Protect Me


(Sequel to Guard Me)


Chapter 7: I Hope You Can


"Do you feel like a man when you push her around?

Do you feel better now as she falls to the ground?

Well I'll tell you my friend, one day this world's going to end.

As your lies crumble down, a new life she has found."


The ground was slightly shaking as I stood on a rocky path. Kids were playing in the distance somewhere as the laughing and screams of fun was heard. Though the playground had lost its colors and the kids went silent as they all just stood there looking the opposite way as me. After just a second they disappeared and was nowhere to be seen. Trees and plants lost their color and soon disappeared as well as the playground. I backed away from the disappearing scenes as I was afraid to be next. I looked to the ground to see the discoloration had nabbed my foot and my yellow sandal turned a dark shade of gray as my skin turned gray. I looked forward to see the ground crumbling away. Fear spiked up as I turned to run. I ran as fast as my legs let me go. Soon I fell through the ground and a splash was made as I began to drown.

Water entered my not open mouth. My lungs were filled with water as my hands reached up to escape. No air reached my windpipe as I tried to swim to the surface. No bubbles left my mouth as I couldn't cough the water away. My vision blurred as the sun glistening onto the watery sea that was drowning me. My shirt collar was grabbed as I was pulled out of the water and I coughed up all the water.

I heard voices as I was lying on a ground trying to sleep away my exhaustion. Though that was not going to happen. My hands were grabbed and pulled behind my back as something entangled into my hair and yanked my head back. I yelped out in surprise as I looked at the culprit. My breathing stopped as I looked at the wretched man that has taunted me for the rest of my life.

"Hello, Four. It has been awhile." A smirk was forming on his features as I was soon strapped on a bed. I yanked and pulled at the restraints with no luck of getting free. My body was being touched and being moved against my will. I felt excruciating pain go through me as my nightmare was beginning with being raped by the same man that had tortured me back at the prison. Claws ripped through my flesh as I screamed out in pain. Tears fled from my eyes as I couldn't bear it anymore. It was just too painful! I wanted to die! No, I wanna die now! I can't handle it! The pain, the suffering, the torture! I want it gone! I want it to go away! Just make it go away…!

"LUFFY!" I sat up with sweat and tears pouring down my face and body as I panted with a hand gripping my shirt above my heart. I gasped in breaths before I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I flinched away and backed away from the touch. I looked to the person and noticed who it was. "Luffy…" Sad green eyes dug into my eyes as I was controlling my breathing again.

I swallowed hard with my dry mouth before speaking with a hoarse voice, "Z-Zoro?" It was him. He was home! My lips began to quiver as I began to cry again. "Zoro!" I jumped into his waiting arms as he held me tight. I sobbed out as I buried my face into his chest. My arms wrapped around him and my fingers dug into his shirt and gripped it for dear life. "Z-z-zoro." I stuttered out as I couldn't be any happier that he was home. His hand began rubbing my back and he held me tightly to him.

"Shhhh, buddy. It's okay, I'm here now. Shhh, its alright just calm down." He started to calm me with his little chants and his hand rubbing my back. My sobbing tuned down to hiccupping every now and then. "First thing I wanna say is that I don't want you to pressure yourself into telling me what happen. Second, you are not going to work for awhile." I had stiffen at the memory and forced a nod that I understood. "Now, we need to get you a bath. We are going to take one together and I am not leaving your side for a second, okay?" I pulled away as he told me this and I nodded to him. A smile appeared on his features as his forehead rested against mine and his arms lazily rested around the lower part of my hips, not hitting my wounds. "I love you, Luffy." My heart skipped a beat when I heard those words and his lips lingering against mine.

A smile tugged on my lips as I let them lingering some more with his. "I love you, too, Zoro." I whispered as I felt him press his lips against mine.

We released after a few seconds and he lifted me in his arms as we headed for the bathroom. I whined a little as my wounds hurt. My arms lazily laid around his neck as I snuggled my head against his neck. I took in his smell. How it smelled so good. I missed it so much while he was gone.

We reached the bathroom and he sat me by the sink on the counter. I watched as he walked over to the closet and pulled out two towels and two washcloths as he tossed those into the tub. He set the towels on the toilet seat, that was already down, and headed for the tub. He grabbed the nozzle and turned the hot on some before feeling the water. His hand lingered under the sprayed before he pulled away and reached for the plug. He set it in and stood up with the soap bottle. He opened it and lifted it into the air as he started squirting it into the water. At least half of the bottle was emptied before he closed it and tossed it to the side to an unknown corner. He waited for what seemed like ever and turned the water off as I saw the big tub filled with water and bubbles appearing over the side. He, then, turned to me with a calm smile he wore when he was either worried about me or just in a good mood. It could be both.

