It had still been raining when Zane finally pulled up to his house; fortunately he had a covered parking area. It took no time at all to rouse Lewis from his sleep and get him inside. Zane didn't waste time setting up the pullout couch. Instead he prodded his slightly dazed friend through the main floor and up the stairs to his own room and unceremoniously shoved him into his still unmade bed.

Lewis didn't complain, he just snuggled down pulling the blankets over himself like a shield and passed out again.

Zane spent a long moment staring at his friends one exposed wrist, noting the colours wrapping around it like a rainbow bracelet. He filled a glass of water and left it by the bed, pulled the blinds so the murky greyness outside wouldn't bother him, and left him to sleep.

It took over an hour of scrubbing to get the blood out of his truck. He burned all the clothing he had worn that day, as well as Lewis's pale green scrubs and all the other evidence he could find, with a hefty does of lighter fluid in a trash can on his back porch. He watched over it the whole time, making sure not a single shred was left before carrying the hot container to the ocean and dumping the ashes in the water. Rinse and repeat.

He checked on Lewis, glad the guy was still sleeping, and made a couple of phone calls.

His dad had connections. He would use them to make it seem as though Lewis McCartney had left the country that morning. It would be tricky, but he could make it work. Most likely he would send him to North America, or maybe Europe, either way if anyone decided to search for Lewis (namely Gil) the paper trail would hopefully lead him to the wrong place.

He watched the news with an excessively large cup of coffee, seeing aerial view shots of the destruction of the lab once the rain had let up. Apparently the weather front had followed Lewis and Zane home.

He couldn't say he was sad to discover that a body had been found in the middle of what was currently being classified as an 'accident.' They were uncertain of the identity.

In the middle of the afternoon Lewis dragged himself downstairs, not looking any better than he had when Zane had tipped him into bed.

He seemed awkward, looking around as though he were uncertain about what to do. He was ridiculously pale, exhausted bruises sat under his bloodshot eyes, his shoulders slumped, and his hair needed a good cleaning.

A red smear travelled up his left cheek, no doubt from where Gil had smashed him into the glass wall. Zane's grip tightened on his mug.

"Coffee?" he asked, trying for casual, and Lewis relaxed slightly and went to help himself. His eyes drifted to the massive TV in the living room.

"Glad that didn't turn into a forest blaze." He commented and Zane agreed. He watched his friend tiredly make toast, glad to see that he was eating something, and refrained from asking him any questions. They could wait, and from the grateful look Lewis tossed him the guy was well aware that the conversation was coming and very happy to postpone it for as long as possible.

Which wasn't that long, apparently, when Lewis took a deep breath and looked pointedly at Zane only five minutes later.

"How did you find me?" He asked and Zane shrugged.

"Followed the clues."

"Clues?" Lewis blinked at him, frown covering his face as he rubbed tiredly at his forehead. "I didn't leave any clues."

Bingo. Lewis had just confirmed that he had, in fact, done everything on purpose. Being right, however, only made Zane feel nauseous as he watched his friend frown.

"Not on purpose you didn't." Zane agreed. "But so long as someone was willing to look, and that someone had the right connections, they could put the pieces together and come to the conclusion that yer a right idiot." He didn't have the energy to sound angry, but he could sound upset and Lewis looked at him sharply. Zane didn't back down.

"I suppose you know why I did what I did," Lewis hedged, and turned his back on Zane to refill his coffee mug.

"I do. Doesn't mean I agree with it."

"Doesn't really matter whether you did or didn't." Lewis turned back and sat on the barstool. Zane wanted to hit something, namely Lewis, but he settled for running his hands through his hair. He was waaaay to young to feel this damn old. "I didn't-" Lewis started and paused and Zane dropped his hands to look across the breakfast bar at him. Lewis took a deep breath. "I had hoped to not get caught," he admitted, shrugging self-consciously and Zane shook his head in exasperation.

"So you planned on letting Denman and her gang in on your newest secret and then you were going to spend the rest of your life leading them on a merry chase away from the girls?"

"That was the hopeful outcome."

"Christ Lewis! Of all the…the…ridiculous! Why didn't you tell me what you were planning?" He couldn't help the accusation in his tone, and his ire rose when Lewis just shrugged.

"I couldn't risk you telling the girls. I couldn't risk them letting their secret be known to Denman."

