hi hi^^

The last chapter wuw!

Thank you everyone for reviewing and favoriting etc throughout the story!

Anyways hope you'll enjoy the last chapter^^

Fuji liked Eiji's plan if you could call it a plan.

Eiji liked it too after Fuji explained it. He came with a name for it as well. Operation: kidnap the princess.

Momo didn't agree with him though. He made it. Mission: save fairytale princess. This earned him a smack over the head by Kaidoh.

Fuji was playing with his pencil when his phone ringed. He didn't look at the number and just answered. "Yes."

"My mother engaged me to some girl."

"Ryoma?" Fuji asked surprised. Then the word sank in. "Engaged?"


"Ryoma, would you be okay with running away from home?" Fuji said trying to paln things outa s fast as possible.

"Where would I run to?"

"You can stay at my place until we found a permanent solution."

Ryoma nodded but he realized that Fuji of course couldn't see that. "Fine."

"Great I'll pick you up around seven at the end of your street."


"See you then."

Fuji had waited about ten seconds before he crushed the phone in his hand.

Eiji gulped as he saw how angry Fuji was. "Are you alright?" He tried.

Fuji glared. "Ryoma's mother got him engaged."

Eiji gulped. "Ochibi's engaged?"

Atobe came walking in with the picturebook. "Fuji have you already seen this?"

Fuji looked up. "What?" He said still clearly annoyed.

Atobe showed him a picture.

Fuji's eyes widened. "I should've made clear that one wasn't supposed to be in the picture book."

"Ore-sama once met his mother. She seemed very strict and the polar opposite of his father."

"I didn't meet his father." Fuji said as he glared at Atobe.

"His father is an ex pro-tenniser you know that right?"

Fuji nodded.

"He's a bit lazy and goofy. He always stayed childish and bratty."

Fuji chuckled. "Gives hope for Ryoma's future."

"If you want help from inside the house best ask him."


"All the people working for them listen to Ryoma's mother."

Ryoma stared in daze at the books he was supposed to be reading. He only understood about half of it and that was strange considering he was the smartest student in a class consisting of people two years older.

His teacher was an old man who never really followed the time. He still believed in the old teaching methods. The teaching methods were if you spoke before you turn got hit on the fingers with some weird straw teachers always seemed to be carrying with them or where you head to stand in the corner of the classroom wearing a cap with donkey ears.

Ryoma believed his teacher already existed before the big bang. '

"Pay attention." The man snapped.

Ryoma refocused on the book and started reading the dull lines once again.

The teacher was seemingly satisfied with the result somehow. "We'll be doing English next."

Ryoma would smirk if he didn't know that would only make him end up with more work. He was good in English though.

The teacher handed him a book. "Read."

Ryoma looked at the title. "Romeo and Julliet." What was it that made teachers like this book? He was forced to read it by too many different teachers. He could quote most of the book. A sudden idea struck him and again he almost smirked.

It was close to seven when Ryoma sneaked out the house. He planned to act as nonchalantly as possible and walk right out the front door. He however kinda failed because his mother was talking to some business person at the door so instead he sneaked out using the back door. He left a note in the dining room saying he was sick of them controlling his life.

Fuji was waiting patiently and decided he would go to the house if Ryoma wasn't at the car in ten minutes.

Ryoma walked up him and smirked.

Fuji saw a mischievous glint in his eyes but didn't do anything to stop him.

"Tis but thy gender that is my enemy: Thou art thyself, though not just a guy."

Fuji smirked at the changed version of Julliet's balcony monologue. "Saa." Fuji smiled before he found something nice for himself to say. "O Ryoma, Ryoma, wherefore art thou Ryoma?
Deny thy mother and refuse thy name; Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And thou wilt no longer be a Takeuchi."

Ryoma smirked some more. "So even in Japan they let you read this crap? You know you've made the last sentence really weird?"

"I read it voluntary." Fuji smiled brightly. "And yes I did it on purpose."

"You're crazy."

"That's why I love you." Fuji said before kissing Ryoma on the mouth and immediately asking for entrance.

"You guys shouldn't be making out in the middle of the street." Ooishi said worried.

