Hello to everyone!!! Did I keep all of you waiting for this chapter? I am really so SOOOOOOORRRRRRYYYYY for this long-overdue chapter! I still have barely any time to write but I'm trying to keep up with the updates as much as I can. Thanks to everyone who are still with me and patiently waiting for a new chapter release. Thanks most of all to Takara-chan for being such a patient beta.

Without further ado, here is the latest chapter for Endless Summer. Please read and review.

Disclaimer: ONLY THE RING FINGER KNOWS does not belong to me. It belongs to Kannagi Satoru and to all its proper copyrights.

Summary: SEQUEL TO THE UNTOUCHED RING. More drama, obstacles, and revelations are waiting for our favorite couple as the setting is moved to Karuizawa. After enduring the previous year with heartaches and dreadful misunderstandings, more obstacles lie in front of Kazuki and Wataru as they are once again put through the ultimate test. It will be the summer that both boys will never forget.

Story Recap: Nano returns to Tokyo to reconcile her friendship with Wataru and Kawamura, and they find themselves whisked off to Karuizawa along with the Renovation Club for the entire summer break to help in the opening of Shohei's new hotel. Both and Asaka and Kazuki will be participating in a Bachelor Auction. While Wataru does not allow this to bother him, a promise from Mizuho saying they will break up before summer's end foretells disaster.


Chapter Five: New Divide

Kazuki widened his eyes with amazement and slowly curled his fists into a ball. He could feel his nails digging into his palms, blemishing the skin with a reddish hue. This pain assured him that what he saw was real; that he wasn't hallucinating. "Kazuki?" asked Wataru. He had followed the older boy's gaze but, as chance would have it, a car had come to a stop, blocking their view. Whatever it was that Kazuki saw, he couldn't anymore. He looked at his lover with an expression of curiosity and concern. "What's the matter?" he asked. It took a few moments for Kazuki to snap out of his daze; there was obvious confusion in his eyes. "N…Nothing," came the odd reply, but there was obviously something. Wataru was about to shift in his seat to take a look again at whatever it was that Kazuki saw on the other end of the street, but before he could do so, the older boy rose from his seat startling him.

"I've got to go somewhere," said Kazuki. "I'll be right back, okay? You can start without me." The others just nodded or showed no interest due to being famished over their long travel and visit to the museum. He pushed his chair back into its place and made for the door. From the corner of his eye, he could see Wataru still wearing a concerned expression on his face. Kazuki figured it would only be natural seeing that he was leaving without a proper explanation, but he needed to confirm first what he saw. He continued past the door, bumping into Asaka at the entrance. Asaka just smile and held out the door for him and whispered a quick, "Good luck."

Kazuki instantly stopped in his tracks and turn to look at him, but Asaka had already gone in the establishment. There was a nagging feeling creeping up his chest. If Asaka was already privy to something he wasn't then it most definitely wasn't good. He was having second thoughts of leaving Wataru with that terror of a man who calls himself his senpai. The loud beep of the car horn tore him away from his thoughts once again. The light was about to turn green. He sprinted off, quickly crossing the intersection and came to a halt at the very same spot which he had spied from the restaurant's window. There was nothing there, well, nothing that was familiar. The bystanders there were all strangers, and it was a very normal intersection. Had he just imagined it? No, that couldn't be. He scratched his head in confusion. There's no way his mind could've played a trick on him. He was sure that he saw Mizuho standing right there! But if he was right, what was she doing here in Karuizawa?

He sighed and kicked the ground with his feet. He was probably worrying over nothing. He turned to go back to the restaurant, but as he spun around, just by chance, he saw a young woman with an over-sized sunhat made of lace and straw. The design of the hat looked familiar, there was no mistaking it. He watched as that young woman began walking away from the intersection and disappearing within the crowd. This time, he was sure of it. That woman was Mizuho.

He followed her with hasty steps, weaving his way through the crowd of people. Once or twice, he bumped someone on the shoulder and mumbled a quick apology, but he never took his eyes off that laced sun-hat. He kept on following her until they reached the plaza where a sculpture of a cherub stood. He looked over the sea of people, trying to find any trace of the woman or even her over-sized sun-hat. But the crowd gathered there was too vast that he couldn't even make out all of their faces and remember them.

Damn! His inner self cursed. How could he lose her like that? He walked over to the statue and sat on one of the benches next to it. As he calmly collected himself, he figured that he reacted too quickly. What was the point of following her anyway? Was it even Mizuho he saw? For all he knew, it could be just a woman who looked like her. Why get excited over something like that? He rubbed his temple; it's best he return to the restaurant.

As he lifted himself from the bench, a familiar voice called out, "I knew you'd follow me." He looked up and there was Mizuho standing right in front of him.

Kazuki stared with empty eyes at the water pooling at the bottom of the bathroom sink. The sound of running water from the faucet echoed in the tiled room. He let the water run loudly to drown away all his thoughts. The violent ripples of the water distorted his image, reflecting the same turbulence his mind was going through. He must remember that he was doing this for Wataru and for no one else. That was the only thought he needed in order to make all of this worth the trouble. Yes, if it's for Wataru, he'll do anything—even succumb to his brother's whims.


Wataru felt like a panther that was suddenly released from captivity and straight into the wild. He felt like he could run to the ends of the earth with just his tiny feet. He felt free. It had been raining the whole morning, and he felt like it was going to be a day wasted indoors. He wanted to get back out there, run across the grass and head for that towering cypress tree in the distance. He had missed his newfound friend who always waited for him at the foot of the tree, and he was excited that he was finally going to meet him again. Already he can see the boy's silhouette, leaning against the sturdy bark of the tree with a small pocket book in hand.

"Icchan-nii!!" Wataru shouted as he ran towards him, his small shoes leaving tiny prints on the muddy road. The other boy frowned as he closed his book. "Hey," he said. "I don't remember giving you permission to call me that. I have a name and you should call me that." Wataru stopped at the foot of the tree, gasping and trying to catch his breathe. "But, you see," he wheezed. "Your name is hard to pronounce." Icchan raised a brow and crossed his arms. Although they were only a year apart, he seemed much taller than Wataru, which brought the latter quite dismay. "It is not hard to pronounce," he rebutted. "You just need to spread your lips so you can get the long vowel sound."

