"I can't stand this" Ben thinks as he once again heaves bile into the toilet of the hotel that he Kevin and Gwen are staying in in light of Ben's recent illness. Ben heaves again as Kevin walks in to rub is

back as he transfers in to dry heaves when there's nothing left he lays his head on the toilet seat(1) "somehow Kevin I just know this is your fault" Ben says as he glares at Kevin through his bang. Kevin

laughs "look Ben it's obviously something you ate so tomorrow we'll take you to the doctors" Ben glares at him and says "how exactly are we to pay for a visit to a doctor".

"Well I know a guy who could do it for free in the next town over" Kevin says thoughtfully

"Right and is this guy a human or an alien like most of the "guys" you "know". Gwen says from the doorway. "Alien but that's beside the point, the point is he can do it for free" Kevin says in an

defensive tone as he picks Ben, who is laying half-conscious on the floor, up and carries him to the room they share.

Kevin undresses Ben and himself and puts them under the covers. After a few moments of silence Ben says in a hushed voice "um….hey Kev"

"Yea Ben" Kevin answers

"What if when we go see you friend tomorrow we find out something really bad is wrong with me?"

Kevin rolls on to his and grips Bens face lightly in his hand "nothing is wrong with ya Benjy its just food poisoning." Ben doesn't look convinced in the slightest "but what if I caught some weird disease

while fighting aliens all these years?" Kevin rolls roughly away from ben and growls low in his throat and half shouts "No…no what ifs Ben because there is nothing seriously wrong with you." But when

Ben tenses beside him he rolls over into their previous position and says in a much softer tone "I'm sorry, lets just hope for the best" all the while praying in his head for nothing to be wrong. Kevin

sighs and pulls Ben into his arms and whispers in his ear " I love you" as they drift off in sleep each trying to prepare for good and bad news.

(1) I did that once and got a rash on my face.

The whole story is a lot longer I just like shorter chapters and plus its like 5:36 a.m. so I am TIRED. Hope you enjoyed it if your gonna complain please don't bother reveiwing. I only like reasonable and possitive criticism.

Hopefully I can have the next few chapters typed and online tomorrow or in the next couple of days.