Disclaimer: I do not own ONE PIECE.
Please remember this…do not fall in love with anyone.
A young teen stretched his arms out and yawned. The school bell rang and he had few minutes to relax and enjoy the break. Soon, his group of friends surrounded him and instantly started a conversation.
"This class was boring!"
"I was sleeping through the whole thing!"
"Me too!"
"Sanji, can we copy your notes?"
The blond smiled as he handed the notes to his friends, "No problem. Give it back before next period." All of his friends thanked him and returned to their seats before the next teacher entered the classroom.
Class ended an hour later and everyone brought out their lunches and started eating. As always, Sanji brought out a huge stack of lunch boxes to share with all of his friends; mostly to the girls-the men were just extras. As Sanji neatly unstacked the boxes, his eye suddenly shot out. He completely forgot that the girls were participating in the fall festival decorations and weren't able to visit Sanji's classroom for some lunch. The blond slammed his head against the desk, cursing at himself for being so stupid.
Suddenly, everyone's heads veered toward the hallway and a large crash and a thundering noise of feet headed toward this classroom. Sanji sighed. This lunch was made for the ladies…
There was a final crash and a young boy with messy black hair leaped into the classroom. He had the typical white collared shirt and the black uniform covering it, but didn't button it up correctly. On his black uniform was a small bronze button-indicated that he was a first year; one year younger than Sanji. The intruder had round clear eyes and a small scar right under the left eye. The young teen didn't have to look twice to smell where Sanji was. "Sanji! Lunch!" The child screamed through the top of his lungs.
"I can hear you Luffy! Augh, just eat and leave already."
"Shi shi shi, thanks Sanji!" The child named Luffy gallantly leapt four desks and landed to where the stacks of lunch boxes were. He ate tremendously quick; before Sanji could protest, Luffy left with three lunchboxes empty. Sanji sighed in despair as he put away the boxes in his backpack. "The lobsters were for Nami san, Mina chan, Natsume chan, and Furoa chan…damn you Luffy…"
A hand tapped his shoulder and Sanji turned around. His angry expression formed into a smile, "Hey Koune, what's up?"
"Great Sanji," Koune was a first year also and was in the same class as Luffy. He had short light brown hair and eyes matching his hair. His bangs were long and hung over his face, so he shook it from away time to time. He was almost as tall as Sanji by a few inches and Koune was mighty excited about that. He had a well built body with muscles on his arms and legs also. He was quite handsome, except when he was hungry. His mouth drooled as he gazed at the food, "May I have some?"
"Sure. All of the beautiful ladies are getting ready for the festival, so they won't come here for a few days…" Koune wiped the drool of his face and quickly sat down and began chowing down Sanji's lunch.
Sanji and Koune were friends since they were in preschool. Koune longed to be like Sanji so he attended the same school, loved the same games, and gathered with the same types of friends. Whenever Sanji made a girlfriend, Koune made a girlfriend. Surprisingly, when Sanji dumped one, Koune would do the same, even if he told his friends many times that she was the one.
"Hey, Sanji! I heard you're flirting with the girl in class 2-3…are you going to ask her out?"
Sanji shrugged, "Maybe…"
"Hey, what's your answer for the next weeks' party? Are you coming or not?"
Sanji thought for a minute, the piece of egg poised on the plastic fork, "I don't have anything planned this week…so maybe I'll go. Keep my name reserved."
"I'm also inviting the girl in room 2-3. She was freaking out when she heard you might be coming. Is she going to be your next girlfriend?"
"Oh shut up Koune."
Lunch ended and time flew to the end of class. Sanji told the girl in room 2-3 that he was going to the party. She almost looked like she was going to pass out right in front of him, which became quite normal for him. At Toukai High School, Blakleg Sanji was like a jewel shining in the midst of bland rocks. He had beautiful golden hair and deep blue eyes, all inherited from his late mother. He was also talented in anything people hand to him, especially cooking. Last month, he was voted the most popular and most good-looking man in the whole school, raising his status and pride even higher. He knew that this wonderful lady was going to be in his hands soon.
Sanji skipped happily as if the whole school hallway suddenly formed into a field of flowers. His mind was too preoccupied with the ready-to-be girlfriend that when he turned to the corner, he wasn't able to dodge the incoming student.
The place they crashed was in the worst situation possible; the corner which Sanji was skipping to was a few flights of stairs. In a split second, a hand grabbed Sanji's waist and with great force pulled him back onto the safe ground. The blond's body was light, so the force caused him to crash onto the ground unpleasantly. The savior, however, landed perfectly fine; his feet landed just a few inches before the staircase.
Sanji groaned and rubbed his back. It was better than falling few flights of stairs and having a possibility of broken bones and stitches. Zeff would sure explode if that happened. Sanji glanced up at the man who just saved his life. The short green hair was the first thing that caught his eye. It was such a shockingly rare color; it was hard to not to notice. Why are the administrators allowing him to have that kind of hair? I thought the school was downright strict on hair color… The rest of him was just like other male students-boring. Sanji noticed the silver button on the student's uniform; he was in the same grade as him. This struck him odd. He knew all of the students in his grade, except him. Did he just transfer to this school? Was he here in the beginning…I just didn't notice? He sat up and laughed, "I'm sorry for crashing into you…and thank you for saving me."
"Che, asshole."
"Huh?" Sanji's mouth gaped open. The teen gave a look and walked right past him and headed to one of the rooms down the hall.
"What the hell!" Sanji yelled at the top of his lungs as he was stomping on his way home. The images in his head were not filled with girls anymore. It was full of that man. The ugly and rude moldy green haired man. Yes, Sanji admitted it was his fault for not looking carefully and almost had an accident, but what pissed him off most was the look he gave him last. That look really-
Sanji felt like he wanted to tear his hair out. No one has ever gave him that look before. He wanted to kick that ugly mutt's ass really really hard.
He stormed through the crossing street and headed to an elegant restaurant, which was also called his home. It fit his style very well: the French doors, the cute blue curtains gave shade to those who were underneath it, and the name of the restaurant in fancy cursive: The Baratie.
"I'm home!" Sanji slammed the door shut, the poor door gave a loud creak as it collided back to its place. A few guests jumped off of their seats and trembled a little as the fuming teen started kicking some of the furniture.
"Shut your mouth eggplant or you'll scare the customers away!" Zeff roared from the kitchen.
"Oh, did little blondie have a bad day?" Patty asked in an awkward kind of voice.
"Oh yeah, I had a great day!" Sanji sarcastically shouted, knocking some of the glassware on the floor. Some of the guests were quickly paying their bill, hoping they could leave before another fight started.
"Stop it you fools!" Sanji was able to dodge the foot; it whooshed past his face by a few inches. Patty, on the other hand…crashed to the other side of the wall, causing more guests to scream and panic. "Sanji, stay in your room until your stupid temper ceases!" Sanji growled under his breath and zipped right past his father and into the back door.
To Be Continued