"Long bowl what?" Wataru scratched his head. He hated it when Icchan used phrases he couldn't understand or words he didn't know the meaning to. He was only six years old! Just how vast did he think his vocabulary was? Fortunately, Icchan sensed his thoughts and just sighed. "Never mind," he said and stretched out his hand to him. "Come on, you wanted to go exploring, right?" Wataru smiled wide, showing all of his pearly-whites. "Uh-huh!" he nodded and eagerly took the older boy's hand. "You promised we'd go dragonfly hunting afterwards."

"Why would you want to hunt dragonflies?" Icchan asked with an amazed and bewildered look. Wataru smiled even wider. "Because it's fun," he said, and they disappeared into the distance hand-in-hand, the scene itself being engulfed in a strong light.

Wataru slowly opened his eyes, adjusting his vision to the light. The strong rays of the sun still managed to penetrate through the curtain, brightly illuminating the room. He stared at the white ceiling for a few moments and brought his right hand to his face, obscuring his vision. This was the second time that he had dreamt of this mysterious chapter of his childhood, which featured a boy whose face he couldn't see, and called by a name that clearly wasn't the real name of this said boy. He didn't understand the exact relevance of this, and normally he would dismiss it as nothing, but there was something familiar and somewhat nostalgic about those dreams.

He slowly rose from the bed and nearly tripped on one of the cluttered beer cans on the floor. On the neighboring bed, Kawamura lay sprawled like a snow angel, his eyes shut tight, and his mouth wide open as his snores echoed in the room. Wataru groaned and rubbed his temple. The loud snores were pounding on his skull like a jackhammer. He still pondered why Kawamura had the sudden rush of drinking 'till late last night. The reason of "tasting the local beer" was a poor excuse, and Wataru wondered if this would be related to woman-troubles again. Although, I don't know what's gotten him upset, he thought. Come to think of it, Mitsuki-san hasn't been hanging around us lately. It wasn't really his place to pry, especially when it seemed like Kawamura and Mitsuki were getting along really well, so he really didn't know what drove Kawamura to a drunken stupor last night. He definitely needed to speak with him later. But right now, he needed something cold for his head.

"RISE AND SHINE!!!" The door burst open and in stepped Nano looking vibrant and energetic as she always was. "It's a beautiful day and it's time to get up!" She surveyed the room and noticed the discarded dirty clothes and empty beer cans cluttering the floor. She frowned and stomped her foot. "Guys, c'mon! Hygiene! Is that so hard to remember?" Wataru groaned and leaned against the bathroom door, still clutching his aching head. "Nano, please," he muttered. "Not so loud." Nano clicked her tongue and placed her hands on her hips. "What reason was the drinking session this time?" She walked over to Kawamura's bed where the boy still lay fast asleep. "His snores are still loud," she remarked.

"Ah, Nano, please be gentle—" Before Wataru could finish that sentence, Nano tugged hard on the sheets, upturning the mattress and sending Kawamura crashing down on the floor. "Ouch!" the boy exclaimed as he was jolted out of sleep. "What the hell—? Nano?!"

"Now that you're up and about, Kawa-kun," she chirped. "It's time to get dressed! We've got a lot to do on the agenda list. First and foremost, we still haven't found an onsen."

"What…?" Kawamura drawled as he sat up while combing his fingers through his unruly hair. Unlike Wataru, he seemed to be in good conditions—no sign of a hangover. "What do you need an onsen for?"

"T-R-A-D-I-T-I-O-N! Do I have to spell it out each and every time? We've always gone to an onsen during the summer and now is not an exception! We have to keep to tradition."

"Hey, we never agreed to that. When did we say we'd go to an onsen with you, huh? Right, Wataru?"

The two were so absorbed with their conversation that they didn't notice Wataru already cringing against the hard wooden door; his hands were gripping the doorknob tightly. "You two," he hissed. "Can't you keep your voices down?!" With that, he marched into the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. All this excitement was bad for his headache.


Wataru could still feel the pounding in his head as he descended from the stairs. Even though it wasn't as extreme as it was this morning, he still had low tolerance to anything that was loud and annoying—take for instance, his two best friends that had once again engaged themselves in a friendly banter. He rubbed his temples trying to zone out into his own world for the time being, at least until they get to the dining area.

"Good morning," Mitsuki greeted when he passed through the door. "Did you sleep well?" Wataru dragged his feet to the table and dropped down on the chair. He was still clutching his head in his hand. "I need coffee," he murmured. "And something for my headache." Mitsuki looked at him curiously, dumbfounded as to why he was looking like he had a hangover. "Were you and Kawamura drinking last night?" she asked as she mixed his coffee for him. Before he could answer, Kawamura and Nano walked in the room, still talking about nonsensical things. Mitsuki instantly caught the boy's gaze with her own. They had eye contact for just a brief moment, but then she immediately turned away after setting Wataru's coffee down on the table. She silently walked over to where Kobayashi and Kanna were and joined in their conversation.

Kawamura stared blankly at the table. His expression was unreadable. He just took a deep breath and swiftly left. If Wataru had been his usual sober self, he would've gone after him and pounded with never ending questions, but he needed to cure his hangover first. Nano followed Kawamura, probably sharing the same curiosity as Wataru did.

"Finally," Wataru sighed in relief as he reached for his coffee. He blew on it and took a sip, but it scalded his tongue and he immediately set it down. He watched as the steam coming from the cup slowly disappeared. He touched the rim with his fingers, checking if it was properly cooled, and cupped his chin as a display of impatience. Next thing he knew, something cold was pressed against his forehead and he nearly leapt out of his seat. He tilted his head upward and saw Kazuki looking back down at him with a can of cold soda in hand.

"You're looking as vibrant as you are the first time we officially met," the older boy chuckled. "Here, this will do better for your hangover." He continued to press the cold can against the younger boy's forehead. Wataru just smiled and replaced Kazuki's hand on the can with his own. He could feel the cold prickling his skin, and the aching throb that had plagued him earlier slowly dissipated. "Now," Kazuki continued. "What was that hangover for? You were in a drinking session without me?"

"Kawamura," he plainly answered. "Whenever something upsets him, his first reaction is to drown his sorrows with alcohol. The funny thing is that I'm the one always stuck with the awful hangover while he is as normal as ever. For the life of me, I don't know why I'm still his best friend."

Kazuki laughed and took a sit next to him. "As I recall, it was because of a certain drinking session that caused us to meet, right? Otherwise, you wouldn't have splashed water on me and you wouldn't have left your ring, and we wouldn't be together."

"…That's quite a chronology…"

"So you see, even by a just a little bit, I'm grateful for him."

