-1She will be born precisely a year after him. She will have cobalt eyes and russet hair. Her lips will be full and crimson, yet no words will ever come from them.

She will watch him stand unaccompanied. Her heart will shatter every single time a child gawks in horror at the boy with burgundy hair and sea foam green eyes. She will mutely cry for him every single night.

He will grow up being called "monster" and "freak." She will listen to this, yet she is restrained from comforting him with fond words. They will cry together.

He will meet her. He will hate her. He will hate everyone. She will hate herself. She will label herself as "useless."

She will hurt herself for him. For the fact that she could never help ease his torture. For the love she will forever hold in her silent heart.

She will cry when he leaves without saying anything to her. His siblings pull her into hugs, and she will say "goodbye" to them with her hands. They will smile and walk away. The boy with fiery hair will not turn around to face her.

She will wait by the village gates everyday for this return. Sand will lash at her skin. She will not cry out in pain for herself. Tears will not fall from her eyes. She will believe that he took all her tears with him.

He will return with his siblings in tow. They will walk past her without uttering a single word. She will stare forward, mortified.

She will wait until darkness falls to return home. The tears she will try to force out will not fall. He still has them, and has yet to return them.

He will think about her endlessly. The girl who stares and ever speaks. He will realize that he has never though about her so much before, but the actions that will take place in his life will cause his thoughts.

She will wait a month before leaving her dwelling. She will walk to the playground where she first saw him. New children will inhabit the swings. Their smiling parents will push them back and forth.

He will think about her for a month before deciding to confront her. He will walk to the playground where he first saw her. An older girl will inhabit the rusted bench. He will stare in silence.

She will turn her head and see him. Her heartbeat will rapidly increase and her face will turn scarlet. They will stare for a long moment before she stands.

He will take a step toward her, and she will think the wrong thing.

She will run home and collapse on her bed. The tears will be returned and soaked into her pillow.

He will be informed of a suicide. A young mute, 13-year-old girl with cobalt eyes and russet hair will be found in her room, wrists coated in blood.

He will stare at her grave for hours. Sand will lash at him and he will not flinch. Tears will not fall from his eyes. He will believe that she took all his tears with her.

He will kiss his hand and press it on the cold stone. His siblings will call his name and he will turn away from her for the last time.

He will hate himself for her. For the fact that he never saw the torture in her eyes.

He will label himself as "useless."