Disclaimer : I do not own Card Captor Sakura, please do not sue me. This is merely for entertainment, nothing else.
Rating : R
Warnings : Mild - language, graphic - ness (only a lil bit), rape (sorta..)

Notes :

Waaaaaaa!! I got 81 reviews!!! I'm so happy...^_^ And I took FOREVER writing this chapter; GOMEN GOMEN, MINNA-SAN!! But.. I have finished.. So I hope this is okay.. I think it's a piece of crap. I'm not good at doing..erm..those kind of..scenes yet.. x.x;; And NO, this is NOT a lemon! There is NO graphic sex! ..I can't write that. But..uh..what is in this chapter leads to..you know..-_- I just won't be...writing it out.. x_X (At least not all of it.. *coughcough*)

Uggghhh... This is uploaded one day late due to the fact that when I did upload it last night, it was totally screwed up. X_x;; Sorry!!!

Well, enjoy! XP

Release My Heart


+ Over the Edge +

by Sakura Maxwell


"Show me!"

Yue snapped his head at Sakura, staring with widened eyes. Tomoyo did the same. 'Sakura is still too innocent to know what she just told Yue to do.. Oh no.. Don't listen to her, Yue.. She doesn't know what she is doing.'

"I will not," Yue said firmly. Inside, Tomoyo sighed with relief.

"I command you to show me!" Sakura ordered. This caught both Yue and Tomoyo by ultimate surprise. "Co-Command?" Tomoyo asked, eying Yue. "No, Yue, don't listen to her! Please! She doesn't know what she's asking for! She's still too innocent! Please, Yue! Do not listen to her! Just this once!! I'm begging you!"

However, Yue did not heed her pleas.

"I must obey my mistress," he spat with disgust. Sakura blinked and stepped back. "I-I'm sorry, Yue, but that's the only way I could make you show me. After you show me, I can help you." She smiled at him. "I can finally help you, Yue. Cheer up!"

Yue glared at her, disgusted with himself and at her for having to do this. But, his mistress commanded him to do it, so.. He had no choice but to grab both of Sakura's slim shoulders with both hands and press his lips roughly against hers.


Sakura's eyes widened in surprisement. The kind of kiss Yue was giving her was one she never felt before. Sure, she had kissed Syaoran, but behind the kisses were love and compassion, kind and adoring. Yue..on the other hand, was kissing her in a different kind of way. Rough, wanting, needing, dominating.. The.. The kiss was..


But in its own way, Sakura felt shivers go down her spine. The kiss was too much for her to bear, and she surrendered, allowing Yue's tongue to slip in and caress her own. She moaned in pleasure; how could one kiss be so enjoyable? She had never felt this way when Syaoran kissed her.

So caught up in her thoughts, Sakura didn't notice that Yue had removed his lips from hers. She whined in protest, but that whine turned into a sigh of blissfulness as the moon guardians' tongue slipped over her neck and even more downwards to her collarbone.

It was so pleasing, that Sakura was lost in her own little world of pleasure, unable to hear or notice her best friend Tomoyo crying out for Yue to stop.

Yue glanced at Tomoyo, giving her a glare that made her quickly shut up, then picked Sakura off her feet and into his arms, rose into the sky, and flew off.

Tomoyo stared at the fleeing figure of Yue. Her knees couldn't support her; she slid down on the sidewalk and sobbed.


Note-- It gets PRETTY graphic here (yes, I'm so gross. Hey I live in America in a school full of horny kids, what do you expect? I can't always ignore them, besides, I'm a teenager. It's not like I DON'T know these things.. Well..not all..) Anyway, I suggest anyone under the age of 13 to skip this part. As I said, it gets pretty graphic. I'm scared to know how my friends will react at school after they read this. ..If I tell them.. Nyahahahaa... Okay, so yea.. Gross part


Yue set the smaller female down on her bed, willed his wings to disappear, and quickly covered her mouth again roughly. He could hear her moans of pleasure and mentally smirked, hands roaming down towards Sakura's chest. He rubbed around it, feeling her breast and her squirm under him. So impatient..' he thought as he slipped his cold hands under her uniform top and over her breast. Sakura gasped at the coldness, grabbing Yue's hair in her fingers and kissing him with need. Smirking, he removed his mouth from hers, as well as his hands, causing the female to pout in protest and made an attempt to kiss the moon guardian again. Yue simply moved aside and tugged at the end of Sakura's uniform, glanced at her half dazed half surprised expression and tugged it off, the skirt flying to the ground, shirt soon following. Sakura earnestly gripped Yue's sash and pulled it off. Yue, not moving, allowed her to pull of his top and stopped her hands from going further. I'll do this myself.. he whispered in a playfully cold tone, making Sakura both disappointed (lol) and a little timid.

Don't worry..little Sakura.. Yue breathed on the teen's neck, causing her to shiver. This will hurt..since you are so..innocent.. But I promise it will be a pain very pleasurable..