Wataru smiled. That's right. The day before he and Kazuki had met, he was drinking with Kawamura. The poor boy had just gotten his heart broken by Tachibana Mai, the former girl of his dreams. He and Wataru ended up drinking all night, and when the next day came, Kawamura was surprisingly sober while Wataru had a hangover worse than anything. He had gone to the lavatory to wash his face, and he had accidentally splashed water on Kazuki. It wasn't exactly the most romantic of ways to meet, but it was that meeting that marked the beginning of their relationship.

"Now then, back to the point of business," said Kazuki as he swiped Wataru's cup of coffee by the handle and took a sip at the exact same spot where Wataru's lips had previously occupied it. "Ah!" the younger boy groaned. "That's mine!" He watched as his boyfriend gulped down the warm liquid easily. Kazuki smiled and leaned his torso forward against the table. "I'll leave you some, or if you want, I could give it to you by mouth." Wataru blushed red and turned his eyes away. "D-Don't say things like that," he mumbled. "Not this early in the morning." Kazuki chuckled.

"Good morning!" chirped Asaka as he entered the room. Wataru looked at him and smiled in greeting. The older man returned the smile and made his way to him. Kazuki already knitted his brows into a frown as Asaka patted his boyfriend's head. He glared at those long fingers as they brushed each and every strand of his lover's hair. Asaka caught the fiery gaze and smirked. He wouldn't admit it out loud but he enjoyed toying with his kohai. It was just simply amusing seeing him get jealous over the most subtle things because he knew the exact same feeling of jealousy.

"So, Wataru-kun," he said. "Any plans for today? Where are you and your friends going?"

"Well, we were thinking of going to the Wild Bird Sanctuary," he replied as he swiped his coffee away from Kazuki. He took a sip but was disgruntled upon seeing it half-empty. "I heard that it's a nice nature trek."

"Well, yes," continued Asaka. "It is a nice nature experience. I would've wanted to come along, sadly there's still some work to be done here."

"Oh, okay," Wataru sighed.

Kazuki clicked his tongue as if saying, "What are you being disappointed for?" but he didn't say it out loud. His pride wouldn't let his jealousy take the best of him. He had always viewed himself as rather sick and pathetic each time he succumbs to jealousy. But seeing the way Asaka flirt shamelessly with his lover was enough to drive him insane. Had the man no sense of decency? And Wataru as well—why was he acting like it was nothing?

Asaka smirked again, noticing how Kazuki was fuming in his seat. No doubt about it, he was flirting with Wataru on purpose, while the poor boy remained clueless of everything. "But you know, Wataru-kun," Asaka said again. "Once work here is done, we're free to go about town, see the sights. The Shiraito Falls is one of the main attractions of the area."

"Yes, it is indeed," interrupted Kazuki. "Actually, senpai, we already have plans of going there after the opening—just the two of us."

"Oh, really, did you now?"

The two men exchanged sharp gazes that could cut through the air. This time, Wataru did not miss the obvious tension in the air. He hated being caught between these two extraordinary men. He always felt suffocated in the end. It was as if there was an unspoken competition between the two, and their own sense of pride forbade them from stepping down. In truth, he and Kazuki had not made any plans yet on sight-seeing just by themselves, and no doubt Asaka's mention of the Shiraito Falls was already a clear invitation. Of course he would go with Kazuki since they are together, but certainly Asaka would find ways of including himself in their visit. Sometimes Wataru couldn't tell if he was privileged that two incredible men were deeply in love with him or cursed. He wished that someone would just come and save him from this awkward situation.

"Wataru-chan!" called Karin as she walked in. "Are you still in here?"

"Karin!" Wataru leapt out of his seat, but tried hard not to look relieved. His sister always had impeccable timing.

Karin looked between the two older boys surrounding her brother, immediately grasping the situation. "Um…" she drawled, not really knowing if it was okay for her to interrupt their previous conversation. "Wataru-chan, Nano-chan is already getting impatient. She said that we should leave early so that we can get back early as well."

"O-Okay," he stammered in reply. He looked nervously at Kazuki as if asking for permission. He could still sense the boy's annoyance. But Kazuki just smiled and patted him on the head. "It's okay," he replied. "You go and have fun with your friends." The way he was dismissed seemed rather disappointing to Wataru. He gave a small smile and nodded. He tried not to let his disappointment show. He didn't know what he was actually disappointed about, but perhaps it was because he and Kazuki had spent so very little time together and it was getting on his nerves. This was not his idea of a romantic get-away for the summer.

As if sensing his thoughts, Kazuki leaned towards him and whispered in his ear. "I'm telling you to spend as much time as you can with your friends because once work here is done, I'm having you all to myself—and not even your sister can save you from me." The smirk that appeared on his lips was like icing on a cake.

Wataru turned beet red and was about to retort, but Kazuki waved him off and ushered him out of the room with Karin. He secretly wondered how the older boy could say such bold and daring things like that with a straight face. "R-Right," he stammered, still red up to the ears. He pulled Karin alongside him and headed to the lobby where Kawamura and Nano were waiting, while Kazuki watched silently from behind.


Yuichi observed as Wataru scratched the back of his head, probably mumbling an apology at the pouting young girl with her hands on her hips. Nano tapped her foot impatiently, sighed and then lit up into a smile. She took Wataru by the arm, and quickly led him out the front door. Yuichi kept his eyes on them for as long as he can, and when they were out of sight, he leaned against the doorway and brushed his hand against his hair. Even though he knew that it meant nothing, he still found it hard to believe that the day would actually come wherein he would see Wataru's retreating back with a cute girl latched on to his arm.

"That was an interesting sight."

Yuichi needn't turn around to see who had just walked in. The very presence of that man was unmistakable, and the scent of his cologne unmatched. Yuichi frowned and looked at his brother. "And what is it that you find interesting, aniki?" he asked. Shohei grinned and pulled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket. "Oh, you know," he replied as he pulled a stick out and placed it in his mouth. "I honestly didn't imagine that Fujii-kun could snag himself a very cute girl. I wonder why they broke up. It's a shame though, they would've made quite a cute couple."

"That has nothing to do with me," said Yuichi with a hint of irritation. "What was then and before is none of my concern. I can't change the fact that they used to be together. But Wataru is with me now and that's all that matters."

"Really, otouto," Shohei rummaged through his pockets for a lighter. "You can be so stubborn. No matter how much you love him, and he you, it does not change the fact that your relationship holds certain—limitations."


"I believe it was already discussed with our parents and Mizuho, correct?"

