Author's Note: This is the last chapter for this series. I'll start the sequel as soon as I can! :D This part of the movie always made me cry. I was like, "Nooo! They're leaving!"
Also, I made a trailer for this story here:

The coronation was an ever larger celebration. A grand crown was prepared for Caspian. The four siblings and Risika kept their attire to formal casual, while Caspian's was grand. It was, after all, his coronation. As Risika said, we wouldn't want to outshine dear Caspian on his day.

Afterward, there was a large parade through the streets of kingdom. Narnians and Telmarines alike cheered on the new king. Everyone was happy.

After the parade and everything, Risika packed her things. She would leave by noon the next day. There was already a ship in port by Beruna to take her once she was ready. As she was in her room packing some clothes, Caspian came in.

"Are you sure you want to go?" he asked.

Risika looked at him. "There is already a ship in port. I should leave."

"You don't have to go, you know."

Risika sighed. "I have to. My people…Caspian. You would do the same for your people."

"You're people are here, Risika. Please. You're the only family I have left."

"And you, I. I know that. We have each other. I'll go to Alexandria and see if they need me. If they don't, I'll come back. If they do, I'll stay and do whatever I can."

Caspian sighed. "And what if Alexandria has been taken over? You could be kidnapped like your mother."

Risika glanced at him. "Then let's hope it doesn't come to that."

Caspian groaned and crossed his arms. Risika dropped her clothes and walked over to him. She took his hand.

"Caspian," she started. "I'll be fine. I promised Edmund I would write everyday."

Caspian only sighed and nodded.

"Alright, Risika."

The next day, Risika's bags and cargo was on a carriage, ready to go. Risika wore a white short-sleeved dress with a pink corset. Her hair was left out and loose and she had a leather bag over her shoulder. Risika would stay for the gathering Caspian would make and then she would leave.

"Narnia belongs to the Narnians just as much as it belongs to man. Telmarines who wish to stay and live in peace are welcome to do so. But for any of you who wish, Aslan can return you to the lands of our forefathers."

Caspian was a good public speaker. He spoke with authority, not the nimble way of speaking before the war. Still, there was a man in the crowd who spoke up.

"It's been generations since we left Telmar."

"We're not referring to Telmar."

All, even Caspian, turned to face Aslan with a puzzled look.

"You're ancestors were sea-faring brigands. Pirates run aground on an island. There they found a cave, a rare cavern, that brought them here from their world. The same world as our Kings and Queens."

Risika, who stood beside Caspian, glanced at Caspian curiously. He simply shrugged.

"It is a good place for any who wish to make a good start."

There was a commotion in the crowd of Telmarines. Then, Glozelle stepped up. For a moment, Risika was afraid he may say something to start an uproar, but he didn't.

"I will go. I will accept the offer."

Caspian and Risika glanced at one another and then at Glozelle. He smiled ever so slightly at them. They both nodded their thanks to Miraz's general. He nodded as well and there was another acceptation.

"So will we."

Prunaprisma stepped forward with her child. Risika nodded her thanks to her stepmother. Prunaprisma walked to her. She touched Risika's cheek with one hand.

"Your father was always proud of you, fair girl. I wish you a well future."

Risika smiled kindly. "As I do you."

They curtsied slightly to each other before Prunaprisma joined Glozelle's side in front of Aslan. Aslan gave a soft growl and the large tree of the courtyard twisted into a large gate. Risika's eyes widened at the sight. She hadn't grown very accustomed to magic even yet.

Prunaprisma and Glozelle entered the gate without noticeable concern. Then, they vanished. Risika gasped along with the crowd. There was a sudden commotion. The people were worried and suspicious.

"How do we know he is not sending us to our deaths?"

Reepicheep stepped up and bowed to Aslan.

"Sire, if my example may be of any service, I will take eleven mice through with no delay."

Risika had to give the mouse credit for his bravery and loyalty. He had much hope. Aslan looked at the mouse, but then he turned and looked at Peter. Peter looked distressed. Risika narrowed her eyes. Aslan couldn't mean…

"We'll go."


Risika and Edmund spoke out in unison. Everyone glanced at them. They glanced at each other. Risika felt something ache in her heart. She didn't want to lose more. Her mother. Her father. Herself. Now, her friends.

"Come on, our time's up."

Peter looked at Risika and then to his brother and sisters. Then, he walked to Caspian and handed him his sword.

"After all, we're not really needed anymore."

Risika opened her mouth to reply, but shut it again. Then, she opened it again to speak.

"Peter, we do need you. We need all of you. It's not Narnia without you."

Peter gave her a soft smile. "Sorry, Risika."

Caspian nodded and put a hand on Risika's shoulder. He looked at Peter's sword. "I will look after it until you return."

"That's just it."

Everyone turned to Susan. Tears glittered in her pretty eyes.

"We're not coming back."

"We…We're not?"

Lucy now had tears in her eyes as well. She looked around. Narnia was her life.

"You two are."

Peter glanced to his youngest siblings.

"At least, I think he means you two."

Risika ran to Peter. "What do you mean you think?" Risika breathed deeply. She didn't want to scream. "You…You…You…can't go!" Tears stung her eyes, and she felt ashamed.

"Yes…Why can't they come back? Have they done something wrong?"

Lucy's question was directed exactly at Aslan. Aslan only smiled and shook his head.

"Quite the opposite, dear one. All things have their time."

Risika saw Edmund avert his gaze to the ground.

"Your brother and sister have learned what they can in this world. Now it's time for them to live in their own."

Risika ran her fingers through her hair. She bit her lower lip and shut her eyes. She wouldn't cry. Not only losing Edmund, but Lucy, Susan, and Peter as well. Peter seemed to notice Risika's mood. He walked over to her and put both of his hands on her shoulder.

"It's alright. It's not what I thought it'd be…"

He turned to his sister. "But it's alright." Risika took a deep breath. No. It wasn't alright to her. Nothing was. Nothing ever was alright for her.

Peter took his sister's hand and the four siblings walked to Aslan, Risika, Glenstorm, Trumpkin, and Caspian. Risika hugged Lucy and Susan goodbye. Peter reached to shake her hand, but she pulled him into a hug. Then, there was Edmund.

"I guess we won't be able to write after all."

Risika had to frown at Edmund's words. She knew it was true, but to actually hear the truth was harder. She could only nod. Risika struggled with the words she wasn't to say. Finally, she said them.

"I'll miss you."

Edmund smiled slightly. "Me, too."

Then, Risika pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the cheek. He kissed hers as well. Then, the four siblings turned to the gate. They all glanced back once more before they turned and left. They were gone. Risika thought her legs would give out beneath her and she was afraid she would fall to the ground. As if being able to read her mind, Caspian came up beside Risika and she collapsed into him. A couple pf tears streaked her face, and she covered her face with her hands. A sob came, and then Risika breathed deep.

"I'm fine," she finally said. She pushed away from Caspian. "I'm leaving. Goodbye, cousin." She hugged Caspian, and then she pushed through the crowd. She ran and she ran. With every step, her heart was breaking more than ever.