Title: Honey & Lemon

Rating: K+

Warnings: Fluff, fluff fluff and... more fluff? And perhaps suspicious medical remedies.

Disclaimer: Not mine at all.

AN: Well... so it's my first TeFu fic and I hope it turned out alright :/ It's more of a drabble than anything though. Perhaps it'll turn into a series of drabbles? I'm not entirely pleased with how this turned out but yea, I guess it's alright...

Tezuka sat on the bed, keeping his mouth firmly shut, before letting out a small cough and an uncharacteristic whimper before snuggling closer to Fuji, though still turning away from the cup Fiji held in his hands.

"Come on Tezuka, drink it. It's good for you, I promise," Fuji said tenderly, bringing the proffered cup closer to Tezuka's mouth.

Tezuka could only glare at Fuji.

"Oh alright, I'm sorry for the last time this happened. Wasabi always manages to cure my colds," Fuji replied with an indignant sniff. He was met with a similar glare and Tezuka burying his head deeper into Fuji's neck. Sometimes, Fuji wished that Tezuka would fall sick more often. It was rare occurrence that Tezuka, of all people would actually be this vulnerable and this somehow made Fuji love that silly man all the more. Unfortunately though, being sick always made Tezuka infinitely more stubborn…

"I know that you're more than skeptical about my medical remedies," and Fuji was met with a firm nod, "but honestly, honey & lemon have not been found to cause anything but soothing relief for a sore throat," stated Fuji patiently, with the pad of this thumb brushing Tezuka's parched lips.

"Now open up," Fuji said tilting the teacup towards Tezuka's reluctantly opened mouth.

Tezuka hated showing weakness, and besides actually admitting that he was careless enough to have fallen ill of all things, he'd much rather not be treated like a poor child to boot. However, if he had to be taken care of, well then he'd rather have Fuji to do it over anyone else.

"Now that wasn't too bad, was it?" Fuji asked, with a smug smile on his face.

Tezuka just took the cup and sipped the soothing tangy-sweet liquid, refusing to give Fuji the satisfaction of being right.

AN: Well, I hope that's alright...? And yea, please drop me a note if you think I should perhaps expand this into a drabble series? (It seems such a tempting prospect right now)