Disclaimer: Sorry it took a while to update. Things just happen to make it take a while. Hope you enjoy this chapter. I don't own any of the TMNT characters. I do own the child Raye Hamato. The first few chapters take place when the turtles were children. Thanks to everyone for the wonderful comments and reviews. I hope you all continue to enjoy and read this story.

Daddy's Girl

Chapter 2

Finding Religion

It was completely against the rules and if their father, Master Splinter, found out, he'd punish them, several. The two children were taking a risk, but curiosity had gotten the better of them. They'd heard of the cathedral and wanted to see it. Raph wanted to see it for a Gothic kind of curiosity while Donnie wanted to see it for it's architectural appeal. They'd done it late at night. Snuck from their father's burrow, up out of the sewer. They stayed in shadows like they'd been taught until they got to the building it's self. They climbed the side of the building quietly, staying in the shadows until they found a broken part of a wall and squeezed in best they could. Once inside they stayed in the rafters of the building and looked down at what was going on inside.

They hadn't noticed her until it was too late. She made a noise and they turned around to see her hanging from the rafter beam by her hands. They scrambled to pull their little sister up with them. It'd been five years since she'd become their sister, and she'd gotten bigger, but not so big that they couldn't both pull her to safety.

"Tha hell ya doin here, Raye!? Great!! Just great!! Now ya gonna run tell Master Splinter all bout this ain'tcha?!" Raph exclaimed angrily.

"Shhhh!! Raph keep your voice down!" Donnie hissed as he pulled Raye to him so she wouldn't fall again.

"She's gonna get us in trouble!!" Raph exclaimed again.

"You will too if you don't keep your voice down!!" Donnie exclaimed back.

"I wont tell.....I promise. Don't be mad, Raphie. You always leave me out. I wanted to be able to come with you two, but I knew you'd say no. So I followed." Raye said defensively before giving him her best puppy dog face.

"You always open your trap though!! If Master Splinter asks, you always tell him where we've gone or what we've done if you know." Raph said crossing his arms over his chest in annoyance.

"I wont this time! I promise!" Raye said pleadingly.

"It wont hurt. Just this once." Donnie said. "Besides. It's too late now anyway. Let's just see what we've come to see, then leave."

"Fine." Raph grumbled as he looked down at the cathedral.

A preacher stood before his congregation preaching on the evils of the world and other things. The three children in the rafters sat quietly straddling the rafter beam and listening to the preacher.

"In thoughts from the visions of the night, when deep sleep falleth on men, Fear came upon me, and trembling, which made all my bones to shake. Then a spirit passed before my face; the hair of my flesh stood up: It stood still, but I could not discern the form thereof: an image was before mine eyes, there was silence, and I heard a voice… (Job 4:13-16)."

The Preacher quoited from the bible before continuing.

"At this time of year you can't help but think about ghosts. When you go to the drugstore or the supermarket masks and pictures of ghostly faces stare at you from the aisles. You can't turn on the television without these images appearing. Pictures of spooks and ghouls are glaring at you everywhere you go as we approach that mad "holiday" the world calls 'Halloween.'" he said looking out over his flock as he spoke to make sure he had their attention. "Is there such a thing as a ghost? The only place we can go for reliable information is to the Bible. The Bible alone reveals the truth concerning spiritual things. In my study I have gone over many commentaries and books on this subject. But in the end I come back to the Scriptures. The Bible alone is the 'sure word of prophecy…a light that shineth in a dark place' (II Peter 1:19). And so I must go to the Bible, God's reliable and certain Word, to know the truth about ghosts." he continued on.

"Bible? Tha hell's a bible?" Raph asked looking over his shoulder at Donnie who was right behind Raye.

"If I'm right, it's a book that belongs to the religion of Christianity. It tells of how the world began, and I think in the part called Revelations, it tells how the world will end. One day I'll have to try and get one to read and find out exactly what's in it."