Okay, gross part over. ^_^;;.. Sorry to all those hoping for a lemon..LOL! I'm not old enough to write one, and..besides.. I wouldn't exactly know how..O_o;;


Sakura squeezed her eyes shut tightly, trying to rid the bright sunlight from her eyes. It did no good; the brightness forced her to get up, and when she did, her slim body shivered from the coolness. Hoe..? Why is it so cold--Eeeehhh?! she exclaimed in a whisper, finally noticing that she was naked. What the heck?! She moved to get out of bed, then winced as a sharp pain ran through her body. Her legs..her arms..her whole body was sore.. Legs and arms bruised. She quickly pushed herself out of bed, cover around her body, little bits of memories coming back to her, but not yet clear. She ran over to her mirror, looked at it, and gasped. Her lips were bruised too. she asked herself. What happened to me? Her eyes widened. Oh my gosh.. Did someone rape me?!

Yue's face crossed her vision.

Eyes wide, she covered her mouth with her hands, tears welling in her eyes. No no.. This isn't true.. It's a lie.. A lie.. How could it happen..? No way..' The tears slid down her cheek. It's a lie.. A lie..

Is it, really? It didn't feel like a lie.

Shocked and frightened, Sakura spun around and saw Yue sitting against her door, head resting on his knee. she mumbled. He looked up at her, eyes unusually calm and a little amused. Mistress.. Do you remember what happened yesterday?


Yue kneeled down and lifted Sakura's face to his with his fingers. "I told you before, I will not get close to anyone because they will abandon me. Sooner or later, if I was to let you be my friend, you'll abandon me. I know how much pain I went through, and I don't want to experience it again. I admitted to you that I loved Clow Reed with every part of myself, with my mind, soul, heart, and all he did was use me, shun me, and leave me. And the only reason I got hurt was because I let him do that to me. I won't let anyone else do that to me again."

"But I won't!!" Sakura cried out, feeling hurt. "Please! Just give me a chance! I want to be your friend! Let me be your friend!! Please.. Please--" Yue cut her off by covering her lips with his fingers. "Be quiet," he ordered coldly. "You're still a child. You don't understand."

"But I do!" Sakura protested with anguish. "I know what Clow did to you! I know! So please, give me a chance. Let me be your friend!" Yue turned his head away from her. "So, you know, do you? Fine. You know. You have knowledge. But you don't have experience. You don't know how it feels. Both physically and emotionally. Physical pain and emotional pain. You will never experience what I did. You wouldn't want to."

"Show me!"

Yue snapped his head at Sakura, staring with widened eyes. Tomoyo did the same. 'Sakura is still too innocent to know what she just told Yue to do.. Oh no.. Don't listen to her, Yue.. She doesn't know what she is doing.'

"I will not," Yue said firmly. Inside, Tomoyo sighed with relief.

"I command you to show me!" Sakura ordered. This caught both Yue and Tomoyo by ultimate surprise. "Co-Command?" Tomoyo asked, eying Yue. "No, Yue, don't listen to her! Please! She doesn't know what she's asking for! She's still too innocent! Please, Yue! Do not listen to her! Just this once!! I'm begging you!"

*end flashback*

Sakura's eyes even got wider. ..Then you.. I did.. You.. That would explain why she was sore all over and why she had bruises. Still, Sakura did not want to believe it, but the truth was being revealed and she couldn't force it back.

Yue tilted his head slightly, eyes and lips in an amused expression. You did command me to show you what Clow did to me. I couldn't disobey my mistress now could I? His smile turned into a small smirk when he saw Sakura's horrified expression and he looked at his hand, lying on the floor. You know.. I hate to admit it, but.. I enjoyed myself.. For once, I was the one in control.. The one to do whatever I wanted.. His hand turned into a fist. I might actually lose myself if I ever touch you again. He looked back at her. So, Sakura, he said, using her name, sounding like an entertained person, now that you know what I felt, what I went through.. Sakura.. Tell me how you will help me.

The moon guardian watched calmly as Sakura slid to the floor, body racking with cries. He slowly stood up and walked nearer to her. He bent down and whispered in her ear, See you later, Sakura.. His wings covered his back, and he was out through the window, out into the morning air, leaving the broken teen in loneliness.


Nyahahahaaaaa!!!! So, how was THAT?! Blew you away? Feel like barfing? Feel like flaming me? AAHHH, WHO CARES! Go right ahead! You know, it took me about an hour to write this. Isn't that sad? It only felt like 20 minutes..LOL! Sorry if I grossed anyone out, really.. But.. Ahaaa.. This is rated R, isn't it? ..Isn't it? *scrolls up* Haha! Yes, it is! So it's your own fault if you never read the notes and warnings..etc etc. Eh.. More angst by the shovel ahead. I feel like WRITING! AGGGHH!!! SCARY!!!

To Empress Yue --

So, how was it? Was it okay? I'm sorry for taking so long! Thanks for waiting. (I think you're waiting. Are you even reading this? O_o;;!?!) LOL Anyway, hope this was good enough for you. ^_~

Please review!

4.4.02 * 7:38 PM *