Yuichi bit his lip. He could still remember that day when he had seen Mizuho in Karuizawa and followed her. The next thing he knew, he was being led by her to another restaurant where his parents were just about seated for lunch. At that time, every fiber of his body was yelling at him to turn back and return to Horio where Wataru and the others were, but for some reason, his legs refused to cooperate. He had remained rooted on that spot, seated next to Mizuho with his fists tightly clenched beneath the table. His parents had the same tone of voice as Shohei did now, explaining to him the limitations of their relationship—how it was doing him more harm than good and that they were only concerned for his well-being. Now that he was looking back at it, he couldn't believe that he had sat there and silently listened to their criticisms and complaints.

"I know what our parents meant when they said it," he finally replied. "And I don't need you to remind me, but I will hold you to your word, aniki."

"Of course," Shohei flicked open the lighter and took a deep breath, relishing in the nicotine that was penetrating his lungs. He let out a deep breath, and the smoke nearly pricked Yuichi in the eye. "I am a man of my word, Yuichi, and I meant every word I said."

"…That if Wataru and I make it past this summer, you will hold no more objections."

There was a long pause before Shohei finally spoke, "Like I said, I meant every word."


It felt like a long commute towards the Karuizawa Wild Bird Sanctuary, and when they finally got there, a long hike was awaiting them. Unlike Nano who was being perky and excited, Kawamura sunk low into the ground, tracing circles on the dirt with his fingers. Wataru just looked over him, trying to comfort him for whatever reason it may be. He still didn't know why his friend suddenly decided to have a drinking marathon last night and he certainly had no idea what was making him depressed, but Wataru felt compelled to find out.

"We could've gone anywhere but she decided to take us to this place," the sullen boy grumbled. Wataru crouched down to his level and whispered, "Is that what's getting you down? That we're going on a hike?" "No!" Kawamura hissed and shook his head, but he didn't speak any further. He just bit his lip and looked more sullen than before. Now this really piqued Wataru's curiosity. "Kawamura," he said. "You've been acting really strange lately. Did anything happen?"


"Is it something you want to talk about?"


Kawamura's silence was really aggravating. But for Wataru, it was even more aggravating that his best friend refused to speak to him about his problems. Was that his worth as a best friend? He didn't like this feeling of being the last to know—that there are secrets being kept from him when he also has a right to know about it. After all, who was the one that was always being dragged off to drinking sessions and then burdened with an extreme hang over? This reluctance gravely reminded him of another boy who refused to tell him anything.

Kazuki…. He's hiding something too.

He wasn't blind or dumb. He could clearly see something going on in the sidelines. It's not because of the Renovation Club's work that they haven't being spending time together. No, even if it was just for a moment, he could clearly see something brewing between Yuichi and Shohei. There was also that promise—no, threat—that Mizuho had declared. Surely, something is already happening, but why won't anyone tell him? Why won't Kazuki say to him what's going on instead of going out of his way and entering into some stupid auction?

The more he thought about, the more it seemed like he was whining. By the time he was finally able to pull himself away from his thoughts, he discovered that they had already covered a considerable distance in their hike at the Bird Sanctuary. Towering trees and plants blocked out the sunlight, and he could see and hear different types of animals hidden amongst the bushes or perched up in the branches. It was surprising for him to realize that he was so deep in thought that he did not even notice where they were.

"Amazing! This place is gorgeous!" squealed Nano has she began taking pictures with her digital camera. "Everything here is so refreshing! I'm glad we came!" Wataru watched as she tiptoed towards a small stream to get a closer view at some birds that were picking up small twigs near the bank. She motioned for Kawamura to come join her as she readied her camera to take a prize-winning photo. Kawamura sighed and dragged his feet as he trudged over to where she was. He was obviously not enjoying the trip. He stepped up on to one of the rocks, but it unfortunately did not have a strong base. It wobbled, causing him to lose his balance and he fell into the shallow stream, soaking him wet and scaring the birds away.

Nano blanked for a few seconds, before realizing that, not only had the birds flown far away from her picture frame, but she was also soaked due to the splash that Kawamura made. Wataru and Karin stared blankly at them and were counting down towards the girl's explosion.

"KAWA-CHAN!!!!!!!!!" Nano screeched. "Look what you did?! My clothes, my hair! Thank god, my camera is still okay!" She continued to rave about what a mess she looked, but in reality it wasn't all that bad. At least it was only a little water, no mud thrown at her. But her pitiable image still caused a tiny snort to come out of Kawamura's nose. Nano looked at him deathly, and he quickly covered his mouth, but it was obvious he was trying hard not to laugh. He held it in for a while, but then exploded into feats of laughter. It wasn't long before Wataru and Karin followed suit. It had been so long since they last saw Nano look so flustered, and it hurt their stomachs as they tried to contain their laughter.

Nano turned beet red, but eventually she burst into a giggle and laughed too. Although they didn't know what was going on, Karin was the only one to notice that three of them looked exactly like they did when they were kids laughing at each other.

Kawamura immediately took off his shirt and squeezed it as soon as he got out of the water. "Well, that was fun," he said, returning to his usual perky self. Wataru was relieved hearing that. Whatever it was that was troubling his friend, he'd have to ask some other time. He shifted his gaze upward, among the branches where the birds that Kawamura scared away had flown to. There was a small nest hidden among the twigs and leaves. For some reason, Wataru seemed mesmerized with it. He faintly heard Nano grumble how it was lucky that her camera didn't get splashed on, nor did he see Karin pass them towels, which by the way, they had no idea why she even brought, but at least that explained the bulkiness of her bag.

For Wataru, there was something strangely familiar and somewhat nostalgic about the place. Just by looking at those tiny birds, he could feel a strong sense of familiarity there, but he just couldn't understand why. "Wataru-chan?" Karin called, noticing the dazed look in her brother's eyes. She followed his gaze and saw the same birds that Nano had attempted to take a picture of. "Wow, so cute," she said. "Are those sparrows?" There was a moment of silence before Wataru answered, "No. They're brown-headed thrushes. They probably look similar from a distance but they're actually different."

"Eh? Where'd you learn that?" Nano asked as she ran the towel across her hair.

Wataru didn't answer but his mind was being filled with all sorts of thoughts as well. Where had he heard it before? Standing there, under the shade of a massive cypress tree with thrushes chirping loudly, that feeling of nostalgia crept into his heart again like a vast ocean quickly spreading and taking up every space. If he closed his eyes, he could almost hear those tiny voices—one, his younger self, and the other… the other…

"Those baby sparrows… Are they okay now, I wonder?"

"They're fine. They're glad to be back in their nest. And for your information, those aren't sparrows."