"But you could give yourself over, eh? You're not worth as much as them, is that it?" He glared at Lewis and Lewis looked up sharply at that, a spark of heated emotion finally entering his eyes, chasing away the blankness.

"Of course I'm worth as much as them! This wasn't some misdirected self-worth exercise Zane! I made a promise to them that I would keep them safe! Even if they weren't going to take precautions against it themselves! Denman was so much closer then any of you realized, and she was not going to let up. Ever. And if a little self-sacrifice kept them safe, then I am more then willing to do that."

"Because they're family."

"Because you're all my family!" He snapped, and then his cheeks flamed red in embarrassment from the outburst, but he didn't break eye contact. "You're the best I have and I protect what I have."

"Well then I guess I'm going to be protecting your sorry arse from now on," Zane decided with a nod, and then went to make his own toast as Lewis blinked at him.

"What? No, that's not your job. You don't have to do anything of the sort!"

"Of course I do. Look, it's simple," Zane explained, waving the bread around. "You protect the girls, and therefore I'll protect you. It's a win-win situation, that way I know the lot of you are safe." He reached out and gave Lewis a meaningful pat on the shoulder, and they both ignored how the man flinched. He didn't pull away though and for that, at least, Zane was grateful. "Besides," Zane continued, thinking out loud. "I need a right hand man for my new business; a 'sidekick' if you will." At that Lewis raised his eyebrow incredulously.

"Me be your sidekick? As far as I know I'm the one with the super powers in this relationship, which means that by default you'd be my sidekick."

"In your dreams," Zane snorted as he buttered his toast.

"What business is this then?"

"Private Investigator," Zane answered around a mouth full of bread. He grinned as Lewis looked puzzled.

"Weren't you going into the academy? You had plans for a badge did you not?"

"Plans change," Zane shrugged. "I'll tell you about my dislike for authority figures later."

"No need," Lewis huffed. "I'm well aware of that personality trait. You didn't-" he paused, suddenly looking extremely uncomfortable. "You didn't quit to look for me did you?"

"No," Zane instantly and firmly answered, not needing the guy to take on guilt that wasn't owed. "No I did not, but it did take me until I quit to realize that you were missing." Lewis looked away at that. "I'm sorry. It shouldn't have gone down like that."

"It is not your fault at all," Lewis looked back at him sharply. "I made my own decisions and I acted accordingly. I didn't expect anyone to look for me."

"Well, I believe I've already called you an idiot today," Zane shrugged, trying for nonchalance and feeling anything but. "Besides, I've always wanted to break into a secret lab, hold bad guys hostage, and then blow it up. Very James Bond."

"About that-"

"We couldn't leave any evidence, I understand," Zane cut Lewis off but watched him steadily. He waited until Lewis nodded his agreement, and the darkness in his eyes receded a little.

"Right. The evidence needed to be destroyed, that's why we blew it up," he agreed.

"Denman didn't make it out," Zane said, looking back at the TV that was, again, showing the mornings footage of the explosion, zooming in on the dolphins swimming in their ocean pen. Lewis nodded, and his shoulders slumped a little more in what Zane was interpreting as relief.

Zane felt tenser for it. Lewis was an honest, caring, genuine guy. Pretty much the only one Zane thought he knew, and if he was glad for Denman's death than Zane didn't want to think about what his life in that lab had been like.

"So tell me about your little elbow thing there," he gestured at Lewis's elbow and the guy looked down reflexively. "That is not normal mermaid behaviour," he announced, and smirked when Lewis glared at him.

"Merman behaviour thank you very much." He pointed out with no room for argument, and then sighed as Zane kept grinning.

"Whatever. Point being that you got those little fish…thingies to pop out without water. That ain't normal mate."

"Not for the girls," Lewis readily agreed. He looked at Zane, and then at his elbow, before sighing and holding one up. Like magic the fin spiked out of his forearm and travelled up well past the back of his elbow. When he flared the webbing Zane could see that it was a mixed colour of deep blues and streaking silver. He stopped chewing his toast.

"The girls don't even have those," he pointed out, trying to keep it normal.

"No they don't. They're not normal though. One minute they're just fins, and then the next they're as sharp as knives and hard like crystal."

"Well then keep them away from my counter top. That's genuine marble you know," Zane glared at the possibly table-top damaging fins took a deep drink of his tea as Lewis actually smiled for the first time since he'd found him. "You must be some kind of warrior fish then. Maybe I'll start calling you Sharkie."

