Ginny didn't stop to think. Using her superb natural flying skills, she pulled into a spectacular dive, gripping her Firebolt with one hand as she plunged the other into her robes, whipped out her wand and aimed it at Harry's mad Firebolt.
"Finite incantatem!"
Harry's wild bucking broomstick froze instantly and as she pulled out of her sharp dive, Ginny grabbed a handful of his robes and managed to haul his leg over the handle. As she helped him clamber back onto his now mercifully static Firebolt, Lucius Malfoy's cold voice issued from under the hooded mask again below them, his wand raised.
"Accio broomstick!"
Ginny, who had her back to him, whipped around and blocked the Summoning Charm with a well-aimed Stunning Spell which shot directly at Malfoy, knocking him to the ground senseless.
"Stupefy! Stupefy! Stupefy!" Ginny yelled as she hit every Death Eater she could with the jets of red sparks.
As Harry seated himself back on his Firebolt, he heard several Death Eaters Disapparate around them apparently scared off by Ginny's Stunning Spells. Those that weren't quick enough lay Stunned on the ground next to Malfoy.
"Come on, Harry," said Ginny, breathing heavily and glaring furiously at the Stunned Death Eaters on the grass below them. "Let's get back to school and see if we can get Dumbledore to arrest these idiots."
Then she jerked her Firebolt into life and flew off in the direction of the castle.
"Wow, what a woman!" was all Harry could think as he sped off after her.

Harry yawned as he made his way down to breakfast the following morning. The whole fiasco with the Death Eaters, which involved flying back to school, finding Dumbledore, taking him back to the waterfall where Lucius Malfoy and several others lay Stunned, flying back to the school, sending owls to the Magical Law Enforcement department of the Ministry of Magic, waiting with the Death Eaters until the Ministry officials arrived and overseeing the arrest, meant that neither he nor Ginny got to bed much before two in the morning.
"You tired, sweetheart?" Ginny asked him with a kiss as he seated himself next to her at the Gryffindor table.
"A bit, yeah," Harry admitted with a grin.
"I don't blame you," she smiled, running her fingers through his hair lovingly. "We had a very busy late night last night."
"Well, it's all paid off!" grinned Hermione, two seats down from Harry. "It's all over this morning's Daily Prophet. See for yourselves."
She handed them the morning paper with a contented smile. On the front page in huge black writing were the words "MALFOY FINALLY CAUGHT!" Phrases jumped out at Harry as he and Ginny scanned the article beneath the headline. "Seven Death Eaters arrested last night…." "….among them Lucius Malfoy, once school governor of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry…." "…arguably one of the most notorious supporters of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named…" "…Stunned around ten o clock last night from a distance by the superb flying skills and outstanding aim and courage of Miss Virginia Weasley, 14, daughter of Arthur Weasley, now promoted to the Head of the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Department…."
"That's my girl," grinned Harry, putting his arm around Ginny and kissing her.
"Good way as any to pay old Draco back for putting that Imperius Curse on me and almost ruining our relationship," smiled Ginny through a mouthful of Harry's lips.
Ron, delighted though he undoubtedly was to hear about Lucius Malfoy's capture and his dad's promotion, looked painfully uncomfortable as he watched his best friend and his little sister sharing such a passionate kiss.
"Um, Harry, haven't you got a game soon?" he asked quickly.
Harry untangled his lips from Ginny's and glanced at his watch. It was Saturday the 16th! How could he have forgotten the match against Ravenclaw he and the rest of the team had been training for over the past month?
"We've got ten minutes to change and be on the pitch!" said Harry urgently. He sprang to his feet and pulled Ginny to hers. "What is it with you?" he asked her with a loving smile. "somehow you always make me late for everything!"
"You tell me," she said cheekily as she kissed him on the cheek and raced him to the changing rooms.
Ron pulled a sour face as he watched them.