"Eh? But I thought those little birds with brown feathers were sparrows…"

"Well, I suppose from a distance they look similar. But the truth is, they're brown-headed thrushes—native to the wilderness of Karuizawa and can also be found in different parts of the country, even the world."

"Heh… Icchan-nii is too smart. I didn't know those things."

"There are a lot of things you still don't know, Wataru."

"Wataru-chan!" Karin called as she was lightly slapping his cheek. "Are you okay?" Wataru looked at her blankly as if he had just come out of a trance. She frowned and pouted. "Honestly, what happened?" she continued. "You suddenly dazed out and just stared at those birds."

"Did I?"

What other type of response could he give? Even he wasn't sure why he was having these kinds of delusions. Was it the heat? Maybe. Or was he still worrying over what Mizuho had said? Well, of course he was worried! Her words made quite a storm in his heart, but he couldn't get why his thoughts frequently wandered into that one summer they had in Karuizawa. "Icchan-nii," he mumbled. What did it all mean? He couldn't tell anymore whether they were real memories or just dreams.

There was a loud rustling of leaves caused by the wind. From the bushes came a few butterflies, which immediately caught Nano's interest. With her camera in hand, she swiftly chased the fluttering insects. She moved so fast that Wataru and the others had to run after her. They jumped over rocks, crawled under large roots and finally came to a stop at a small clearing. They nearly even bumped into Nano due to her abrupt stop, but what they saw at the clearing dazzled their eyes.

There were lots of butterflies circling—their wings bearing different colors and displaying various patterns—but perhaps the most eye-catching of all was the wisterias that grew majestically at the center. Underneath the small patch of light that pierced through the towering trees stood a young woman with silky black hair and clad in a lavender kimono patterned with petals and wild flowers. The sway of her hands and hips startled the four of them as they had never seen such graceful movement before, as if this young woman was a fairy or princess from the fairy tales they used to read. That small patch of sunlight looked like a spotlight, the wide, flat rock she was standing on was the stage, and she was dancing with the wind. They had to rub their eyes to make sure that they weren't hallucinating, because right then and there, they might seriously start believing in fairies.

But Wataru alone knew that it wasn't a dream or a hallucination because he had already seen that young woman before. In all honesty, he thought he would never see that lady's face again yet there she was standing right in front of him, vibrant and real.

It was Sayuri.


It was almost a year ago since he last saw the sway of that silky, black hair, the soft and livid movements of her hand as it caught the breeze. The flap of her kimono danced in the wind, making it look like she was levitating—being carried by the fallen petals of the wisteria. She waved her hand in circles as if she was the very being that controlled the breeze around them. Never was there a sight more mesmerizing, more captivating. If only he didn't know that face, he could've sworn he had seen a fairy.

He took a step forward; his foot cracked one of the twigs on the ground. Startled by the sound, the girl snapped her eyes open and turned to look at the four who had chanced upon her in the wilderness. There was shock on her face, but then it melted to a warm smile of recognition. "Hi there," Wataru greeted her. "Long time no see." She smiled, and without a moment's hesitation, she jumped from the rock she was standing on and landed right in the waiting boy's arms.

"Wataru-kun!!" Sayuri squealed with glee, her weight causing Wataru to twirl around upon catching her before landing on the ground with a heavy thud.

"Wataru!" Kawamura and Nano chorused, hurrying over to his side. "Are you okay?"

Wataru sat upright, rubbing his back a bit. "Yeah, just fine," he replied, and they eyed the girl who was still straddling him. "Um, how about getting off, Sayuri?"

"Why? Am I heavy?" she almost purred. Nano frowned, and shoved the smaller girl off him. "I'm sorry but can't you see he wants to get up?" she snapped. Sayuri just scoffed and helped herself up, brushing away the small twigs and leaves that got caught on her kimono. "And what's up with you wearing a kimono in the middle of this wilderness?" Nano continued, placing herself between her and Wataru.

Sayuri narrowed her eyes. "That's none of your business." She turned to Wataru and smiled graciously. "It's been a while since we last saw each other, Wataru-kun." Wataru chuckled nervously and scratched his head. "Y-Yeah, I guess you're right." He could feel Nano's glare boring at him like a massive drill. It was obvious that these two girls didn't like each other. "U-Um, let me introduce you, Sayuri," he said, pointing to his other companions. "This is my sister, Karin, and my friends, Kawamura and Nano."

"Hm… you two look alike, just like twins," Sayuri chirped as she studied Karin. Then she turned to Kawamura and Nano, both examining them from head to toe. Kawamura shuddered under such scrutiny, but Nano crossed her arms and scowled. "And who might you be?" she asked the young girl. "Coming out here dressed in a kimono… You trying to be a forest sprite or something?"

Sayuri narrowed her eyes. "For your information," she said with a sophisticated voice. "There's a restaurant not far from here and I came from there. I just thought it might be nice to go out for a walk."

"Out in the wilderness?? Are you okay??!"

"I'm not going to answer that." Sayuri crossed her arms and pouted her lips. She twirled around and started to walk away from them. Just then, their stomachs began to growl, reminding them that it was lunch time and they only had a few bites to eat for breakfast (thanks to Nano). The hike made them very hungry, and it was noticeable on their faces. Sayuri stared at them from the corner of her eye. "It's quite an expensive restaurant," she said. "But since Wataru-kun is with you, it can be my treat."

"For real?" Kawamura exclaimed merrily. "Then let's go! Oh, and thanks." They followed Sayuri down the path until they reached the restaurant she had spoken of. Nano was scowling and dragging her feet along the way.


When they entered through the doors, the first thing that came to their minds was that they definitely didn't belong there. Even though the people were in casual attire, the atmosphere contained a regal atmosphere, and they were most definitely sure that they didn't fit in there. "Well, what're you guys waiting for?" Sayuri asked as she ushered them inside. "You're hungry, right?" They couldn't muster any strength to reply, even Kawamura felt like digging a hole and hiding in it, his clothes were still a mess from the unplanned dip he took earlier. When they took their seats, everyone, including the waiters, eyed them strangely.

"Don't mind them," said Sayuri as she took a sip from her cup of tea, which an attendant had brought in. Watching her, Wataru felt reminded of his first impressions of the girl—prim and proper—like a princess. She was the only one in their table who looked like she belonged there, while they were all sweaty, wet and muddy from their trek. It was a wonder why Sayuri herself wasn't soaked or dirtied anywhere, her kimono didn't have a single stain on it! While Wataru wondered about it, he could feel Nano seething beside him. He could tell these two girls would not get along.

