Hello all readers, this is the first ever story I've (Crownofthorns) created.

This is obviously about Pokemon (duh, read the title) and though I know most of you would like to decide the pairing of this (and every) story to your liking. . . I'm afraid that isn't the case. This will be a pearlshipping fic. The reason? Simply because I support that pairing and wish to see more of it, SO SUCK IT UP!!! I hope you enjoy the story even if you don't support the pair though.

Again this is my first ever story so go easy on the reviews, but you can give me any advice or thoughts that you want, anyways read on!

Some things that you must know for the story:

Pokemon – Creatures from another dimension. Often thought in mythology as demons, these beings can be summoned to the human dimension by use of a Summoning Orb.

Aurain – A crystal that can be used to harness the power of Pokemon. Aurain can only be found in the deepest of caverns.

Summoning Orb – An orb created out of Aurain that Pokemon trainers, mages, and warlocks use to summon Pokemon.

Pokemon Trainer – A human that learns the way of summoning Pokemon and using their power. They usually start training at the age of 13.

Pokemon Mage – A trainer that has mastered the art of summoning. If the Mage is strong and wise enough then they can become a member of the High Council

Pokemon Warlocks – Former Pokemon Mages that have been corrupted or have gone down the path of evil. They use their powers for personal gain and to create chaos.

The High Council – A group of mages that help govern the peace and security of the people.

The Book of Life – A mystical object described in mythology as the key to defeating the power to come in the prophecy.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon or any of its characters.


Pokemon: The Book of Life


In the Beginning, Arceus created the universe with its 1000 arms. It created the guardians of time and space to help keep the balance of the universe. Arceus created the planets and the stars, the solar systems and the galaxies, all of the nebulas and all else. It created the first Human and the first Pokemon as well. Soon the planets were teeming with humans and pokemon alike. All lived in peace and all was good.

However the guardians of time and space, Dialga and Palkia were always restless, each always believing that the other was invading the boundaries of their respective forces. They clashed throughout the ages and Arceus saw that if this continued, the peace would be broken. So Arceus created the Distortion World, a dimension co-existing with the dimension where humans and pokemon lived. It would undo the destruction and disturbances that the real dimension would make. Arceus then created Giratina to govern the Distortion world and make sure it was stable. All was good once again.

However the peace would not last as Dialga and Palkia continued to fight, thus creating major disruptions in the Distortion world. Giratina was furious with what Dialga and Palkia were doing to its dimension. It soon forced its way to the other dimension and started to attack Dialga and Palkia. Soon the battle was so fierce that the pokemon and humans knew about it. A council got together and tried to decide about what to do. They couldn't agree on anything, the humans were sympathetic to Dialga thinking that time was the stronger of the two. The pokemon argued that they were equal in power but when the humans wouldn't listen to them hatred arose and fighting broke out. No longer was everything good; no longer were pokemon and humans friends and allies. Humans were now looked on as sorcerers and witches to pokemon. Humans now called pokemon demons and monsters. There looked like there was no way to stop the fighting and the millions of deaths. Arceus would not intervene; knowing that if the conflict must be resolved, then the two species would have to be the ones to do so.

With everything looking hopeless there was one man, and one pokemon, that would quell all the fighting. A man with a pure soul and pure mind. As a boy he found a pokemon egg, abandoned, at a battle scene. He kept it from all and raised it when it hatched. The two grew inseparable and learned from each other, played with each other, and most importantly, trusted each other. As they grew older, the pokemon became harder and harder to keep out of sight in the boy's home. So they left, without saying a word, they went into the wilderness never to return until one fateful day.

When the child left his parents immediately thought that it was a pokemon that killed him. Enraged they called all the people in the city together and made a huge charge against the pokemon. It seemed as though all would be die in the huge battle until the same boy came t o the war with his pokemon and cease the war. Everyone was astounded that one of their own would dare side with the enemy. The two species grew angry at the two, calling them traitors, beating them mercilessly and savagely ripping away at their lives. The man and his pokemon made no move to stop them, knowing that it would only cause more pain and sorrow. It looked like they were going to die for sure until the man took out a book that would be known as the Book of Life, for it saved many lives that day. The words that were read were so wise and thoughtful that it made everyone stop trying to kill them and soon made them ashamed of what they had done. The words were so powerful that they reached the corners of the universe so that all would stop and listen. The words were so peaceful that the guardians stopped to hear them. Yet the words would only be spoken once before the man and his companion died, for they were mortally wounded from the beating they received. People were shocked at the turn of events and mourned for the death of the beings that stopped the fighting. They left the scene carrying his body to be buried. The book was lost though in the hurry to bring his body back, never to be seen again.

After the book was read the two species immediately tried to forgive the other for the pain that they caused. But most of the pokemon leaders were still too ashamed to face the humans and left, never to be seen until much later on in time, where they would be known as the legendary pokemon. With peace at last found, Arceus decided to give man and pokemon another chance of living in peace, but this would only come when all who were part of the war, forgave the other for the misdeeds they had ensued. So Arceus divided the dimension into four spaces where all could rest, until they could ask for redemption.

And so the Universe was split in four, the Distortion world, the Area of Time and Space, the Pokemon realm, and the Human realm. Arceus then put itself into a deep slumber and would only come forth again when all was at peace. Man though wanted to live with pokemon once again and found a way to bring forth the creatures by using a crystal they called Aurain. This brought joy to humans but the pokemon could not exist in the human's dimension and had to return to their own shortly after being summoned. This caused many to realize how foolish it was to start the war and throw away all the peace that they had before. It also made people thankful to the man and his pokemon as well for stopping the war. And who was this man and his friend you may ask? His name, Aaron Ketchum and his faithful partner, Pikachu.

But the name brings back the last few lines in the Book of Life, ones that bring shivers sown someone's spine. . .

The legends foretell the awakening of a great power. A power that consumes all beings and all forces. Greater then Time and Space. Greater then all the laws that hold together the universe. It will build its power and strike when it is forgotten. One by one will the planets fall. One by one will the dimensions break to pieces. Only by uniting all. Only by bring back the Book of Life. Will the Chosen One, be able to stop it, and save the entire universe. . .

And thus the tale was passed down through the generations until the tale slowly became legend, and legend became myth, and myth became nothing. And so the story was forgotten. But the evil still would arise, ready to consume the unsuspecting worlds. One by One. . .


Well how was it for a first try? Good? Bad? Longer chapters? More clarity? You can tell me anything, and I mean ANYTHING on the reviews. Just try not to say "you suck you mother f#$ing b%$ch!!!" lol XD

I will also give back responses to reviewers in some chapters if there are any questions they have. . . or I'll just say something back for the heck of it.

Any way I will try to update as soon as I can, it might take me a month or so at the most. If I take more time it is because of school studies and/or other things of importance.

I will introduce the some of the characters in the next chapter (I'm sure you already know how most of them are) and some more things you need to know to understand the story. Again please review and give me your thoughts!
