Author's Note: Hello :) I've been working on this story ever since August. It's been my secret little project that I've hinted at uploading. But I was serious, this wasn't just an idea in my head. I have an idea of where this is going, which is like a first. Please keep in mind this is AU (my very first AU story, actually) and more will be explained later. This will all make sense, I have a background to this and everything, don't worry. Oh, and the title is not onehundredpercent definite, but it was the only thing I could think of that related to the theme I'm going for in the story. I hope it doesn't suck. Enjoy :)

Info: This is taking place the summer before Harry's third year. Rated T just as a precaution. I lost my copy of PoA a long time ago, so until I buy a new copy, I apalogize for missing certain details that might've been in the book that are vital to the overall storyline.

How to Love

Chapter One: The New Girl

The first thing Harry had noticed about the new girl was that she was dangerously thin. Her face was pale and her cheekbones were rather sharp. There were dark circles under her eyes, and Harry didn't remember seeing her even smile.

Already, he was drawing assumptions. Did she live the same life style that he did whenever he was home for the summer, living with relatives who detested her company? Was she even a witch?

Of course she was a bloody witch. Harry shook his head. This was the Leaky Cauldron, for Merlin's sake.

Was the girl a Hogwarts student? Harry hadn't remembered seeing her before. He couldn't really estimate how old she was, due to her unnatural thinness and mysterious height.

Then again, Harry was remembering now, a man by the name of Remus Lupin, apparently the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, had talked to the girl after introducing himself to Harry.

"Harry Potter!" he had said cheerfully the moment he saw him. His overall appearance was a bit shaggy. His hair was rather long, and it looked like he hadn't shaved in over a week. "What a pleasure to meet you." His small eyes scanned Harry intensely, making him feel a little uncomfortable.

Harry awkwardly shook hands with the man. He had gone through such a routine before plenty of times. Apparently almost everyone had the pleasure of meeting him. "Hello."

"I am Remus Lupin, the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. I've heard you have a knack for fighting the Dark Arts, eh?"

Harry wondered if Remus Lupin would stay as a teacher for longer than a school year.

"Not really, professor."

Lupin had winked at him. "You know, I was friends with -- " There was a cough from behind them and he turned to the girl, sitting across from them.

She spoke at such a low volume that Harry couldn't hear, but he lip-read, "Sorry."

"Oh, are you -- "

The girl had nodded solemnly, then coughed again. Her wide brown eyes fell upon Harry, and he was ready for the usual constant staring, but she looked more like she was challenging him to hold the eye contact rather than preparing to stare at him in star-struck creepiness.

"I would like to tell you more about myself, Harry, and vice versa, but I'm afraid I have to talk to, er..." he began awkwardly. The girl sounded like she was choking now, but Lupin didn't rush to her side. Harry couldn't help but look at her every few seconds, wondering if someone was going to come to her aid. He was about to stand up himself to help her.

"Of course."

"Talk soon, then?"

Harry nodded.

Now, he sat there in the small corner of the Leaky Cauldron, trying to not look at the new girl, whom Lupin had left for a few minutes. At least she stopped choking by now. There was such a mysterious aura around her that it was rather difficult to not cast a few covert glances at her.

Harry almost felt like walking up to her and striking up a conversation, but something told him not to. Perhaps it was her apparent fragileness. Or maybe it was because the daring way she looked at him before was a little intimidating.

She didn't seem interested in having any type of communication with him whatsoever.

That might've been it. The whole reason Harry was wondering so much about her. She didn't stare at him. She didn't scream "Oh my goodness, it's Harry Potter!" the moment she recognized his presence. She didn't do anything to purposely get his attention. And Harry admired that.

Now, Lupin was returning to the corner than Harry and the girl were sitting in, facing each other, separated by walking space and a coffee table.

"Well, Albus, I naturally assumed that she wasn't so capable," Remus Lupin said as he approached the corner where Harry and the girl were sat.

Within moments, Dumbledore was right behind Lupin. "Of course she's capable. If she wasn't, she wouldn't be here." He was in less formal robes than usual, but there was still the twinkle in his eye as he looked over at Harry. "Hello, Harry." He didn't forget to bring his joyous aura with him, Harry noticed, because they were both smiling back at each other.

"Hello, professor," he said with a smile, straightening his back so that he appeared to be more focused and respectful. Harry's mood lightened up at the sight of seeing the headmaster again.

"I see you've met Professor Lupin?"

"Yes, sir."

"How're you holding up?" Lupin asked genuinely.

"Great, thanks."

Harry looked at the girl across from him quickly. She was looking at Dumbledore with some odd expression: fear? confusion? absolute bewilderment?

"Ahh, hello there," Dumbledore said to the girl. "I'm Albus Dumbledore, headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Remus, can you fetch her some tea? I think she's a bit cold."

Cold? She was covered in blankets. How could she be cold? Harry wondered. However, the girl nodded.

