AceBrown: Hello readers! I've recently been looking into the Pokemon Special Manga and I've enjoyed it greatly. So, I decided to create a fic about my favorite gang, GSC group, entering high school aka the stereotypical school fic. :-) Also, no pairings planned…if one pops up, I'll add it in the summary.

Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Pokemon characters in this story. Blah Blah Blah…


Chapter 1: First Day

"Gold! It's time for school!" said Gold's mom as she passed by his room.

Gold responded by rolling over on his side and mumbling, "5 more minutes…" Gold's mom huffed and put her hands on her hips. Suddenly, Gold's pet monkey, Ataro, sprinted into the room and hopped Gold's side.

"Who? What? What?!?" exclaimed Gold as he shot up quickly. Gold's mom giggled at the abrupt way Gold was awoken.

"Get up and get dressed, it's your first day of High School! You don't want to be late on your first day!" said Gold's mom as she watched Gold slowly crawl out of bed.

"I'll be in the kitchen cooking breakfast."

Gold watched his mom leave while he groggily rubbed his eyes.

"Ataro! I'm gonna have to teach you to stop doing that!" yelled Gold as Ataro hopped up and down excitedly. Gold sighed and quickly got ready for school.

Gold didn't live in your typical household. For starters, Gold was raised by a single parent. His parents had a nasty divorce 5 years ago, and Gold's mom took full custody of Gold. In addition, their household was filled with many different types of pets. Their neighbors deemed it the "House of Animals"*

Gold walked into the kitchen, invited warmly by the smell of the all-star breakfast laid out. Gold's mom was an excellent cook and enjoyed creating as many dishes as she could.

"Mmmmm...Mom, the food smells great!" said Gold as he tossed Ataro a banana before seating himself at the kitchen table.

"Thanks honey. Today is just such a huge day. My little boy is finally becoming a man!" exclaimed Gold's mom as she watched Gold's hungrily, and sloppily, devour his breakfast. Gold's mom walked over and kissed Gold lightly on the head before heading out the house.

"I'm going to work honey, I'll be home late. Remember to lock up the house before you leave and be good in school. Love you!"

"Alright, Love you too Mom" Gold mumbled out with between chewing his food. As his mom left, Gold finished up his breakfast and fed his pets while contemplating his first day of school. Gold had a reputation as the class clown or problem student. His grades were barely average, and he gave his teachers headaches with his naughty behavior and antics.

"High School is gonna be so much cooler than Middle School. The fun, the excitement, the babes…" thought Gold as a mischievous smile crept upon his face. The young girls he saw in Middle School would be developing into young women and Gold as all too eager to spot these "developments." Gold grabbed his book bag with his billiard items attached to it, locked up his house, and headed to school on his scooter.

Crystal gripped her book bag as she made her way out of her house.

"Mom, I'm going to school n-!"

But, before she could finish her sentence, Crystal's mom rushed into the living room and forced Crystal into a huge bear hug.

"Crysee!** I'm so proud of you!" Crystal's mom cried out as she began crying in tears of joy.

"Mom, you said you wouldn't do this…" sighed Crystal. Her mom was very emotional.

"But, you're growing up so fast…soon, you'll be away in college…" stated Crystal's mom before she burst into another fit of tears. Crystal sighed again and let her mom continue her emotional moment. Crystal lived in a very stable household. She had two loving parents, especially her mom, who was very supportive. Crystal was an Honor Roll student, top of her class since Elementary School. Also, she was captain of the Middle School's soccer team. All in all, an excellent student to have.

"I can't wait to go to school…" muttered Crystal as her mother cries slowly began to die down.

Silver silently ate a bowl of cereal as Blue casually walked into the kitchen.

"Good Morning Silver!" chirped Blue happily as she grabbed an apple.

"Morning…" said Silver before he went back to eating his breakfast.

"I wonder how this school will be compared to my old high school. It should be interestingly different from the private schools we're used to. I hope there are a lot of cute guys!" said Blue as she nibbled on her apple. Silver shrugged as he continued eating. Blue and Silver grew up as orphans. But, they were able to get into private schools because they were considered "gifted". This past year, Blue found her long-lost parents and moved with them. Blue insisted Silver was brought along as he didn't have any parents and they grew close from their time together in the orphanage. Blue's parents agreed. Blue's parents were away on business a lot and left Blue, who is 17, in charge of the house. At this moment, both parental figures were gone on a trip to the Sevii Islands. This would be Blue and Silver's first time going to public school. Silver would be entering 9th grade, his first step into High School, while Blue would be in the 12th grade, on her way out.

"I bet none of the guys are cuter than my Silver" exclaimed Blue as she pinched Silver's cheeks.

"S-stop that!" yelled Silver as a small blush approached his cheeks.

"C'mon, lets' go. I'll drive us to school." Said Blue as they both left.

Gold walked down the hallways of Dr. Samuel Oak High School, eagerly looking back and forth at the how beautiful the young girls were at the High School-level. He was going to love it here…

"Hey Gold!" yelled someone. Gold quickly recognized the person as Bugsy, the resident insect lover. Gold and Bugsy met in an awkward manner. In 7th grade, Gold tried to ask Bugsy out on a date because he thought Bugsy was a girl. After the initial awkwardness, they soon became good friends.