"Please don't." Lewis grimaced.

"So you can heal people and you have knives that can spontaneously pop out of your elbows. You know what that means don't you?"

"No," Lewis replied, looking at him suddenly wearily.

"It means no water bed for you my friend. They're expensive enough in-" he was cut off by a sharp knocking on the front door. Lewis's entire body literally jerked at that and his fins disappeared instantly. He was suddenly even paler then he had been before. Zane frowned at the door.

"You expecting anyone?"

"No," Zane frowned, and whoever was outside was knocking again. "I'm coming!" He yelled at it and turned to Lewis. "Want to run upstairs?"

"And hide?" He scoffed at the idea, though his eyes did trail to the stairway. "I'll be good, go answer it." Zane did as requested, and then kind of wished he hadn't when he realized who it was. Suddenly he was tense all over.

"Detective Firth," he greeted calmly, noting that the man was in his plain clothes.

"Zane," he greeted, his eyes instantly looking behind Zane and narrowing when he no doubt saw Lewis standing in the kitchen's doorway. "Just coming by to check up on you. Everything all right?"

"Yeah, yeah of course. Everything's just fine," he rushed out, and then forced himself to look relaxed as Firth looked back at him. "Why?"

"Mind if I come in?" the man asked again, and Zane plastered a fake smile on his face.

"Of course," he stood aside and the detective stepped over the threshold, looking around. "Nice place."

"Thanks," he responded, and then led the way to the kitchen, sharing a pleading look with Lewis to just play along as best he could. "Want a drink?"

"Nah I'm good thanks. I've just got a few questions, it won't take long." He turned and looked at Lewis, who had (rather obviously) put the breakfast island between himself and the detective. "Who's this?"

"My roommate, Lewis," he responded, and to Firth's credit he didn't look shocked to see him as he turned back to Zane. Lewis, however, let his surprise show before hiding it.

"I see you found him."

"Yeah," Zane shrugged and tried to look sheepish. "Looks like I was worried for nothing."

"Right. So Lewis, where've you been hiding all these months?"

"I was, uh, travelling," Lewis responded, not quite able to meet the detective's eyes. "You know, around."

"Sure. See anything interesting?"

"Yeah, loads." Lewis shrugged, a rather forced smile crossing his lips. Firth looked at him long and hard for a moment, and then turned back to Zane, who was glad to change the detectives focus.

"Where were you last night?"

"Me?" Zane raised his eyebrows in fake surprise. "I was with friends up in Melbourne. We both were. Didn't make it back home until after eight this morning. Why?"

"There was an explosion at a lab late last night. I'm sure you've heard of it," he nodded pointedly at the massive TV.

"Yeah, I heard about it. Terrible thing, but I'm not sure what that has to do with my whereabouts."

"It was Linda Denman's lab," he looked casually between Zane and Lewis. "After the findings on the marina's security camera, and both of your past histories, you have to admit it's a little suspicious."

"Security cameras?" Lewis asked looking between them. He stepped back when Firth shifted on his feet, putting extra space between them and it was clear to Zane that Lewis was unaware of the action. Firth, however, wasn't.

"We have footage of you entering the Marina back in September but not leaving. It's one of the reasons Zane here was worried about your 'disappearance.' Dr. Denman's boat left dock that evening."

"Right," Lewis nodded, eyes wide and innocent. "I hitched a ride with Dr. Denman up to Wadesville. I stared out on my trip from up there."

"Can anyone verify this?"

"Dr. Denman can," Lewis shrugged, and Zane was surprised at how sincere he sounded. He hadn't known Lewis could lie so easily. Then again, he had never let a thing about his family situation slip all these years, and he had no doubt had more than enough practice protecting the girls.

"Dr. Denman is dead," the detective announced, watching them both carefully. Zane was surprised he'd come right out and said it. "Her body was found in the wreckage of the labs, dental records confirmed it."

"That's terrible," Lewis decided, and if it fell a little flat Zane thought it could be misinterpreted as shock.

"Yes," Firth agreed, not sounding like he cared much either way. He looked back at Zane. "You have alibis for last night?"

"Yeah, of course," Zane moved around the counter and reached behind Lewis for some scrap paper and a pen. He quickly jotted down his friends name and number. He had no worries their alibi would hold: Nick was a good friend and he owed Zane big time. They had already arranged to have several people vouch for them being there. There had, in fact, been a party and even if only two people said they saw them, it would be enough. He handed the information to Firth, who took it with an almost amused look before turning serious again.

