy."

Then Amy pulled me toward her face until her mouth was only centimeters from her sweet lips when she whispered in a shy way, "You know I am still a little cold. Maybe you can help change that."

I then looked at Amy in disbelief at what she said and she just smiled back at me with the same warm smile that made me love her so much.

"Of course that doesn't mean we are going to do anything drastic and naughty," she answered as she waved her index finger as I was relived to hear that.

" So what do you have in mind?" I asked as I looked at her in dismay.

Her face went entirely bright red like the blazing sun as she answered, "Oh you know maybe holding each other in our arms, hugging, kissing, cuddling, and maybe sleeping together in the same bed."

(P.S. No she is not talking about anything more guys just going to sleep in each others arms that is it)

I got the idea and I was kind of glad that Amy asked me as I leaped on to the bed beside her as she let out a playful scream at my action. I winked at her as I answered, "That is not a bad idea at all."

I then leaned forward and kissed Amy on her lips softly at first. However it was meant to go further as Amy returned the kiss as she wrapped her soft delicate arms around my neck. I simply chuckled a little and wrapped my arms around her slender perfect waist as I deepened the kiss. Then I felt Amy's tongue starting to lick my lips hoping to gain entrance into my mouth. I slowly accepted the gesture as I opened my mouth and made my tongue slither forward to meet Amy's. Our tongues slightly touched each other and then started to wrestle with one another with deep passion that sent a warm feeling burst through my body. I started to have my right arm rub against Amy's slender back in fashion that made her feel relaxed and comfortable. She replied by running her soft hands through my quills and massaging my tensed up shoulders. I just loved her even more after this and I just put more passion and effort into my kiss as I deepened it. Amy seemed to have entered my mind because she did the same at the exact same time and I was enjoying this too much. Our tails were whipping up and down at a blazing speed that may have been faster than my best speed. Finally after getting a full blast and exploration of Amy's sweet rosy tasting mouth we finally broke our kiss and gasped frantically.

We then stared into each other's eyes as we lost ourselves in the endless pitfall of our love for each other. I could have stared into her beautiful breathtaking eyes for all eternity but I suddenly was consumed by drowsiness as my eyes started to become weary. I couldn't help but smile as I saw Amy also become weary and I just had enough strength to give her a small peck on her forehead and say, " I love you Amy" before grabbing the sheets underneath me and covering both of our bodies. I didn't need to hear her say it but I still loved it when she said " I love you Sonic," before we both fell asleep in each others' arms. Mario may have won the match but I won the love of the girl I need.