Disclaimer: If I had anything to do with NCIS, I would've had to have been older than 16 when it all started, so no. I don't own anything involved with NCIS.

This is another crazy idea that popped into my head. If I make a sequel for Family Matters, it will be after this and Shot to the Heart. I try not to write more than two stories at a time, especially considering I have basketball and school to contend with on a day to day basis.

This begins at the end of Hiatus, when Gibbs is leaving.


Gibbs stood above the stairs, looking down on the squad room, at his team. Telling Jenny had been the easy part, he knew that.

The team would be hard, but the discussion that would happen that night in his basement would be the hardest.

He braved it out, slowly walking down the steps to the bullpen. His head was still somewhat jumbled, but somewhere inside he knew that he needed to go. Part of him even thought it would be a good thing, for the team from top to bottom.

"You'll do." Gibbs saw the confusion and shock, so he added, "The team's yours now."

Gibbs could see that he was stopping himself, controling himself for now. Tony would be one of the two he would see in the basement later that night, but for the moment he kept himself together by staring at the gun and badge in his hand like they were alien entities.

Knowing he needed a little reprieve before dealing with Abby, the other person who would be at his place in hysterics, he turned to McGee. "You're a good agent, McGee." Gibbs gently placed his hand on the youngest agents face, "Don't let him tell you any different."

He braced himself for Abby's reaction, but the tears and the desperate "Gibbs," sent his finger straight to her lips, effectively silencing her for the moment. Gibbs knew this would be continued later, so he gently kissed her on the cheek. It took everything for him to turn away from those tears, but he knew he had to do it. Just like he knew Tony and Abby would try desperately to convince him otherwise tonight.

He turned to Ziva, slowly taking a deep breath. "I owe you Ziva." He could see her processing and digesting it, before she answered, "I'll collect Jethro."

"Duck, take me home?" He asked, clasping his friends' shoulder and walking toward his 'office'. Before he leaves, he turns to tell the team, "Semper Fi."

He leaves the room, oblivious to Abby's breakdown. Tony and Tim both pulled her into a hug while Ziva allowed a single tear to fall as she stared at the elevator.

Seconds later, the ping of the elevator brought everyone's attention, hoping it was Gibbs changing his mind.

Jimmy Palmer walked out of the elevator, and everyone began scowling at him. He simply threw his hands in the air, "What have I done now?"

When no one else answered, the director's voice floated down from the opening to MTAC, "Nothing Mr. Palmer. Special Agent Gibbs just resigned."

Jimmy saw the long faces of the group this time when he looked, and said the only thing his mind could come up with at the time, "Oh. I'll just go now."


Gibbs continued to sand his boat, bags packed at his side. He was waiting.

He knew exactly how those two worked. Right now, they were conspiring on some plan they'd hoped would work, and they'd walk down the stairs together, Abby holding Bert tightly.

Sure enough, he looked up and found Abby, being half-pushed down the stairs by Tony, and holding onto Bert like her life depended on it.

Moments later, Abby had glomped onto Gibbs, "I'm never letting go. Tony said the handcuffs would be overkill but if that's what it takes, I'll do it. You're not leaving. NO NO NO!"

Gibbs simply smiled and kissed the top of her head, before asking Tony, "What's your plan?"

"I've never seen you resist when Abby cries. You're not going anywhere. You can't. We're not ready. I'm not ready."

"Yes you are, and I wouldn't be leaving you alone if I thought you weren't ready."

"Well, I'm not." Abby interjected, "I need you here."

He pulled Abby up, where she had no choice but to look him in the face. "You don't need my Abs. You are a strong and brilliant woman, and Tony will be right upstairs, where I usually am. You'll be okay without me. You both will."

Tony stiffened a bit, before grabbing Abby's arm, "He's made up his mind Abs. You know how that goes." They both take a stool by a piece of wood and began to sand at the wood of the boat.

Gibbs smiled at the familiar picture. His family had worked on boat after boat.

For a moment, he went back to the first moment he met them both. Shannon and him had been told that they would never have kids, so they had decided to take in a couple of foster kids with the intention of adoption.

After three sets of foster kids, they were brought one last couple of kids.

The social worker smiled before ushering the children into the new home. "Shannon, Jethro, I'd like you to meet Abigail Lynn Sciuto and Anthony Michael DiNozzo. Abigail, Anthony, this is Shannon and Jethro. They are your foster parents.

Anthony smiled, "Nice to meet ya, Mr. Gibbs. I go by Tony"

"I'm not a mister or a sir, I assure you son." Gibbs said, knowing that something was just a little off with the boy. He couldn't see the remnants of a shiner next to his eye. "Are you okay, son?"

"I'm good." He said, plastering on the best fake smile that Gibbs had ever seen on a twelve year old face.

Jethro and Shannon both noticed the sparkle in his eyes at Gibbs calling him son, and wondering just why he was in foster care. "I'm Shannon. It's nice to meet you, Tony.

Abigail simply ran to them both, enveloping them in a hug, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I don't want to ever go back to the orphanage again."

Six months later, they adopted the both of them. Abby and Tony's last names were changed to Gibbs. They had grown and adapted over the years.

Gibbs was proud of them and knew they needed this, more than they even knew. He needed it too.


Abby and Tony had taken to a movie every other day since Gibbs left two months ago. Abby needed her brother close, and Tony knew it. Tony had always been the most like Gibbs, strong and distant, even if his facade made him appear open, but Abby had always been the baby girl.

When Shannon had Kelly, and attention had been off Abby, she hated it. She loved her sister, but hated that she was no longer the center of Gibbs' world.

Last week though, Tony had gone on a short vacation, so Abby was the first to greet him when he stepped into the squadroom from the elevator.

"Oh, yay! You're home! Welcome back! I missed you!"

"I missed you too Abby." She pulled him into a tight hug.

Tony whispered into her ear, "Have you heard from Dad?"

Tony could feel the shaking of her head, then whispered again into her ear. "Ok, I need to get back to the team. Tonight, Dad's place. You pick the movie."

For the sake of the rest of the group, Tony spoke up, "Abs, I need to breathe."

"Oh, sorry." Tony just marvelled at how well Abby did the sheepish little sister thing when she wanted to do it.


Next chapter will go throught the episode Shalom, but this will not follow the season directly, except for a couple of certain times that gave me the real plot idea.

This will be a Tiva and McAbby fic, and I may throw Jibbs in later but it won't be the focus of the story. I think a scene with Tony and Abby interogating Jenny could be funny. Plus, 'meet the parents' for Ziva and McGee could be slightly more complicated than the normal families.