"Ah, Sayuri," Wataru said, attempting an ice-breaker. "This reminds me, what are you doing in Karuizawa? Are you here for the summer vacation with your parents?"

"No, my parents are in America," she replied. "They're working on going international with the business. They won't be back for a while."

"Oh," Wataru trailed off. He remembered the kind of relationship the girl had with her parents in the past, and wondered if he perhaps had touched a taboo subject. "Sorry, I didn't know…" He remembered how a dire situation had caused this girl to nearly take away her own life.

"Wataru-kun, there's no need to apologize," she said with a bright smile. "It's fine, really. They were with me the whole year so it's okay to go back to work. After all, I've been selfish as much as I could with their attention ever since Christmas so it's fine."


"Besides, there's another reason why I'm here," she said as she signaled the waiter to bring them some menus. Upon seeing the prices, they all turned pale and blue, while Sayuri just kept pointing at various items. The waiter diligently jotted all of them down and went off to fetch their orders. Their stomachs were already grumbling loudly, much to their embarrassment. As soon as the food arrived, they wasted no time in sampling the region's greatest delicacies. Wataru couldn't contain his hunger either since he wasn't able to eat any breakfast. He hastily gulped down his bowl of rice, washed it down with water, and resumed grabbing more meat off his plate with his chopsticks.

This tastes good, his mind was telling him. He only stopped when he noticed that Sayuri wasn't eating and that she was staring at him with a playful smile on her face. Was she looking at me all this time? How embarrassing, he wondered, and then ate more slowly. Sayuri tilted her head sideways as if noticing something. "Wataru," she said. "You've got some rice on your cheek." She stretched out her hand and plucked the tiny grain of rice from his skin, her slender fingers brushing softly against his cheeks. Wataru turned red a bit and immediately brushed her hand away. "I-I could've done that, you know." Sayuri smiled, ignoring the seemingly icy glare that Nano was giving her.

The silent battle between the two girls was sending chills down Wataru's spine. But that wasn't the only thing troubling him. For some reason, he was so sure that he felt another set of eyes glaring—boring holes at the back of his head. He couldn't tell where it was coming from, but he could clearly feel it and it was making him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Wataru, you still have rice on your face," Sayuri said again. She was about to stretch out like she did earlier, but Wataru immediately stood up, avoiding any kind of contact. "I'll just go to the washroom and take care of it," he said. "No need to trouble you." He left their table, humbly asked the waiter where the men's toilet was, and quickly made his way there. He was all alone in that big, tiled room which was cool compared to the outside. He leaned over the sink, staring at his face in the reflection. True enough, there were still a couple of rice grains on his face. He plucked them one by one with his hand, and rinsed them off with water. He had to admit, the water felt nice on his skin after spending so much time outside.

The door creaked open, and he heard footsteps approaching, then a young man came into view, wearing a fine, dark red suit. His hair was properly combed and styled, although Wataru doubted if the guy was a natural blonde; he could clearly see the black color forming from the roots. Nope, definitely not a blonde, but handsome still. He had a perfect oval face with thin, pursed lips. His eyes were typical of a Japanese boy, a deep black in color. His complexion wasn't too dark either and not too light. He walked over to the sink, right next to where Wataru was, and turned on the tap water. Studying his features closely, Wataru noticed that his ears were pierced. Normally, it would give off a "delinquent" look, but as he pictured the boy with earrings, he thought it made him look cool.

Gah! What am I doing??! Wataru scolded himself. Why was he suddenly thinking that this boy is attractive? Well, it's a normal reflex. After all, even before he changed his preference, he had always thought that Kazuki was handsome. Heck, even when he first met Asaka he had found the man very attractive. Yeah, there's nothing wrong in admitting another guy is attractive. It's just a sign that he knows when a person is beautiful!

"It's so stupid," the guy suddenly spoke, his voice was very deep like the ocean. Wataru glanced at him curiously, wondering if he was speaking to him or it was just a random thought. "Excuse me?" he asked to clarify. The guy looked at him, sizing him up, and then frowned. "I don't get it," he said again, turning the faucet off and shaking water off his hands. "What's so special about you?"

Wataru frowned. He stood speechless for a moment before his mind finally kicked into gear—realizing that he had just been insulted by a complete stranger. "What do you mean by that?" he raised his voice in annoyance. He had never seen this man before in his entire life, and yet…

The guy, who was still taller then him (much to his dismay), narrowed his eyes and then looked away. He clicked his tongue and strode out of the room. Wataru gritted his teeth. Was he just brushed aside so easily? What was that about anyway? He made his way to follow that stranger, but no sooner did he make it past the door did Mizuho's words return to haunt him: "Before summer is over, you and Yuichi will no longer be together."

Those words still left a heavy ache in his heart, like poison slowly spreading until he corroded from the inside.

He completely forgot about his temper or about chasing that strange guy. He silently walked back to their table with his head hanging low, paying no attention to the mild banter that Nano and Kawamura once again started or to his sister's attempts of calming them down. Neither did be bother to notice the concerned expression on Sayuri's face when he sat down.

For some reason, he felt as if the world had become silent.


Kazuki carefully slid the mirror into the frame he had molded and fastened it tightly with nails and hooks. He made sure that every angle was placed and that there were no loose ends. He had learned a thing or two after he got hurt from a falling mirror during his first year in college. It was his first assigned job in the club. The pain of those shards piercing his skin still felt fresh in his mind, but so did the kisses that his lover planted to help him rid of the pain. He remembered how Wataru had rushed to his apartment as soon as he had heard of the accident. Seeing the boy all flushed with worry and concern was enough to butter his heart, and to put the young one's mind at ease, he did not hesitate to shower him with affection in the only way he knew. Afterwards, Wataru had kissed his injured hand so tenderly as if that kiss alone would heal the wound and drive the pain away.

Yes, his young lover looked incredibly beautiful, and how Kazuki would just love to see that expression again—to have the boy fuss over him and shower him with so much care. However, that would mean making him cry, and Kazuki did not see it worth making Wataru burst into tears. For now, he drove such thoughts away from his head and focused on finishing his job. The mirror was to be one of the ornaments to be hung on the wall and he worked very hard to meet both Asaka and Shohei's expectations. After all, this was his brother's hotel, and Asaka too demanded perfection from each worker.

They're just slave-drivers, he mentally cursed. He swore that the two men had the same wavelength and gave off the same aura. "Che, if aniki wasn't married, he'd make a good couple with Asaka," he mumbled lowly. Those two were the real thorns in his side.