"It's hardly making out." Ryoma said as he pulled his lips from Fuji's.

Fuji pouted ever so slightly.

"Still this is no ideal place to kiss indeed." Ryoma said staring at his house not too far from where they were standing.

"True we should get away as soon as possible." Fuji said before pulling Ryoma in a car. As soon as they got in the car Fuji resumed what they started before. He kissed Ryoma begging for entrance.

Ryoma usually liked teasing Fuji by denying entrance but he was in a good mood today so he didn't.

Ooishi turned bright red. "Can you please not do that now!?" He whined.

Fuji smirked in the kiss before sliding his hands beneath Ryoma's T-shirt.

"No!" Ooishi whined turning his head away.

Ryoma moaned softly making it almost impossible for Ooishi to ignore.

That was it for Ooishi. "This is it." He pulled Fuji to his left side and Ryoma to his right and settled himself in between the two boyfriends.

Fuji pouted. "Don't be mean."

"You'll have all the time for that later." Ooishi whined.

"I think he snapped." Ryoma said.

"It's because he's jealous he can't do that with Eijiko."

"I thought the two of them where a couple why can't they?"

"Because." Fuji added a dramatic silence. Maybe it wasn't so silent because he tried to create drum ruffles by drumming with his fingers against the inside of the car door. "Ooishi is too much of a coward to tell Eiji."

Ryoma smirked.

Ooishi deeply regretted pulling the two of them apart. No wait he didn't. If he hadn't pulled them apart that they might've gone too far and that wasn't a good idea. He stopped his pondering hen he felt something against his stomach.

Ryoma and Fuji had decided to hold hands and since Ooishi was sitting between them he was trapped.

"Why did Ooishi senpai come anyway?"

"He thought I would kill your parents if something went wrong."

"And he thinks he could stop you?"


Ooishi cleared his throat. "We found a sort of foster home for you."

Ryoma raised an eyebrow.

"The man who will sort of be your father always wanted children but he couldn't find a wife so he couldn't get any. He now takes care of children who don't have parents, ran away from their parents or something like that." Ooishi explained. "My parents are friends with him and when I told him about you he said you were more than welcome to stay with him and a few other children your age."

"Then he doesn't mind I love a boy?" Ryoma asked.

Ooishi shook his head.

"And I can play tennis?"

Ooishi nodded.

"And I can continue to go to Nashiki?"

Again Ooishi nodded.

Ryoma smiled brightly.

Fuji smiled a bit brighter as he saw Ryoma smile. "We'll go to his house tomorrow." He explained. "He'll have to prepare some things so you'll start living there in a week until then you'll live with me."

Ryoma's smile brightened a bit. "Thank you senpai-tachi."

"No problem. No problem at all." Ooishi and Fuji said in unison.


Ryoma ran left to return an unexpected fast ball.

His opponent smashed the ball on the courts

Ryoma returned the ball with his famed drive B.

"Game, Set, Match, Ryoma Echizen." The referee called.

Ryoma smirked. "You've still got lots more to work on."

His opponent smiled. "It was a good match. I think you deserve to be the number one player more than I do."

Ryoma smirked. He finally fulfilled his and his father's dream.

"Ryo-chan you played amazing." Fuji said as he flashed his camera.

Ryoma just smirked. "Did you expect anything different?"

"Saa, you didn't use your new technique."

"No didn't need to."

"You played amazing Ryoma." A man in his late forties said.

"Thanks." Ryoma smirked at his foster father.

"Ryo-nii, that was soo cool! You'll play with me this evening right?" A young boy asked smiling.

"Sure." Ryoma said as he messed up the hair of his younger brother.

"Ryo-nii!" He whined.

Ryoma just smirked.

"I heard you and your boyfriend will move in together."

Ryoma smirked and nodded.

"Well I wish the two of you luck. You will come to visit right?"

"Of course."

Fuji smirked as he kissed Ryoma on his cheek. They had an agreement to not do anything drastic, when it came to kissing and touching, in front of Ryoma's little brother. "Everything turned out wonderful ne?"

Ryoma just smirked some more.

Hope you liked it and please review.