"Life" T.V.
I am uploading this story for Stephanie Seal . She made this! Credits go to her!
Chapter 1
Good and Bad Behavior
It was another day in the HFIL and just like always, everyone was bored as hell. The after life, especially HFIL was extremely boring. There was never anything to do and for all of the warriors that had been sent to HFIL, which was a hell in it's self.
The entire saiyan race had been sent to hell when the planet Vegeta was destroyed and this came as a shock to no one, not even the saiyans. All the decades that they had terrorized the universe had come back to haunt them and they were starting to regret their previous actions.
Not only were the saiyans living in HFIL. They were joined along with a lot of old enemies such as Freeza, the Ginyu Force, Zarbon, and a few more of Freeza's henchmen. Once again this was a shock to no one and needless to say these people were not enjoying their eternal stay in hell. So Freeza and his gang of misfits had decided to lighten up there stay by terrorizing their fellow hellion companions, which was making King Yemma very mad.
Shockingly the saiyans were more peaceful in their death. They just sat around and talked about the living years. Though there was no point, a lot of them still trained. Even some habits can't be stopped by death!
King Yemma had also noticed the saiyans good behavior and really appreciated it, but the fact that Freeza was causing such a disturbance was really starting to piss him off. This was HFIL was hell's sake. They just couldn't go around making people more miserable that hell is supposed to! That's what he was thinking about the time Goz and Mez walked in.
"King Yemma, you are never going to believe what Freeza did this time!" Mez looked royally pissed as he stormed by King Yemma's desk.
"I can only imagine!" Yemma leaned back in his chair ignoring the soul in front of him awaiting there sentence.
"He was caught trying to beat the pulp out of one of those Calation souls! You know that if you die when you are already dead that you can never come back! We can't have this much trauma in HFIL!" Goz had a large vein popping out of his head.
"Well we must use some kind of torture on Freeza and those souls that follow him! They must begin to know their place. They might have been the top dogs of the living world, but down here I rule!" Yemma began to flip through his book to locate the soul that stood in front of him. There was a line building up since he was side tracked with Goz and Mez.
"What do you suggest we do then boss?" Goz leaned over on the desk.
Yemma took a while to think about the whole situation. Freeza had to have something really hit at his ego. That way he might actually calm down a little bit and maybe his gang would calm down with him. Yemma then looked down and noticed that he was in the V section of his book. He almost fell out of his chair when he saw the Prince of All Saiyan's picture right at the top and in small print under his name it said, "Will be having good fortune soon."
With not even a thought Yemma had come to a conclusion. "Goz, Mez, I think we might have found a solution to our whole Freeza problem…"
King Vegeta was currently sitting under a tree watching every thing that was going on around him. As usually he wasn't in the best of moods and was ready at any moment to blast any creature that happened to cross him. Freeza was really pissing him off lately and he just dared Freeza to cross him.
But, I was no use. Why should he even bother, not even kicking Freeza's ass would bring him satisfaction today. He had been dead for years now and the thought of life going on without him was tearing at him little by little.
The counselors in HFIL were thinking that the Saiyans had just decided to have good behavior, but the fact of the matter was that everyone was just depressed that it really was over.
"King Vegeta." Bardock had just approached his king and bowed. Even though they were dead and royalty had no meaning in these parts, all the saiyans still had a respect for there former king.
"What is it Bardock. I am not really in the mood as of right now." King Vegeta's words were laced with poison. Bardock immediately backed off and dared to speak further.
"I am sorry to interrupt you my lord, but Goz and Mez say that they need everyone to gather around for a moment. They said they had some important news they needed to share." Bardock said as quickly as possible, trying not to piss off his king any further. "Nappa and the others are already down there."
"Hmph" was all that came out of the king's throat. King Vegeta humored the third class saiyan and followed him into the large crowd that was forming in the center of HFIL.
"Excuse me…Yes, all of you over her right now!" Mez was screaming into a microphone. "Come on I don't have all day…don't make me get out the hose!" "Gosh Goz, they are a pain!" Mez put his hand over the microphone and whispered to Goz.