"Yo!" yelled Gold back as Bugsy approached him happily.

"Do you see all the ass that is walking around here?!?" exclaimed Gold as he eyed a girl who was particularly busty.

"Uh…yeah…Hey! Are you in the same homeroom as me?" said Bugsy as he tried to change the subject. But, Gold had already left the conversation and scooted over to a random school girl.

"Hey Baby! Damn! You look good!" proclaimed Gold loudly as the girl stood with a blush on her face.

"Gold!" yelled Bugsy as he dragged him down the hallway, in the opposite direction of the school girl.

"You haven't changed a bit…"

"Of course I haven't" said Gold as he pulled out his schedule while smirking. Still eyeing any random hotties that passed by him.

"Look, Look! We're in the same homeroom!" noted by Bugsy. The teacher's name was Professor Elm.

"He sounds boring!" said Gold as him and Bugsy walked to Professor Elm's class.

Upon entering the classroom, Gold noticed Crystal, the class brain, sitting down in the front of the classroom.

"Oooohhh great! Club Serious is in our homeroom!" said Gold rather loudly as he walked toward the back of the classroom while motioning toward Crystal. Some of the students erupted in laughter.

"Shut up Gold!" yelled Crystal. Crystal already had a bad morning with her mom's emotional breakdown. Now, she's stuck in homeroom with the class clown who has been getting on her nerves since Middle School. Bugsy sat near the front beside Crystal.

"Hey! Back here!" said Gold as he motioned a cute girl known as Whitney to an empty desk beside him. Whitney turned her head away and sat beside her friend Crystal near the front.

"You know you wanna come back here!"

Some students erupted in laughter again. Whitney lowered her head and whispered to Crystal.

"Why did we get stuck with that jerk Gold this year?"

"I don't know. I hope he doesn't ruin our homeroom." said Crystal as she tried to ease her growing headache by rubbing her temples.

Another girl known as Jasmine walked into the classroom, catching Gold's eye.

"Hey! Back here! Back hhheeeerrreee!" and surprisingly, the shy girl blushed and sat diagonally across from Gold in the back.

"Score!" thought Gold. This class was gonna be fun.

Silver embraced Blue in a warm hug as he neared his homeroom class.

"Have a nice day Silver. And try to find me around lunchtime."

Silver only nodded as he slowly separated from Blue and headed into the class of Professor Elm. Silver never liked sitting in the front of the classroom…it made him feel like he stood out too much. So, Silver walked to the back of the classroom and sat behind a girl had upward pigtails. As Silver was getting situated, he was interrupted by Gold.

"Hey new kid! What's your name?"


"My name is Gold!"


"Hey, are you dea-" Gold started before the teacher arrived in the classroom. The teacher wore thick-glasses, had unkept hair, and was slim.

"Good Morning class! My name is Professor Elm and I will be your homeroom teacher this year…."

As the Professor spoke of school rules, meaning of "homeroom***", and such, Gold was busy trying to get the attention the shy girl sitting in front of the Silver, who he currently knows as the "Emo Kid."

"Psssssss…..Psssss…….Cutie…." whispered Gold. But, the girl wouldn't respond.

"You! In the back!" said Professor Elm as he pointed to towards Gold. Gold was so busy trying to get the attention of Jasmine, that he didn't notice the teacher had asked for the students to introduce themselves.

"Introduce yourself to everyone in the class"

Gold smirked and stood up for everyone to see. Gold was a fairly average height 14-yeard. He wore a backwards cap with goggles set on his foreheard. A small patch of hair poked out the front of his cap. Also, he wore red hoodie with yellow shorts and red sneakers.

"My name is Gold and I'm from New Bark Town." said Gold proudly as he nodded and sat back down. Next, a couple more students introduced themselves before it was Crystal's turn. Crystal had distinct aqua hair, with a red halter top under a small white jacket. Also, she had a yellow skirt with black shorts underneath.

"My name is Crystal and I'm-"

"A LOSER!!!" yelled Gold, interrupting Crystal and emitting a roar of laughter from the other students. Crystal bawled her first and she turned towards Gold and gave him a stern death glare.

"That's enough Gold! Behave yourself!" said Professor Elm.

"My bad, my bad!" said Gold as he laughed to himself. Crystal took a big sigh and began again.

"And I'm from New Bark Town."

"*cough*loser*cough*" said Gold, emitting small giggles from the other students. Silver looked at Gold chuckling to himself and shook his head. Why did he have to sit next to the class clown. Surely, Gold would bother him the whole year! Soon, Silver stood to introduce himself. Silver was a slim guy who had silver, intense eyes and long red hair. He wore a black vest with black gloves and light purple dress pants (A/N: No fashion sense? lol).

"My name is Silver and I'm from Viridian City." stated Silver as he quickly sat down. Many of the other students began whispering as Silver was a new student around that area.

"So your name is Silver, huh?"

"Shut up and don't talk to me!" Silver replied sharply.

