Captain's Orders
Chapter 1


Disclaimer: I do not now, nor have I ever, owned the DBZ characters. They belong to Akira Toryama and Funimation. However, I would absolutely LOVE to own them all, especially 17. But anyway, there's a story to be told!


"What's he doing?"

Goten and Trunks hung over the balcony over a window in the roof of the gravity room. Or at least it had once been a window. Now it was just a hole with broken glass jutting out of the edges.

"Just punching holes in the walls..." Trunks responded to his friend's question. "He's been doing it for two days straight now. He's not even stopping to eat."

"Weird," Goten said distractedly, watching Vegeta's organized but obviously angry movements across the room.

"Yeah, but not unlike him. He's done stuff like this before, but the last time was after his birthday party." Trunks sighed. "He was so upset, he didn't come out for a week. Mom says it helps him think."

Goten kind of went "ohhhhhhh".

"Still, I wonder what could have gotten him so mad. We haven't thrown him a party since then, and it's been four months."

"Hey!" Goten cast a grin at his comrade. "I bet your mom knows!"

Trunks stood up. "Well then, what're we waiting for? Let's go!"

Laughing, the two boys raced down the hall.


"Hiya, Trunks's mom!" Goten shouted, half-throwing open the door into Bulma's lab. The cat screeched as the door came within an inch of crushing it.

Bulma turned. "Oh, hi there Goten, Trunks!" She put down a wrench and leaned forward. "And what do you two have to ask me?"

Trunks looked up at her, an expression of concern on his face. "Why's Dad so mad? He's been punching holes in the gravity room for two days."

Bulma gazed up at the ceiling, deep in thought. "I don't really know, boys."

Goten, meanwhile, was staring at Bulma's shirt. "Why's your shirt so big?"

Trunks looked at the shirt, too. "Wha - 'Baby On Board'?" His eyes went wide.

"My shirt?" Bulma looked down. "Oh! That must be it! I'm sorry, I must have forgotten to tell you. I told Vegeta though."

"...Told him what?" Trunks asked, not sure if he wanted to know.

Bulma squatted down to his level. "Trunks, you know what?"


"You're going to have a new baby sister!!"

"WHAAAAT?!?!?!" Trunks said, backpedaling quickly until he was up against the wall.


"Well that was a surprise!" Goten laughed. "A sister. Who knew?"

"Dad does, and that's why he's turning the gravity room into Swiss cheese." Trunks shot a glance through a window just in time to see Vegeta smash a hole in the floor with his foot. "I wonder how long it'll take Mom and Grandpa to fix all the holes."

"Fifty cents says it takes a month," his friend teased, grinning.

"A dollar says it'll take two months," Trunks countered.

"You're on!"

The boys sat down in the hallway. Goten halfheartedly started drawing little circles in the shag carpet with his finger. Trunks drew a stick figure with pointy hair.

"Hey, I've got an idea!" Goten said suddenly.

Trunks jumped. "What is it?"

Goten grinned; he sure looked like he had a great idea. "Let's surprise Gohan when he gets here to pick me up!"

"Great!" Trunks replied, springing to his feet. "How?"

"We'll go out in the yard and catch some frogs, then we'll slip them all down his shirt when he's not looking!" Goten proclaimed, also standing up.

Trunks lowered one eyebrow. "That's pretty mean." Then he grinned. "I like it!"


"I gotcha now!"

Goten dove after another frog, then laughed as his net slipped cleanly over it. He picked up the net by its opening, pinching it closed so the frog couldn't escape. "Hey Trunks, I caught another one!"

"All right!" Trunks opened up the bucket enough that Goten could slip the frog through the opening, then shut the lid tightly.

"So how many do we have now?"

Trunks opened up the lid just a bit. "Six or seven. That should be enough."

"YESSSSS!" Goten jumped up in the air. "This is gonna be soooooooooo funny!"

Just then, Bulma poked her head out the back door. "Goten!" she called. "Your brother's here to pick you up!"


"You distract him," Trunks whispered. "I'll take care of the rest."

Goten nodded as they entered the front hall.

Gohan suddenly turned and noticed them. "Hi guys! How's it going?"

"I had the greatest day ever!" Goten yelled, jumping around until he'd gotten his brother to turn an about-face.

"Whoa, slow down champ. What'd you do all day, huh?" Gohan asked.

Goten didn't miss a beat while Trunks rose slowly up in the air with three live frogs in each hand. "Well, we got to watch Mortal Kombat 4 and we played Soul Blade and Final Fantasy 9 and - "

"YEEEEEEEIIIIIKES!!!!!!!!!" Gohan screamed as six cold, wet, slimy frogs started squirming around in his shirt. The other two boys started laughing hysterically. To make it even funnier, Gohan started hopping around on one foot, shaking his arms like a rabid dog on crack. "Get it out! Get it out!"

It wasn't long before Bulma heard the commotion and entered the entryway. "What's going on here!" she demanded.

"There's - YIKE! - There's something - AIIIEEE! - in my shi - WHOA! - my shirt!" Gohan yelled, still hopping.

Bulma sighed. "Oh, for crying out loud. Hold still, Gohan." Gohan obeyed, though still twitching a little, and Bulma stuck her hand down the back of his shirt and pulled out one of the offenders.

"What is it? What is it?" Gohan asked nervously.

"Geez, Gohan, it's just a frog," Bulma replied, holding it in front of him.

"A frog? How did a frog end up -" His eyes narrowed suddenly. "Those two are dead meat."


The boys flew over the countryside, having left when Bulma had showed up. Goten still had the bucket.

"I'm gonna keep this last one," he said, grinning eagerly.

"Whatever," was all Trunks had to say. "You think your mom will let you?"

"Of course not, but what Mom doesn't know can't hurt her!"

Trunks sighed. "I think I've been a bad influence on you."

"Huh? Why?"



Late that night, Goten dozed off reading a comic book by flashlight. He hadn't noticed anything odd about this particular frog when he'd put it in its cage, but most people would see the presence of two antennae and hear a distinct familiarity in the ribbit-voice.

Around midnight, the frog jumped up and hung off the top of the cage. Winding its tiny fingers through the bars, it silently undid the catch, then pushed the door open with one of its hind legs. Carefully it climbed through, then hopped over onto Goten's back and ribbited.

The boy slowly rolled over, the frog shifting to stay on top. Goten yawned. "Hi, froggy," he said groggily. The frog ribbited.

"So whaddaya want?" he asked, sluggishly.

The frog suddenly looked Goten straight in the eyes. For a second, the boy could have sworn he heard the frog say something like "Change Now", but then there was a bright light and a strange sensation, like he was moving but wasn't, and someone hitting him directly in the head, and everything suddenly going black...


GASP!! Could it be?! Stay tuned for Chapter Two!

(o^.^o) The Artist Formerly Known As Ed