Disclaimer:I don't own Soul Eater. The Anime/Manga, the characters and everything you recognize doesn't belong to me
Soul glared at the Shinigami before him, the initial shock completely gone giving now its place for anger.
"No way! I'm not going along with that!" he almost screamed "I had enough of this" he looked at his partner and reached for her hand dragging her along.
"Soul wait" She said making his heart stop, she couldn't possibly be considering this could she? Her hand slipped away from his, turning around to face her father and the Sinigami-sama once again. "I will not leave Soul, he his my Scythe and my partner"
Soul let out a breath he didn't notice he was holding, Maka would never do that, she was a cool partner after all... but before he could think to much about it the Death scythe spoke.
"we know that Maka, but your wavelengths are becoming to powerful for Soul to keep up with..." those words again, they felt like knifes stabbing his back, "if you two continue soul resonating together he might die"
Maka's determinate expression dropped, and Soul felt another stab.
"I'm not going to die, I just need some time, I'll definitely catch up... come on Maka, you know that" although he was trying to act cool, he too noticed how powerful she had become, last mission he felt the girls soul consuming his, it wasn't like the fight with Crona, it wasn't madness taking over, it was her soul becoming larger and stronger until the point he couldn't take any longer and had to jump out of her hands. It would be difficult to catch up...nearly impossible
...and she knew that...
"I'm sorry Soul" was her only reply, her hair bangs covering her eyes.
Hope you liked it
I know its short but its only the prologue, the other chapters will be bigger, but because its so short heres a preview for the next chapter:
Chapter I - Changing Scythe
"Everyone this is Mizuiro Kyon he's a scythe and he will start school here today" introduced Stein
"Its a pleasure to meet you all" said the blond student with a killer smile that earn him a 'pleasure is all ours' from all females in the class, except Tsubaki, Maka, and Patty.
Stein looked around for a second his eyes stopping on Maka and Soul "you can sit there" he said pointing at a space in between them. The boy obied.
'WHAT?' Soul thought 'why does it have to be here?' he really really was starting to hate this guy, not to say all Seibuken teachers... it was like a conspiracy: he couldn't be Maka's partner anymore, they couldn't share the same house, and now they couldn't even sit near each other during class...this was truly uncool, the uncoolest of all uncool.... his brain stopped the moment the boy sat near his ex-partner, turning his back to Soul so he could concentrate only on her.
Please review I would like to know peoples opinions before posting chapter1