"Not bad," Shohei spoke, inspecting the layout of the room. "Everything seems to be going smoothly, Masanobu."

Asaka jotted something down on the black clipboard he'd been holding. "If this keeps up, we'll be finished in no time," he replied. "We might even finish ahead of schedule. Wouldn't that be nice, Shohei-san?"

Kazuki felt like he would throw up. Yup, those two were definitely birds of the same feather—all the more reason why he shouldn't let his guard down. He still had no idea what Asaka's plan really was. He had no idea why his brother included the guy in the Bachelor Auction, furthermore, he couldn't forget Asaka's expression back in Horio Restaurant. The guy definitely knew something—probably already knew beforehand that Mizuho and his parents were in Karuizawa, and was already expecting that Shohei would sign him up for some ridiculous auction. After all, didn't the guy disappear for some period of time while they were sight-seeing and then just magically turn up at the restaurant, which was where he saw Mizuho? No matter how he looked at it, it didn't feel like everything was coincidental.

"Or maybe I'm just over-thinking things?" he breathed a heavy sigh.

"Over-thinking what?" Mitsuki asked, leaning in close to him—close enough to startle him.

"Ah, senpai," Kazuki managed to speak. "Sorry, I was just talking to myself."

"I see… Um… Kohai-chan and his friends still not back from sight-seeing?"

"Uh, no… why?"

"Oh, nothing. Just wondering…"

Was it just him or was Mitsuki acting a bit… strange? It wasn't his place to pry, but there was a nagging feeling building up inside him. Even though he said he wouldn't be kind to women anymore to avoid unwanted affection, old habits die hard. Or perhaps Wataru's chivalry is rubbing off on him? "Senpai," he started but cut himself off when he saw Wataru walk into the room with a beautiful young girl clad in a lavender kimono clinging tightly on his arm.


"You mean you're staying in Paradiso as well?" Wataru asked with surprise as the car came to a stop in front of Shohei's hotel. After the restaurant, Sayuri had offered to drop them off at the place they were staying at, so they eagerly gave directions to the hotel, but imagine their surprise when they learned that Sayuri was going to stay at the exact same place.

"You sure it wasn't a last-minute thing?" asked Nano, rolling her eyes.

"How rude," Sayuri said as she got out of the car. "For your information, I have a VIP invitation for this hotel."

"Ojousama," the old man with eyeglasses spoke. "'l'll take care of checking in and the luggage. You may go with your friends if you wish."

"Thanks, Sousuke."

Sousuke. The name seemed familiar. Ah, that's right. Wataru remembered last year when he and Sayuri spent a cold winter's night in a cave, they had swapped stories of their lives. She had mentioned about an old man named "Sousuke" who took care of her in her parents' absence. So he was the Sousuke she had mentioned. He had to admit, he looked every bit the way he had pictured him—old, but still standing and walking straight, silver hair balding at the top, and a white, bushy moustache. He reminded him of his grandfather.

"Wataru, stop dallying," Nano said, giving her friend a slight shove. "You're building up traffic here."

"What traffic?" Wataru scoffed while Nano stuck out her tongue in delight. Sayuri observed them carefully, her eyes slightly narrowing a bit. The lobby of the hotel was still as empty as it was the first time they arrived, except for the staff that were busy with the preparations for the big opening. Sousuke hurried off to the front desk for other matters, leaving them to themselves once again.

He wasn't sure if it was out of precaution or if he had actually sensed her, but Wataru kept turning his head to and fro, searching for any sign of Mizuho. Though he pretended to not care, her words were deeply engraved into his head. The feeling of her lips still burned on to his, scorching him, turning him into ashes. Whenever he recalled that encounter of theirs in Beatrice Garden, he could feel a heavy lump forming in his chest. He shouldn't believe her words, that much he knew, but it still scared him and caused a storm to rage in his heart.

"Wataru," Sayuri spoke softly his name while taking hold of his hand. "Are you okay? You've been weird since the restaurant."

Wataru looked at her for a moment with bewilderment then suddenly smiled warily. "I-It's nothing," he stammered. "Just felt tired… that's all." Sayuri didn't look convinced. She wasn't good in comforting people—she was aware of that—so she did the first thing that came to her mind: she clung on to him, latching on to his arm tightly like a lost child holding on to its parent. Wataru was a bit surprised at the action, but, having experienced some of Sayuri's eccentricities in the past, found this to be completely normal and just let her be.

"I wonder if Mitsuki-san is already finished with work," Kawamura said and went off to Renovation Club's site. The others followed him, perhaps just out of habit or they had nothing better to do. Nano frowned as she saw the small girl still tightly holding on to Wataru's arm. "Would you let go already?" she snapped. "It's not like anyone's going to take your precious Wataru away from you."

It took a moment for those words to register. Sayuri turned to look at her, her gazing forming into ice. "I beg your pardon?"

"What I'm saying is that you can let go of Wataru. He's looking uncomfortable."

"No he isn't. He likes my company."

"Wha… What a spoiled brat!"

"And what an insufferable woman!"

The argument continued even as they got to Virgil Hall. All the while Sayuri tightened her grip on Wataru if only to spite Nano. "Oh would you quit it?!" the latter girl cried. "Just because you're Wataru's lover doesn't mean you can act with such regality!"

All eyes turned on them with surprise. Nano suddenly hushed herself up with embarrassment upon noticing that they had already reached their destination. Wataru turned pale not only because of the cute girl that was still latched on to his arm, not only because of the wild assumption his ex-girlfriend just had, but because the person he is in love with was one of the people staring at them with surprise.



For the first time, the word sounded like poison to his ears. Kazuki just stared in shock. Did he just hear that right? Did that girl really claim to be Wataru's lover?! He looked at the boy in question who was scratching his head with a nervous look on his face. "U-Um, this is…" he mumbled incoherently. That lack of response caused Kazuki's features to harden; his eyes turning cold. Say something! His mind shouted. Deny it! Say it's nothing like that at all! Tell them—all of them that you belong to me! Kazuki paused. What was he getting so worked up about? Just because a girl claimed to be Wataru's lover, or even made that assumption, does not mean it is true. After all, it has happened to him several times in the past when girls crossed the line between admiration and obsession. He needed to cool his head a bit.

"Isn't this interesting?" Shohei smirked. "He left with a cute girl hanging from his arm, and now he returns with an even cuter girl. The dark-haired boy is a real ladies' man, isn't he?" Kazuki paid no attention and silently went back to work. He won't let any of his brother's comments and misleading opinions distract him. It's nothing—absolutely nothing. But even though he kept thinking that, he knew that Wataru was watching. He could feel those dark eyes on him, watching him, observing him, as if strained to say something out loud but the words won't come out.

