The sequel is starting! It's title is "Her Name Is Minion" and you may click on my username to find it with ease.

In it I promise you nice readers:

- More silly perverted Butch!

-The continuing spiral into insanity due to substance abuse! Hooray!

-More Charon "character development!" (AKA "character deviation"!)

-Less spelling and consistency errors!

-Inconsistent lag between updates!

-The return of a previous character!! (Can you guess? Probably!)

-Pajama parties!

-Ceaseless snarky character banter!

-New locations that the author made up!

-New CHARACTERS that the author made up!

-Violence that is only sometimes necessary!

-And of course, more progression/complications between Charon and Minion's strange and somewhat frustratingly confusing relationship.

Turning down the volume now. Sorry about that, I'm a little hyper. I hope you enjoy the new story. :D