"Ready?" Zoro asked me as I looked to him. I stiffly nodded before he came over to me. He helped me undress and I could see his eyes wondering my skin as you could see my torso. I let the cloth drop and I looked up to him and he peered down at me with worried eyes, but they carried safety in them. He then removed the bandages and had to hold back a wince as my wounds were black and purple with red lingering around. "Alright… let's get in." He told me and walked with me to the tub as I was still in pain from last night. I carefully stepped in and lightly moaned at the feeling. It felt really good. I sped up my speed and stepped in to try and sit without hurting so badly. Zoro got in the tub in front of me and helped me to sit in his lap. I hissed at the pain as I relaxed against his bare chest. "There we go…" he whispered as he had his head sitting on top of my head.

My chin was at water level and I lightly blew at the bubbles. I lifted my hands and picked up the bubbles and soon blew them out of my hand. I giggled lightly and did it again. Before I knew it water was dumped over my head and I panicked. I was drowning again?! I flailed and shot my head back as I hit something.

"Woah, Luffy. What's wrong?" I panted lightly as I looked up at Zoro. I was still in the tub with him. That was good. That meant that he wouldn't pull me out and…

I shuddered at the nightmare I remembered and looked to Zoro to say, "M'betsuni(1)." I shook my head and relaxed against him. I could feel his eyes on me as he was worried. His arms wrapped around my body as he leaned forward and his head was by mine. His breathing was calm… and collected.

"M'kay, but if its something I need know… let me hear it." He whispered on my neck with wet lips.

"Okay, Zoro." I whispered back and grabbed his hands with mine and entwined my fingers with his. He was the best, always cared about what I felt. Always knew that the subject needed to be changed or saved for later. He was the best husband anyone would want to have.

-- -- -- --

"You have work tomorrow, don't you?" I asked and gazed at Zoro as he was on our computer in our room. He clicked and tapped on the keys a few times before turning to me with a creak in the swirly chair.

"I do, but I am not leaving your side, so I might have to take a few days off. I need to protect you." He mumbled under his breath and I got off the bed to walk over to him slowly.

"No, it's okay. You can go. I'm sure someone will be home to protect me, plus those kids will be upset that your wife is making you stay home." I told him with a light smile and he looked at me before chuckling. He stood up and latched me into a soft, gentle hug. His cheek grazed mine as his breathing was in my ear as he was calm. He held me like I would shatter if he gripped any harder.

"I know… but I don't want to leave your side." He whispered out and his voice seemed strained. "I left and you got hurt…" He was shaking lightly and I held onto him more tightly as he was trying to keep in a cry.

"No… it's not your fault. It's no one's fault. Anyways, your tournaments are coming up. I don't wanna keep that away from the kids. I know you guys have been antsy about it since you first heard of it. I even told them I would come watch." I told him and he slowly pulled back to look at me in the face.

His calm and collected face had been shattered as his eyes seemed upset and his sadness showed. I brought my hands up and cupped his face. I smiled sweetly up at him and brought him down to lean my forehead against his.

"I don't want you to miss this opportunity. You and all of them have been waiting for this tournament. It's State, right?" I looked at him and pulled away in the process. He nodded to me and I pulled him down to kiss his lips lightly. "That's why you shouldn't miss it." I told him on his lips as I looked into his sea-foam eyes that fluttered and switched to some happiness in them.

"You're right, but what about you, Luffy?" He asked me and I blinked confusingly at him. I pulled back and stubbornly put my hands on my hips.

"Well of course I am going!" I told him and he grinned as I smiled big at him. He pulled me into a big bear hug.

"Thank you, Luffy." He whispered out and held me close to him. I held him back and stuffed my face into the crook of his neck. I took in his scent and he smelt like Kiwi and a little bit of Strawberries.

"Anytime…" I whispered back and grasped onto his shirt as I wanted him so close that I couldn't fill in any more space.

Let your light shine through me,

Take this hate I can't release,

Help me make the blind see,

Misery loves it's company.

"It's Ace!" I shouted up and let go to retrieve my phone.

When I drea-

I clicked accept and put it to my ear. "Nii-chan?" I asked and I heard a grunt, unlike his.

"Is this a family member of Portages Ace?" The voice sounded like Smoker.

"You know me, Smoker." I told him and he grunted again.

