A/N: Ok, I've had loads of reviews asking for another chapter. So I caved :] Here, you go then.


"Jasper, we're kind of waiting for an explanation," Carlisle said walking up to his picture and reading the message. If Jasper was human, he would've blushed. I was sure of it. Jasper knew the rules, you couldn't say it was a dare if anybody asked you why you did it. "Well?" Esme pushed.

"I find Carlisle attractive?" Jasper said it as a question. We all burst into peals of laughter. Carlisle looked nauseous as did Esme. "I'm not going to ask anymore, clean this up. Now," Carlisle said walking out of the room with Esme. We were still laughing after Jazz had cleaned it up. "Hey, why don't we get Carlise and Esme to join us?" I suggested.

"Good idea!" Alice said. She was out of the room in a fraction of a second. And back after a couple of seconds with Carlisle and Esme at her heels. "Truth or dare?" Esme asked sitting down with Carlisle.

"Yep. Let's go!" Emmett urged.

"So that's why Jasper wrote that message and .. Decorated my face," Carlisle realised. Everybody chuckled and then we started the game. It was Carlisle's turn first. "Emmett, truth or dare?" Carlisle asked.

"Dare." Why even bother asking?

"I dare you to bow down to Alice and tell her that she is far stronger than you. And far more superior."

"Oh man!" Emmett groaned. Alice would enjoy this and so would everybody else. Alice stood up and Emmett walked over to her and bowed down. "Alice, you are far stronger than me and far more superior," Emmett said frowning. Alice laughed and patted his head. "I've always known that, bro." Emmett got up and sat in his original place. Esme looked around and chose Jasper as her victim. "Dare."

"Well, I dare you to lose on purpose to Emmett in a fight after this game."

"Oh man! Esme!" Jasper pouted. Emmett had a smug grin on his face as we moved onto Rose. "Bella, truth or dare?" she asked me.

"Truth," I said. My last dare was horrible so I decided to play safe.

"When you were human, did you find Mike Newton even a tiny bit attractive?" she challenged. "Eurgh! Heck no!" I almost yelled. Everybody laughed at my reaction, it was my turn now. Who should I pick now? "Esme, truth or dare?" I asked facing my vampire mother. "Truth." Of course she'd pick truth, she kind of knew what we were capable of daring. "Who is your favorite Cullen child?" I asked her curiously. Her face showed she was deep in thought, she didn't want to hurt anybodys feelings of course. "Renesmee," she finally said.

"What!? What about me?" Emmett pouted. I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"I love you all the same, but Renesmee is so much calmer," Esme said looking at Emmett. He smiled at her showing all of his teeth. He was so childish. Edwards turn now.


"Carlisle, truth or dare?" Edward asked.

"Truth." Honestly, did my 'parents' have any guts at all!? And as for Esme, well, I'm honestly offended that I wasn't her favorite. Who could resist my charm? Esme could. "If you could rewind time and not change somebody. Who would it be? And it can't be Rose just because she wants to be a human again," Edward said. "Emmett. No doubt about it," Carlisle said. How horrible.

"Hey! That's not very nice!" I pouted again. Didn't anybody like me?

"Edward, I don't think I'd not change anybody apart from Rosalie because she wants to be human. I mean, Emmett brings so much fun and joy to this household. As does everybody. I couldn't possibly choose." Carlisle's speech bored me apart from when he said that I bring joy to the household. Of course I did. I'm such a joyous person! It was Alices turn next. "Rose, truth or dare?"

"Dare." That's my girl!

"I dare you to kiss Carlisle!" Alice said jumping up and down. I growled a little and surprisingly so did Esme. We all stared at her, completely gob smacked. Her face was smooth when she had realised what she had just done and she apologised. Rosalie got up and pecked Carlisle for a fraction of a second and then rubbed her lip visciously as did Carlisle. It was like when I kissed Alice. It was Jazzie Wazzie's turn. "Edward, truth or dare?" Jasper asked. Edward was un-predictable. Always changing from truth or dare so we didn't know what he'd pick all the time. "Dare."

"Before I dare you, Esme didn't you notice your torn curtains?" Jasper said.

"What!?" Esme exclaimed. Uh-Oh, Eddie is in trouble!

"Who tore them!?"

"Eddie!" I said smiling. Edward apologised and promised Esme that he would buy her new ones. Momma's boy. "Ok, I dare you to wear Alice's girliest shade of nail polish for a week. No rubbing it off on school days," Jasper dared. Oh! Good one bro! Edward groaned and Alice dashed to her room to get the nail polish. After she came back and painted his nails it was my turn. Who should I pick? Everybody was looking at me as if I was dumb. Oh, there was only one person left. That's why. "Alice?"

"Truth." Aw man! I had a good dare!

"Don't you wish your boyfriend was hot like me?" I sang.

"Eurgh. NO!" she almost screeched. How mean. Now I am sad. I am hot, way hotter than Jasper. Edward suddenly started laughing. I wonder why. Oh yeah!