As the Gryffindor Quidditch team faced the seven blue-and-bronze-robed Ravenclaws, Harry spotted Cho standing at the back. She looked pale and slightly ill, and Harry assumed she was still mourning Cedric. Feeling Ginny's eyes on him, Harry wasn't really surprised at all when he didn't feel the usual warm rush towards Cho he always got when he was with her. Yes, Cho was pretty and popular, but Ginny had qualities Cho could never have, humour, grace, warmth, love, her own unique Ginny Weasley charm….
Madame Hooch's whistle interrupted his thoughts as the fourteen players and referee soared into the cold morning air. He winked at Ginny as she whizzed off to the Gryffindor goalposts. Lee Jordan was still at his old job….
"And they're off! After the amazing game Gryffindor played last time, this looks like a promising…hey! Where did the Gryffindor Keeper get that Firebolt from? Are the school dishing out Firebolts now to new team members? Hmmm…maybe I should join the Gryffindor team…"
"Jordan, the commentary, if you please?" snapped Professor McGonagall sourly.
"Oh right. Angelina Johnson with the Quaffle…good Bludger work there by old what's-his-name from Ravenclaw….Quaffle intercepted, grabbed by one of the Ravenclaw Chasers…I've really got to start memorising their names…heading for the Gryffindor goals…OUTSTANDING save there by Ginny Weasley! See what an extra Friebolt can do to a team? Maybe you should get some for non-team members, too, Professor…."
"Well, I'm just saying if it was difficult for the commentator to see what was going on, he might need a broomstick to get up there and…."
"And he might need a replacement if he doesn't do his job commentating!" said Professor McGonagall icily.
"Okay, okay," groaned Lee. "Gryffindor in possession…."
Half an hour later, Ginny had pulled several more amazing saves, while Alicia, Angelina and Katie used their unique Chasing skills to bring the score to…
"…Seventy-ten to Gryffindor! George Weasley sending a well-aimed Bludger at…hang on! What's Chang doing?"
Harry, who had just flashed Ginny a thumbs up, turned and spotted Cho diving, the Snitch inches before her.
"Ravenclaw Seeker closing in on the Snitch," Lee said fearfully. "Come on, Harry! Use your accele….oh no."
Before Harry could draw level with her, Cho's fingers closed on the tiny golden ball, Madame Hooch's whistle blew and the Ravenclaw end of the crowd burst into a tremendous applause.
The Weasley twins shot at the ground in frustration, Katie, Alicia and Angelina just looked shocked and Harry, unable to face anyone slowly lowered himself to the pitch where the Ravenclaw team were being awarded their extra house-points and celebrations.

Ron leapt over the barrier to the pitch and stormed over to Harry and Ginny.
"See?" he yelled at Harry. "I told you not to get involved with her! You've just lost us the match because you couldn't stop drooling over her! Couldn't take your eyes off her for a moment to even think about Gryffindor! We're out of the running! Congratulations, Harry! I hope you're pleased with yourself…"
Ginny slapped Ron.
"Get lost, Ron!" she hissed. "You know very well that if you and Hermione were on the same team, you wouldn't be able to do your job properly either!"
Ron glared at them both for a moment before storming back up to the castle.
"Sorry about him," said Ginny once he'd gone.
"That's okay. I suppose if I had a sister and he started dating her, I'd act the same," Harry shrugged, staring at the grass. Somehow he couldn't bring himself to look at her face.
"No, you wouldn't," Ginny smiled. "I know you, you'd be happy for him, not mean and…."
Harry looked up and caught a very cold look from the Gryffindor Chasers and from several Prefects, who walked past him in silence.
He sighed and turned to Ginny. "I'm sorry. I've let you down, haven't I? Ron's right, I wasn't thinking of Gryffin…"
"You could never let me down," Ginny interrupted with a smile. "Never. No matter what you do, I'll always love you."
She leaned over and gave him a short reassuring kiss.
"Thanks, Gin," Harry smiled.
"Besides, it's not over yet," Ginny went on. "Ron's wrong, we're not out of the running yet. If Hufflepuff beat Slytherin and if Ravenclaw lose to Hufflepuff, we go into second place and then the finals…"
"Sweet, smart and gorgeous," Harry beamed at her. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
"Good question, that's what I'd like to know," Ginny grinned mischievously. "Only joking, Harry, you did everything to deserve me. You saved hundreds of lives, you've not let your fame turn you into Lockhart or someone, you're sweet, you're kind, you're caring, you're brave, you'll do anything to help anyone….that's why I love you, and that's why I'm yours."
Harry couldn't think of anything to say. He just grinned.

A/N The end? I'm not sure…depends on feedback, as always, you know! Thanks to all the reveiwers!