It suddenly felt like a rift had been formed. There was tension in the air and only the both of them could feel it. With his back turned to him, Wataru had no idea what kind of expression Kazuki exactly wore, but he felt as if that silent back was telling him much more than words can.

"What's that? Why are you with that girl? Isn't it bad enough that your ex is still being overly friendly with you?"

He could clearly picture those words in his head. No doubt, that's what Kazuki wanted to say, but he had no sure way of knowing. However, the older boy's silence was confirmation enough. "Ka…" he opened his mouth and tried to call him, but only managed to utter one syllable. What was he supposed to say? 'It's not what it looks like'? That would make him feel as if he was guilty of something. "Look at me," he whispered lowly, hardly anyone would hear it. But Kazuki raised his head a bit, though he still wasn't looking at Wataru, there was still a reaction. Slowly, ever so slowly, he turned—his gaze getting ready to meet that of the younger boy's.

"Masanobu-sama!!!" a loud squeal echoed through the room. The next thing everyone knew, Sayuri had detached herself from Wataru's arm and pounced on to Asaka instead. She hung from his neck as he stood wide-eyed in surprise. "H-Hongo," he stammered, almost losing his composure. "What are you doing here?" She just smiled and hugged him even tighter. Wataru and Kazuki blinked, and then a smile formed on their lips. They looked at each other, locking gazes at one another as if their minds were thinking the same.

"Hongo, seriously, get off," Asaka sighed. The young girl obediently did as she was told and did a small curtsy. Asaka run his hand through his hair in exasperation. "Some things never change, I guess," he mumbled.

Nano was not the least bit amused. "What's this?" she said icily. "Even though Wataru is your lover, you can go around hugging other guys as you please? Isn't that cheating?" Sayuri frowned; her eyes focusing hard on Nano like a vulture that had just caught sight of a sprawled carcass. "You're the one that's cheating," she said. "You're acting as if he belongs to you. It's so obvious that you're forcing yourself in the picture."

Nano turned beet red. She clenched her fists and began to think of a million insults to say to that woman, but none of them made it through her lips. She just grumbled in aggravation and left the room, stomping her feet as she did so. "Nano-chan!" Karin called and hastily chased after her.

"…That wasn't a nice thing to do," said Asaka with sour look on his face.

Sayuri just scoffed and crossed her arms. "She deserved it," she replied. "That woman was making me mad."

"Hongo, you've known her for, what, a few hours?"

"It's her fault. She made the automatic assumption that Wataru and I are lovers. She came up with that idea herself."

"Never mind, what are you doing here anyway?"

Sayuri grinned. "Didn't you know? I'm going to be the star performer in the hotel's grand opening."

Asaka matched her grin. "Yes, but you didn't need to come a few days early, right? Unless there's another agenda to it?"

"Well," she trailed off, her expression turning into that of a more serious tone. "I'm also playing the role of Shiori-obaasama's messenger."

"Eh? My grandmother?"


Wataru shifted uncomfortably as he watched Kazuki carry on with his work. He honestly had no explanation for both Sayuri's and Nano's actions. He would understand it completely if the boy was mad at him, but giving him the silent treatment was just too much. Kazuki had not spoken to him or even bothered to take notice of him ever since he got there. The silence was killing him! Somehow, he felt that rift growing wider, and the storm in his heart turning more intense.

"Kazuki…" he spoke lowly.

"Is this revenge or something?" the older boy interrupted him.


"You know, for last year?"

"W-What do you mean by that?"

Kazuki set down his tools and faced Wataru directly. "Last year it was my ex that came with all this misleading notions, and this time around it's your ex giving all this misleading information. Is this karma or revenge?"

"K-Kazuki, I don't…"

His words were interrupted when he was suddenly pulled into an embrace by the older man. "K-Kazuki…" he stammered again, not know what else to say other than his beloved's name. "Whether it's karma or revenge, whatever!" said Kazuki. "You belong to me—that is the only truth." Wataru blushed as he relaxed in his lover's hold. "The others are going to see," he said.

Kazuki just grunted and pulled him even closer to his chest until Wataru could feel the taller boy's lips against the nape of his neck. "Let them see," he replied without a care in the world. Wataru closed his eyes and leaned back into the man's embrace. So many things were coursing through his mind and were struggling to be voiced out, but the words were being choked at his throat. How could he say it without sounding immensely jealous? How could he put it into plain words that he doesn't want to be apart from Kazuki a moment longer? How could he stop himself from wanting Kazuki more than he ever had before—that he was tired of short glances, stolen kisses, and secret rendezvous? Would it be wrong for him to possibly hope for a relationship that is just like any other, one that is not kept in secret?

A hurricane was forming in his heart and he didn't know how to calm it down. Wataru just wanted to be held by these strong arms until the storm died down. He wished that this uneasiness he felt would go away—that he stopped feeling as if he and Kazuki were separated by more than just a bunch of floors. He wished everything would be as they were. More importantly, he wished Kazuki would tell him everything would be all right so that this small tremor caused by Mizuho's words would finally stop. But no matter how hard he silently wished for it, no words left his lover's lips.

A few days later, the hotel was well-decorated and brightly lit as guests from different walks of life checked in. It was finally the Grand Opening.

To be continued…

Whew! Finally done. Okay, now on with the next chapter. Hopefully it'll come out soon granted I'm not stricken with writer's block. To be honest, I'm a bit anxious regarding this chapter. I'm ashamed to say that it has been a long time since I touched this fic and I'm quite worried that perhaps I've lost some of my writing capabilities. The truth is that is one of the major reasons why I wasn't able to release the chapter earlier. I wasn't satisfied with a few things so I kept changing them. I wasn't feeling that this chapter would be up to par with the previous ones so I kept redoing some scenes and rewriting a few lines. But after a long struggle, I think I was able to do a bit of justice to it. I still leave you, my readers, to be the judge though. I value my readers' input, after all.

I guess I'll have to re-read the novels, TUR, and the previous chapters in order to tie up some loose ends and also to not stray from the storyline. I apologize again for the REALLY slow updates, but I'm hanging in there! I haven't even touched half of the story of Endless Summer yet and I really want to deliver what I've promised to my readers.

Many thanks and watch out for the next chapter release! :)

Next chapter: The Grand Opening. The day has come! The players are in place... But this only the beginning.