Chapter 4- Time Elapsed

Disclaimer- I don't own Scrubs!

A/N: Hey all…I AM SO SORRY! I really meant to update this wayyyy sooner but I for some reason I completely forgot this story for a long time and then when I did remember I had no ideas whatsoever for a new chapter! Also I was really unhappy with this whole thing.

On with the story!


A loud smack was heard throughout the whole room. Right afterwards a 'thud' sounded accompanied with soft sobs.

"Now my little Pup," snarled a rough voice. "You know better than to bite. How long have you been here now my JD?"

Nothing other than a soft whimper was heard in that room. The man named JD didn't want to do this tonight! He hurt so much from yesterday that he knew he wouldn't be able to take it if he was forced to once again please his master. He had no choice but to bite the things that caused him so much pain! He didn't bite hard just hard enough to make the large man before him shove him away.

"JD I asked you a question! You know you are meant to answer promptly when I ask you something. What has gotten into you? You have been here for five months already and still you reject me. You know that if you satisfy me then I will give you those retched drugs you oh so desire," the man cooed evilly in the young man's ear.

"I am sorry Sir! I will not disobey again. But I hurt so much from the day before…" JD trailed off knowing that his complaining wouldn't do him any good. This man didn't care if he was in pain. He relished it. But he needed those drugs; he was addicted to them and they kept him sane. The room he was in currently was Sir's special bedroom used only when he wanted something from his bedmate. Otherwise he would be in his own room, if you could call it that, in the basement of the house they lived it. It took only three steps to get across it and seven steps to walk the other way. There was no bedding or furniture in the room either. The walls were made of 683 cement blocks. He had counted them multiple times in the time he was here. He had nothing else to do. He got fed twice a day and was allowed to have one bathroom break every 30 hours. It wasn't too bad because they gave him just enough water to keep him alive. JD was knocked out of his musings by the man who tormented him

" little puppy hurts?" Sir voiced as if he was truly concerned about him being in pain. JD knew different. He saw the change in the man's eyes when he had told him of the pain he was in. Sir wanted him to be in pain it made him happier than if JD never disobeyed (which he was certain Sir liked him doing that too just so he could punish him).

Almost to prove his point, Sir's face changed and swiftly he grabbed the collar of the tattered shirt he was wearing. "I hope you do hurt! Do you know how much joy I get from seeing that beautiful face of your contorted in pain? I love it so why do you tell me of your pain if you know I love it so? Hmm…? Do you like the punishments I give you my JD?" Sir sneered nastly. Sir's faces wasn't unattractive per say but it was hard to find anything likable in a face of a person who enjoys slowly driving you insane.

JD's faced paled considerably when he heard the accusation and he was quick to deny.

"NO! No. I don't like it! I hate it when you touch me! I think you're disgusting and I wish you would die!" JD had never wished someone would die before but he knew in his heart that this man's death would bring him no sadness but great happiness.

"You little shit!" Sir roared in fierce anger. This little dick of a man thought to insult him? To wish him dead? Well he would teach him something on wishing someone dead but it wouldn't be him he would want dead but himself.

"We'll see who you want to die when I am done with you! You'll want to die so much that you won't even begin to think of wanting me dead!" He raised his fist sharply only to let it down as he thought of something. Letting a small smile on his face, Sir turned on his heels and left the room.

'What..? Where did he go?' JD thought frantically. He struggled to stand up but the pain in his ass was great that he could only get up half-way before falling on the ground. As JD struggled to get to the other end of the room, Sir walked in and roughly snatched the back of JD's neck.

"Ah!" JD screamed loudly. Mostly in shock at the sudden re-entrance of the man than actual pain. Then he did scream in pain; he yelled so loudly that he thought his vocal cords were going to rip out of his throat. Sir had come back with a fire poker and it was hot! He stuck JD repeatedly with the burning poker and when it went cool he left just to start up again. He stabbed his back, legs, and chest. JD sobbed hysterically in immense pain and horror that this was happening.

'God, why can't someone save me?' JD thought sadly before he passed out.

Dr. Cox's POV

Five months. That was how long his newbie was gone. He couldn't take it anymore! The she devil once again moved out saying this drinking was a bad influence on Jack. So she took his son and left without a word to her mother's house. And oh was he drinking. It was a rare time for him to be sober when he wasn't at work. Of course he wouldn't be drunk at work. What would his Janet think of him he knew that he was threatening patients that way? He didn't want to think of it.

'Heh…he would get all Mr. I Have A Back Bone all of a sudden and give me a bad lecture.' Even though he said he didn't want to think of it he always did just that. Think of him. He wouldn't leave his mind! Always in the back of his head giving or not giving approval for everything. Since when did he need the approval of a little girl? He was a man and a doctor he was the one supposed to give Newbie approval not the other way around. But sometimes he thought that that's what kept him sane now a days. That voice in the back of his mind was his way of keeping Newbie in his life or he would break down completely. Or a least that's what his therapist said anyways and he was seeing him a lot more too since his Newbie was taken from him. Oh you notice that he frequently called Shirely 'his'? Yea me too and I was pissed off the first three weeks but here is another nugget of information that my therapist told me. I like Newbie. Yea like… and with his general possessive nature of course he would call his most prized possession his. What a loud of shit that's what I said. All until one fateful night two months ago and I had a dream about him. It was PG rated so don't get all upset or anything but still. It was bad enough for me to really realize my feelings. Isn't it awesome too that when I find out my feelings that the person of said affection was kidnapped? And said person was a MAN no less who was hell bent on me being a father to him. Yup his life rocked!

"Dr. Cox! Are you okay? You haven't spoken or really moved in like forever!" Elliot chirped somewhere on his left.

He groaned loudly to let her know that her talking was completely unwanted, "God Barbie I'm sorry did I sometime tell you that I wanted you to talk to me? That I wanted you to ask about me? Cause if so then I got to right this mistake right now! I do not want you to talk to me. Is that clear?"

Barbie looked like she was going to cry or yell either way he didn't care and just walked away from her. Before he got far enough away he heard this.

"God, he has been such an ass since JD went missing! I wish the police could find something about where he is soon."

'Heh. Me too Barbs Me to.'

'God, why can't someone save him?' Dr. Cox thought sadly.

A/N 2:Alright this I think was Good! I am super excited to hear comments on this one. I hope this makes up for a really long delay! If I stray very long again someone bug me until I write something! Please review! Til Next Time!