"I see your neck is still red?" he continued. "Well, then, we'll just have to get you Callie Corbin's Cough Drops. They work like a charm." The headmaster chuckled to himself.

With what seemed like only a few seconds, Lupin had already returned with a cup of tea and a bag that sported a moving picture of a woman sticking her tongue out and dancing. Needless to say, Harry had seen stranger things.

"Thank you," the girl said, her voice louder than before, as she accepted the cup and bag. Her voice was rough for a girl's.

"Now, I understand that you've received some knowledge about the wizarding world already?"

The girl was instantly intrigued. The dark circles under her eyes almost seemed to disappear. "Yes, sir. I've learned quite a few things about this world. A muggleborn -- is that what we're called?" Her voice didn't even seem that rough now.

Dumbledore nodded, smiling, willing her to continue.

"A muggleborn must have left his or her bag behind. I found tons of books with moving pictures and everything...I read through all of them," she said proudly.

"Brilliant, dear," Dumbledore said. "How did you read all of them so quickly?"

The girl shrugged. "I'm just used to reading so much. That's how I know almost everything I know. Reading. People sometimes give me books..."

"Do they now?"

She shrugged again. "Yes, sir, muggles give me books."

"I see..." he said, seeming deep in thought. "For free?"

"Oh, yes, they're absolutely brilliant. If they have a book that they don't need any more, they give it to me and I read them all. However, those wizarding books...those are amazing! Moving pictures and everything. Better than any muggle book I've ever had."

People just gave her books? Did she volunteer at a library? Harry automatically raised his eyebrows in pure curiosity, and he was more grateful for the fact that she wasn't looking at his reaction to what she was saying.

Dumbledore smiled again, his eyes still twinkling. "Did you attempt any of the spells you read about?"

"Of course not, sir," she replied immediately. Then she touched her neck. "Well, apart from...I mean, I don't even have a wand. And wandless magic is normally beyond my ability."

"Aha, miss, I assure you it is not. What you did just a few days ago was wonderful. Although we don't recommend you use wandless magic during every adrenaline rush."

"Albus," Lupin began, "forgive me, but I don't think that you should encourage her about her potential. She's only thirteen --"

So she was thirteen. Harry's age.

"Remus, I think you know what I mean when I say potential. She's just brilliant. Simply brilliant."

"But given what she's been through – you wouldn't want her to have to defend herself like that again," Lupin replied softly.

"Oh, I almost forgot!" Dumbledore continued. "This is Harry Potter," he said, gesturing over to him. "He's thirteen as well. A third year. He might be in a few of your classes, especially if you get sorted into Gryffindor."

The girl looked at him and nodded. Her entire expression changed from when she had been talking about books and magic and muggles. Now she gave him the same challenging look, and the way her eyes were on him it looked like she was judging him in a contest. Within a few seconds, though, she looked away from him and claimed her plain expression once again as her eyes met Dumbledore.

"I remember reading about the Houses. Gryffindor's the brave one, right?" she said.

Dumbledore chuckled and the girl's pale cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "I suppose you could call it the brave house, since many brave students have gotten sorted into that one." He winked. "Harry, in fact, is a perfect example. Have the books you read mentioned him?"

"Harry Potter...yes, actually. And a man named Voldemort." She was unphased.

Lupin flinched.

"Then you know quite a bit about Harry?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He hadn't guessed that their conversation would turn to this. And Dumbledore was acting as though Harry wasn't even there, sitting behind him, listening intently and being extremely confused as to what this girl did that Dumbledore was so amazed by, and what Lupin didn't want to encourage.

"Not really. Just that Voldemort tried to kill him as a baby, and he survived," the girl said plainly. Although she began looking a bit uncomfortable as well. "And that bit about his parents." She looked over at him, her mouth open and ready to speak, but she closed it shut and returned her gaze to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses before speaking. "I see...Well, ma'am, I have a feeling that you're going to be a talented witch. Never stop learning." He looked down at his watch. "My, my, time passes by when you're having fun! I have a meeting with the Minister of Magic in thirty minutes. About you, actually. Nothing to worry about. We've just got to get you're record, seeing as you don't have any previous records of yourself. Then later, my dear friend Rubeus Hagrid will show you around Diagon Alley."

Harry smiled and propped himself up higher on his seat. "Hagrid's coming here?"

The headmaster turned to face Harry. "Yes, he will be visiting to help this young lady."

"He's great, you'll love him --" Harry began to say to the girl. Then he remembered how uninterested she was in him, and stopped.

The girl nodded as she took in all the information. "Thank you, sir."

"My pleasure." Dumbledore turned to wink at Harry before walking out of the Leaky Cauldron. "I'll see you soon, Harry. You too, Miss Granger."

Author's Note: More will be explained in future chapters, I pinky promise. Thank you for reading, my loves. Feedback is appreciated :)