"Interestingly enough they found a man at the scene sporting a rather impressive cut across his face," Firth announced casually, as though he was just wanted to spread a little gossip. "Turns out he's actually wanted for several crimes, the least of which is illegally smuggling animals. He had one suspected arson notation in his file but even if we can't link the fire to him he's probably going to be seeing the inside of a cell for a few years to come." He winked at them, actually winked, which frankly made him seem much older then twenty-sixish. "Anyway, that's what they told me. Whole things out of my jurisdiction, so don't spread that around eh?"

"Yeah, no problem Detective Firth."

"Please, call me Collin." Zane raised an eyebrow but the guy just grinned. "Here's my card," he routed around in his wallet for a moment longer then necessary and handed it to Zane, seeing as Lewis was still firmly stood on the far side of the counter. "If you ever need anything, call me. I'm here to help." Zane followed him to the door, and watched him pile into his car and drive off.

"He seemed nice enough," Lewis declared as Zane stepped back into the kitchen, but Zane could see weariness sneaking back up on his friend again. He was way too pale.

"Yeah, for a cop," Zane shrugged. "Listen, about the girls-"

"I don't want them to know," Lewis cut him off. "Nothing."

"Don't be stupid Lewis! They need-"

"My actions, my choice. I don't want them to know, they don't need that kind of guilt hanging over them. And you know they'll feel guilty."

"It will force them to be more careful," Zane tried to argue, knowing he'd already lost this one and imagining all of the wonderful future meetings he was going to have to referee in the future.

"I could leave."

"Fine!" Zane threw his arms up, ignoring Lewis's flinch with a heavy heart. "I won't tell them, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Whatever. You'll be too busy with your new Detective Agency to worry about it anyway," Lewis quirked his lips and Zane looked at him seriously.

"Does that mean you're interested then?"

"Yeah, I am. But I'm not going to be your sidekick. Partners or nothing."

"I can live with that, though "Zane Bennet, Private Eye and his trusty sidekick Merboy" had such a nice ring to it."

"You're an asshole," Lewis announced and then trudged off towards the stairs.

"Where're you going?"

"Back to bed. I feel like I could sleep for a week."

"Sweet dreams," Zane grinned until he was out of sight, and then tiredly rubbed at his own eyes. He picked up the business card Collin had given him, and then pulled out the one hidden beneath it: Dr. Jane Emmerson, trauma psychiatrist. He swallowed thickly and put it in his own wallet for safe keeping. They didn't need it right this moment, but in a few weeks, or maybe months, Zane had the feeling they would be giving her a call.

He trudged into his living room and collapsed on his couch. First things first, he was going to have to get Lewis his own bed.

After that everything would sort itself out.


Well, that's it. Finally got it finished! I will most likely not be continuing this story, so sadly the meeting with the girls will have to take place in all of our imaginations. I do, however, have this universe mapped out in my mind and I feel like sharing a brief glimpse into it (in case anyone is actually interested in it). SO here it is:

-Zane and Lewis open up a detective agency, Lewis deciding to go back to school part time. Fortunately, with Zane being so freaking rich, they have a decent starting capital.

-they would eventually team up and become friends with Det. Collin Firth (don't know if Firth will learn about the Merperson thing).

-Things would be tense for a while between Lewis and the girls, but eventually it would all be sorted out

-eventually the girls would learn about Lewis's merman status

-they would also all move back to the Gold Coast, being somewhat territorial and drawn to the area

Lewis as Merguy:

-his tail would subtly change colour with his mood.

-he doesn't have any control over elements and such like the girls

-he does have the ability to heal others (but it takes a great deal of energy and if he is not careful he could end up severely hurting or killing himself by helping too much)

-He has the ability to control his change (through a LOT of practice) so that even when wet he can keep his legs. The wetter he is, the harder it is. It works vice versa as well.

-this ability will eventually extend to the girls when they are in close proximity to

him, which will lead them to believe that merMen were meant to be protectors of


-he may develop an empathic way of communicating with animals.

So, that's as much as I'm saying. I doubt I'll ever write it (very sorry), but it might explain why I set things up the way I did.

All the best and thanks SO MUCH! For reading!