"Fine…I rather talk to the hottie in front of you anyway!" said Gold as the homeroom came to an end. Silver quickly walked out the classroom. Gold took this opportunity to walk up to Jasmine and introduce himself, but Crystal blocked his path with Whitney beside her.

"I'm not going to put up with your antics the whole year, Gold!" Crystal stated while poking Gold in the chest with her forefinger.

"Geez…calm down Club Serious! I was just having some fun!" Gold said while waving his hands back and forth in front of Crystal.

"You were taking it too far today, Gold!" said Whitney, glaring at Gold. Gold smirked and retorted,

"No I wasn't! You're just a baby that can't take jokes!" Thus, a huge argument broke out between Whitney and Gold. Only Crystal and Professor Elm were able to separate the two.

Luckily, Silver next 3 classes of English, History, and Art went by pretty quick. He didn't have that annoying kid Gold in any of those classes. Soon, lunch period came, but the hallways/cafeteria was filled with students. Silver wormed his way through the hallways toward the cafeteria and started to look for Blue.

Gold sat down at the lunch table with Bugsy, and a few other guys from his classes.

"Man, they are so many good-looking babes in high school! I gotta get at least ONE of their numbers before the school day is over!" exclaimed Gold while chewing on a hamburger.

"Gold, maybe you should just calm down…" muttered Bugsy whose comment was ignored. Gold began to rant.

"Fellows, we're men now! Right?"


"Look at all the possibilities around here. Lunch time is the perfect opportunity to scope out babes. I mean, they're thick ones, slim ones, blondes ones, brown ones, tall ones, small ones…Oh my God!"

After Gold's semi-rant, many of the guys, including Gold, began laughing. Even Bugsy gave a small chuckle.

"Derrr…what about that one?" said one of Gold's classmates. Gold turned around and spotted an older girl who had long auburn hair, with sexy mischievous eyes. She wore light blue halter top, with a red skirt and a white and red bucket hat.

"Dibs" said Gold as he eyed the very alluring girl. She had the perfect ass…round and smooth…clearly outlined from her skirt. He was almost mesmerized by it! Gold slowly began to stand up and walk towards the unknown girl.

"Gold! Gold! What are you doing?!?" said Bugsy frantically. A couple of the other guys looked at each other in confusion. Then, one spoke up

"Oh man…Gold is totally gonna try to get that chick!"

Gold eventually walked up behind the mysterious girl who was busy chatting away with a group of friends. In a semi-daze, Gold reached out and gave a firm squeeze to the end of the girl. Gold was pleased with how soft her ass felt in his palms. Coolly, he muttered out.

"Hey there beautiful…****"

Silver ate lunch outside by himself. He didn't have any friends to sit at the table with. Also, it felt it would be too awkward to randomly sit at a table with complete strangers. Silver was slightly agitated that he didn't get to see his friend Blue during the lunch period. Silver walked back inside in the cafeteria to look for Blue one last time before the class bell rang. While walking around aimlessly, Silver overheard some random guy say,

"Huh huh huh…Gold is totally groping that chick!"

Silver rolled his eyes. He didn't expect any less from that loser Gold. Silver wondered what poor girl was subjected to the molestation of Gold. But, Silver muscles stiffened when he recognized the girl as his long-time friend Blue!

Blue was talking with a group of friends she quickly accumulated since the beginning of school. Within the group of friends was a tom-boyish blonde 10th grader who looks troubled.

"If you want to get to know the guy, you should try dressing like a boy."

"A boy? Why?"

"Because he's naïve. I know his type, you'll learn much more about him impersonating a boy than being a gi-" before Blue could finish her statement, a pair of hands suddenly cupped her butt. Now, Blue's first instinct was to shriek, turn around, and slap the pervert. Before, she could let out any type of noise; a straight right caught the perv on the chin, sending him stumbling into a nearby wall.

"Silver…" Blue lightly said. Silver looked immensely pissed. Blue and Silver were very overprotective of each other because of their upbringing.

"What the HELL are you doing?!?" snarled Silver. Bawling his fist into an even tighter ball.

Gold cupped his chin, moving it around to make sure anything wasn't broken before replying.

"Dude…what the hell was that for?!?"

"Don't you EVER touch her again! I'll bury you…"

"Try it then!"

Chants of "Fight….Fight…" began to echo across the cafeteria. Gold knew he would have to fight this "Emo Kid."

"First, he sucker punches me for no reason and now, my reputation is on the line with the student body watching" thought Gold. He HAD to kick his ass! Thus, the fight ensued. Blue placed both of her hands over her mouth, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, a dark figure hovered over the two fighting boys and roughly pulled them apart.

"My office! NOW!"

Everyone gasped as the slowly began to distinguish the figure…

"Principal Giovanni!"


My First Story so Read and Review

*The manga called it the "House of Pokemon", but I put House of Animals instead

**Crystal's mom nicknamed all her pokemon with an "ee" ending…so I give it to her in this story

***My High-School had a homeroom period were everyone sorta waited around 15 min. before beginning the main 7 classes.

****I can't remember the exact line Gold used when he molested Blue in the manga