"Maybe the nice man down there talking can let you borrow one." Raye said with a bright smile.

"Sure. After he calls the cops on us." Raph said rolling his eyes, then turning his attention back to the preacher.

"So I do not believe that ghosts are disembodied human spirits - but I do believe in Satan, and I do believe in demons. The Bible says quite a bit about these evil spirits. And I think that Eliphaz encountered a demon. The very first chapter of the book of Job tells us that Satan was after Job. And I believe that Satan sent a demon to give Eliphaz this message to discourage Job. He was suffering greatly from various Satanic attacks, and the advice of his friend Eliphaz was just one more demonic trick, to discourage him. Let us look at our text carefully, and we will learn three great truths about Satan and demons." the Preacher continued. "I. First, demonic spirits really exist......"

"What's a demon, Donnie?" Raye asked this time. She also looked behind her to Donnie.

"It's a monster." Donnie said simply.

"But Daddy said they don't exist." Raye said as her eyes went wide.

"Demons aren't the kind that hide under your bed or in your closet. They're the kind that make you sick or cause you misfortune and the likes. They wont eat you or anything. Not that I know of anyway." he said giving Raye a reassuring smile.

"So demons are real monsters while the monsters that hide in closets and under the bed are fake.....right?" Raye asked with fear still in her voice.

"Right." Donnie said with a smile.

"Um....Don....Raye...." Raph said, his voice shaky.

"What?" Donnie asked looking past Raye to Raph.

He got no answer as the beam they were all on started to crack, then snapped sending them all forwards. Donnie was able to grab a hold of another beam that was attached to the sealing with one hand and Raye's arm with the other, but Raye was too slow to grab Raph who plummeted to the floor of the church just as the preacher's sermon started to get louder with passion. Everyone in the church screamed as they saw the green skinned creature hit the floor. Even the Preacher himself was stunned into silence. Raph started to slowly sit up on the top step of the platform area that the preacher was standing at. He shook his head, then looked around at all the stunned people. His gold eyes large with fear and surprise, mirroring the peoples.

"The Devil has sent us one of his minions to try and be a neigh sayer to Gods word." the Preacher suddenly said. "A demon is in our midst, do not listen if he speaks. We will dispose of him like good Christians. Without violence."

He got a small vial and went to where some blessed water sat in a small basin on a pedestal. He then took the vial back and threw some of the water in the stunned mutant's face.

"Be gone demon! The Lord Jesus Christ compails thee!!" the Preacher said before throwing more water into Raph's face.

Annoyed, Raph knocked the vial from the Preacher's hand causing it to clatter to the floor.

"Quit that shit!" Raph yelled.

"He struck Father Erich! He will harm us all! Quick!! Grab him!!" one of the church goers yelled.

Before Raph knew it the whole church converged onto him. Grabbing his arms and legs and holding him as the preacher held his bible close to his chest trying to talk over the roar of the crowed. He laid a cross on Raph's forehead as he continued to shout. He threw more holy water into Raph's face only for Raph to yell and spit back at the preacher. This continued until Raph's bandanna was drenched in holy water and his arms and legs were chaffing from his struggle with the church people. Church people, Preacher, and mutant alike were all wore out and exhausted from the whole ordeal.

"Take him to the basement." the Preacher panted. "Lock him down there. I will pray tonight and see what we should do with him tomorrow."

Several of the stronger men nodded and though Raph was a child, it took them all to get him down to the basement and throw him in. They locked the door and walked away as pounding started up on the door. Pounding that made the whole door shudder, and cursing that'd make a sailor blush. If the church people and the preacher had bothered to look up as they started to leave the church for the night, they'd have noticed another "demon" sitting in the rafters with an arm around a six year old girl.


To Be Continued.......


The sermon part of this story comes from ENCOUNTERING A DEMON - A HALLOWEEN SERMON! By Dr. R. L. Hymers, Jr.

No offence was intended by this story to any Christian readers.