Disclaimer: I don't own any characters or anything. It's all JK Rowling.

Ill try to post a chapter a day. Read & Review :D

1) Genie's got a girlfriend

As usual, the Marauders were bored. As they strolled along the corridors, Sirius and James were losing their minds and Remus was losing his patience.

"Can't we go to the library or something? I have to do that Potions essay," he wailed

"Moony, you are the biggest loser I've ever come across!" retorted Sirius, while James just stared at Remus in disbelief.

"We need to do some serious pranking man!" said James, regretting it immediately.

"SERIOUS PRANKING?! As in pranking Sirius? Prongs, I am appalled. You are unworthy of being a marauder."

At this, Remus just rolled his eyes, whereas James started to beg for forgiveness, very dramatically. It was Lupin's worst nightmare: public displays of affection.

He turned away and began to walk in the direction of the library. James got up off the floor, and looked down the corridor after Moony.

"Dobby's sock! Padfoot?"


"You'll never guess what!"


"It's unbelievable..."

"Prongs, anytime soon?"

"I see a Genie! Talking to a GIRL!" he cried gleefully. Genie was a first-year boy who was one of the marauders' favourite targets. They didn't even know what his real name was, but Genie suited him much more.

The tiny boy was sitting on a windowsill laughing and chatting to an even smaller girl.

"Merlin's beard!" yelled Sirius, "looks like they're having fun. We need to fix that." With wide grins on their faces, the two boys sprinted down the corridor and skidded to a halt.

Unfortunately, the girl had already started walking away from them.

"Hey Genie!" said James, cheerfully

"What the hell do you want?" snapped Genie. He had really grown to hate those two miscreants.

"Now now Genie! We only want to help you..." Sirius said mysteriously

"With what!" the kid was really getting angry now.

"Your love life!" grinned James, "Is that your girlfriend?"

"Genie's got a girlfriend!" sang Sirius

"She's not my girlfriend! She's just a friend!" he argued

"GENIE'S GOT A GIRLFRIEND!" they sang, even louder.

"Shut the hell up, you divs" Genie shouted.

James clutched his chest in mock agony.

"Merlin's pants! He called me a... a.... a..." at this point James collapsed to against the opposite wall and slid to the floor.

"James! Prongs! Look at me!" Sirius knelt at his side. Genie watched the scene, wondering whether or not to laugh.

"I see ... a light!" James whispered.

"Don't go into the light!" wailed Sirius, but James had already doubled up in fits of laughter.

"That was classic!" he cheered, "Did you see Genie's face?" Sirius looked up to see that the kid had an ugly scowl on his face.

"I think Genie needs a little revenge for insulting you so much, Prongs" smirked Sirius

"Ah. I agree with you Pads. I reckon we can still catch up with that girl. She can't have gone far..." Both boys were grinning broadly, causing a few second-year girls to hyperventilate. They had that effect on most girls.

Once again, they dashed down the corridor after the little girl. As they ran, they could hear Genie's frantic shouts behind.

"Marcy! Marcy run away from them!" he screamed, attracting the attention of a furious Filch.

As Marcy turned around, she saw two insane boys charging at her. She turned around and ran as fast as her little legs would carry her, but eventually, she tired and started to walk again. James and Sirius eventually caught up with her, beaming from ear to ear.

"Hey Marcy!" said James

"Marcy, do you love Genie? Are you going out with Genie?!" urged Sirius, cheekily. Marcy flushed a deep crimson.

"No," she muttered, "and his name isn't Genie!"

"Yeah whatever," smirked James, "but you love him right? 'Cos he luuurves you!"

"Yeah he's a bit obsessed with you actually," Sirius joined in, "He wrote 'I love Marcy' on all his school books, and he magically carved G+M onto the tables in the common room."

"It's seriously creepy. We just think that you should know."

"Yeah he's becoming a bit of a stalker..."

"We're worried for your health..."

"And his. Mental health that is..."

"Yeah he's mental..."

The poor little girl looked absolutely horror-struck. She wasn't sure whether or not to believe these mischievous boys.

"So," said Sirius, "will you go out with him?"

"No!" she cried

"What!?!" yelled James, "that is SO rude little girl! I think you should go out with him!"

"Yeah, he's just a poor misguided soul..."

"He doesn't know where he's going or where he came from..."

"Ha! He doesn't know where he came from! That's funny dude."

"Guess he hasn't had the talk with McGonagall"

"He should count himself lucky, that was the most awkward talk ever."

"Yeah, Moony passed out when she started talking about ... it."

"Who knew McGonagall knew so much..."

"It's all that experience with Dumbledore I guess..."

"What? I thought Dumbledore was gay?"

"Yeah but even HE's had an interesting history"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Marcy had finally found the courage to talk, "Leave me alone!"

She stormed off to the Hufflepuff common room to tell her friends about her run-in with the famous James Potter and Sirius Black.

"Chicks!" muttered James

"Tell me about it..." sighed Sirius.