"Okay now that we are all here I have an important message that is for almost all of you! King Yemma is extremely sick and tired of all of your crap Freeza and you and your little mob are about to get yours!" Goz yelled and stuck his finger out pointing to the purple lizard.
"Oh really? And what does dear old King Yemma going to do about it." Freeza said in his raspy high pitched voice and gave out a large grunt when he felt his entire body hit the ground! "What the hell!" Freeza yelled when he noticed that he had restraints on him holding his body to the ground.
"Well you see King Yemma has a plan for all of you goons!" Mez grabbed the microphone out of Goz's hand.
The saiyans were enjoying seeing all of Freeza's men attached to the ground with no way up!
"Since the saiyans have been so great ever since they go here, which was extremely unexpected, and you guys have done nothing but make me lose even more hair, the oh great, smart, and powerful King Yemma has made a marvelous plan to piss you off and please the saiyans!" Mez barked at Freeza.
King Vegeta liked the last sentence Mez had said. So what was Yemma up to?
"Starting in a few minutes…" Goz grabbed the microphone and pushed a button on a small remote. A large screen T.V. about the size of the whole place popped up. "… we will be showing what is going on on the planet Earth which is where Goku and Vegeta are at the present time. Since we know you guys hate those too and the saiyans are wanting to know what is happening to the rest of their race…it was just the perfect solution!"
"Shit!" Zarbon muttered and rolled his eyes. "They found a great way to make me want to stop fighting! I'll be good if you don't make me watch this crap!"
"I don't think so mister! Now everyone have a seat we are going to stop in a few seconds!" Mez announced to the crowd. When everyone was sitting on the ground Goz pushed another button and a strange blue haired woman came on the screen.
(AN now that we are going to show what is going on down on earth, italics will be used for HFIL and regular letters will be what is going happening on earth!)
"Who the hell is that? She's a babe!" Captain Ginyu shouted out at the crowed. Suddenly rocks started hitting him and a lot of people were telling him to hush."
"I can't believe I got the whole front cover again! And I got a whole spot in the middle! Ah how it is wonderful to be the smartest, sexiest, and richest scientist in the entire world!" Bulma held up a new issue of Cosmo and waved it in Vegeta's face as he entered the room.
"Woman, like a give three shits about what 'glorious' victories you make in your off time. Please just spare me and tell me that you have made an upgrade on the gravity machine." Vegeta hissed at the woman and opened up the fridge.
"Of course I did. I wouldn't want you threatening to blow me into the next dimension would I …oh wait you do that anyway!" Bulma sarcastically threw her words back at him. "I think it is safe to say you can now train at 900 now."
"Of course I can. If you just weren't so damn slow, I could have been training at 900 for two weeks now." Vegeta loved these little verbal battles they would get in.
"That is my son…" King Vegeta whispered. Nappa pretended for his king's sake that he didn't hear that. Nappa knew that the king had worried about his son since his death.
"Oh please, just kill me again and make me no more…" Zarbon muttered. "I can't believe that little piece of crap is living it up!"
"Hmph, please..." Bulma put down the magazine and looked at Vegeta. "I know you probably already know this but I think you are pretty close to becoming the legendary. I was studying your vitals last night and they were out the roof." She gave him an 'I am way smarter than you' look.
"Of course I am woman! Maybe if you would upgrade that piece of trash outside every once and a while, I would have become a super saiyan by now!" He smirked at her. She couldn't beat that.
"How many times do I have to tell you…the name is BULMA, B-U-L-M-A! And to answer your question I think you need more help that the gravity machine to get you stronger…but I am not good enough to make another body yet!" Bulma waited for Vegeta to bit the bait, but he didn't instead he just snorted and walked off to the gravity room and laughed when she couldn't hear him any more.
"That woman is hilarious. I would have never thought a human could have such saiyan spirit!" Vegeta put his finger on the ground and started doing push-ups.
"Vegeta has gotten a lot stronger! And I think it is safe to say he is a little sweet on that earthling girl!" Radditz poked Nappa in the shoulder. "He always did like the spunky ones."
Content made by Severussweetie aka Stephanie Seal!