"Ace was sent to the hospital." My world stopped and I froze into place.

"W-what…? He…? What h-happened?" I asked with a shaking voice as I didn't want to believe this.

"His mission was to track someone down and it seems like he was spotted and… well, he was… he got shot." My breathing stopped and I had to hold in a cry. "I think you should come see him, he has been asking if you are okay… After hearing what happened. He's at Grand Line Hospital."

"I-I'll be there." I stuttered out.

"Okay, bye." As soon as he hung up I was shaking and I fell to my knees and started crying.

"Luffy! What's wrong?" I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked to him with a face that could change anyone's happy mood to sadness. He flinched lightly at my face and soon pulled me into a hug. I was sobbing out.

"Ace got shot!"

-- -- -- --

I stepped out of the car and peered at the big white building with interesting architecture of levels. It was Grand Line Hospital. This is where my brother was being kept at. I had gotten another call from Smoker saying that he was doing fine and they safely removed the bullet, now he is sleeping. Though he is, we can still go see him. I went through the doors and saw people sitting in a waiting room. I strolled to the desk and looked to the young woman.

"Can I help you, Sir?" She asked me and I looked to the hall before her.

"I need to know where Portages Ace's room is at." I told her and she flipped through her keys, typing in the name. I felt a hand in mine as I gazed to Zoro. He came with me to make sure I didn't do anything stupid, well so he said.

"Ah!" I looked to the woman as she then looked to me. "He is in Room 234." She told me and I nodded to her with a slight bow.

"Thank you." I told her and tugged Zoro along to go see my brother.

We walked down the hall and bowed lightly to people as it was sort of like a custom to do that in a hospital or other big places/businesses. We got into the elevator and pressed the second button, being the second floor. As I waited I had a hand gripping my husbands hand tightly. I couldn't believe this. The elevator reverberated with a ding and we exited to go down the hall and appeared before Room 234. I slowly opened the door and gazed in.

"Lu!" I blinked in surprise as I saw my brother fully awake and sitting up. Smoker had a hand on his shoulder and trying to push him down.

"Lay down, Ace. You just got bandaged and patched up, don't reopen it." He said roughly and Ace whined at him with a pout.

"Aw, Smokey! You are so worried about me!" He stated and Smoker's eyebrow twitched before he let go.

"Do what you want." He stated and turned away. I approached my brother and he grabbed my hand. I lightly tensed and worry showed in his eyes.

"Are you alright, Luffy?" He asked me and I smiled at him with as much power I could sum up.

"I'm okay, you should worry about yourself more, Nii-chan." I told him and I saw the tears pecking his eyes. He pulled me into a hug and I flinched at the contact, but didn't pull away.

"I can't believe I let this happen to you. I am suppose to protect you!" He stated up and I pulled back.

"You are fine, Nii-chan. I'm fine, really." I tried to assure him, but he held my hand and lingered his fingers over the bandages on my wrist.

"It's my fault… I should have seen this coming. That bastards not going to give up." He stated out and I stiffened as he said that. The worry started to built up and I was becoming scared. "Luffy? O-oi, it's okay!" I felt a hand on my shoulder that wasn't Ace's and flinched away while gripping my shoulders. Zoro looked at me with worry before pulling me into a hug. I started to shake.

"He's never going to stop…" I whispered out and started to break down. "He really isn't going to stop." I whispered out as I was starting to sob out. I was held in Zoro's arms as he tried to comfort me with a hand rubbing my back.

"We will protect you…" He told me and I gripped his shirt in desperation for his comfort.

"I hope you can protect me."


"A pebble in the water makes a ripple effect,

Every action in this world will bear a consequence,

If you wait around forever you will surely drown,

I see what's going down."


To be continued...?


Kira: Yes, this will be continued, but i wanted to make another "sequel" to this one...

Robin: I suspected it coming

Usopp: Why?

Kira: Because!

Usopp:-sweatdrop- Right...

Kira: So look out for a sequel to this one! I know... why another sequel? I don't know either, but i felt like it. Makes me feel accomplished! -grins-

Robin: -giggles behind a hand-

Usopp: figures... -rolls eyes- You are falling behind...

Kira: I know~! -pouts and whines again- At least Robin-nee-chan can understand my pain!!! -hugs mentioned woman-

Robin: -pats Kira's head- Right, Writer-san. Please Review, Viewer-san!

Kira: Yeah! I also wannalet you know I posted a quiz thingy! Vote on that! Also, Ja ne~!

Robin: -waves before returnign to her book-

Usopp: Sayonara! -waving-