Disclaimer: I do not own Veronica Mars, clearly,
A/N: This is set throughout S1 and S2 (S3 doesn't exist in my world) Please enjoy my Lamb and Veronica ficlets.
A black limo rolled to a stop in the Kane driveway where two squad cars were already sitting. Inside the limo Veronica Mars drifted in and out of sleep cradled in Duncan Kane's arms. Across from the pair, Lilly Kane and Logan Echoll's were giggling madly, still drunk.
Duncan smiled down at his girlfriend before glancing out the window, "Oh my god. They called the cops."
Veronica lifted her hazy head with much difficulty before mumbling, "They called my dad."
Jake, Celeste, and Keith all walked towards the limo, frowns fixed in place.
Lilly grinned and jumped up from her seat, "This is like, the best dance ever!"
Duncan shifted Veronica off of his lap before getting out of the limo closely followed by Lilly. Duncan leaned down to cajole a once again sleeping Veronica to stand up.
Lilly practically skipped over to the sheriff, beaming the entire time, "What seems to be the problem, officer?"
Celeste scowled, "Lilly."
Lilly rolled her eyes at her mother but flounced over to her to be scolded.
"Are you drunk?"
"Not so much anymore," Lilly giggled.
Despite Celeste's embarrassment, Keith wasn't concentrating on the socialite. He was watching Duncan and his daughter. A tap on his shoulder brought him back to the real world.
"Keith, they need you at the station," Deputy Don Lamb informed his boss.
Keith sighed, "Alright, could you do me a favor?"
Lamb nodded eagerly, "Of course, anything."
"Can you take Veronica home and stay with her. I wouldn't ask but Lianne is visiting her mother in Arizona, and I worry about her."
Lamb swallows and nods, "Sure."
Keith nodded goodbye to Jake before taking off in his crown vic. Lamb hitched his thumbs in his belt before walking over to the Kane kid and Veronica. Veronica's eyes were closed and her breathing was slow and deep.
Lamb stood behind the teen boy, "Move it kid," he said derisively.
Duncan reluctantly moved out of the way. Lamb squatted down so he was on Veronica's level before calling her name softly. She stirred briefly, her eyes sliding open to rest on him.
"Yeah Veronica, you ready to go home?"
She nodded lazily.
"Alright," Lamb grinned, "Come here."
Lamb helped the petite girl scoot into his arms. Wrapping her arms around his neck he scooped her up easily and walked towards his car.
Lilly smirked as her best friend was carried away by the hottie deputy, "Go Veronica! You have your own knight in shining armor. Watch out Duncan, you've got competition!"
Lamb glanced down at his burden who was rather oblivious to the goings on, she only moaned and snuggled closer into his chest.
With Jake Kane to open the rear door for him, Don situated Veronica for the drive home. He was extra careful to prop her on her side and rig the seatbelts to hold her in place. Driving away from the Kane residence he couldn't help but snicker to himself. That Kane kid actually thought he was good enough for his Veronica. What an idiot