Mwuhahaha! Last chapter!

Though, I will have to admit, that it probably isn't what you are expecting...

But here it is! Enjoy!


Raph was staring moodily at his bedroom wall.

He kept running the fight on the roof over in his head, analyzing every move, down to the point where he had come mere inches from plunging his sai into Leo's head. And then he compared it to the fight that Leo and he had a few days ago.

Leo never brought it up. Mikey kept trying to get him to talk about it, but Leo would just smile in that way he did and inconspicuously change the subject.

And still Raph couldn't figure out how he had done it. The lock he had on Leo's swords had been the same on the rooftop, yet he had known exactly how to get out of it in practice. There was no way he could have figured that maneuver out that quickly, especially when he was that out of it all night. Not even Don when he was fully focused could figure that out without a few days of training.

And speaking of training, Leo had almost passed out last night. Or, at least, that's what Don had said; but sometimes Don over-exaggerated on things a bit... And when Mikey had asked him about the flips he had done, Leo had waved him off.

"Just a little extra discipline," the older turtle had said.

"Like you need more discipline," Raph had snorted.

Leo had given him one of those looks and then walked away. Later, when everyone had gone to bed, Raph overheard Don asking Master Splinter about it.

"Leonardo did not behave like a leader the other night," the old rat had told him. "It was just a little reminder."

The red-banded turtle sighed. He thought there was more that wasn't being said, and had been meaning to ask Leo about it for days now, among other things, but he just couldn't bring himself. Or, when he actually had the courage to confront his brother, Leo had other things to do.

It wasn't like Leo was avoiding him; that wasn't his style. It was more like he knew what Raph wanted to say, and was giving him time to work up to it.

Raph sighed again, getting up from his hammock. He moved to his door and stepped out.

It was late afternoon. Mikey was out doing his last "Cowabunga Carl" party and Don was finishing his last day as ITT-Tech Support. Master Splinter was watching his stories, as usual. That meant that Leo was in the dojo.

Raph made his way down the steps and over to the dojo door. He poked his head around and there was Leo, sitting on one of the meditation mats, eyes closed.

That was another thing that Raph had noticed. Leo spent a lot more time meditating than he had before. Before his training, Leo had done a lot of physical training, but now it was more meditation than anything. When he had brought it up to Don, the genius turtle had said that it wasn't something they probably had to worry about. Something about jet lag and time zone differences…

Raph shook his head slightly and knocked on the door. Leo opened an eye and focused on his brother.

"Raph," he acknowledged, closing his eye.

"Hey, Leo," Raph said hesitantly. "Can I, uh… talk to ya'?"

This time Leo opened both eyes and looked calmly at him. Raph took it as an invitation and walked over to his brother, sitting down next to him. Leo watched his every move, saying nothing. He waited for Raph to speak.

"Look, Leo…" Raph started, insure about how to begin. "I, uh… I've been thinking about our practice a few days ago… and the one on the roof the night before…"

Leo remained silent, eyes seeming to bore into Raph.

"… You knew how to get out of that lock," Raph said quietly. "And what I can't figure out is why you didn't do it on the roof. I mean, you could have won, but instead I almost killed you!"

Leo remained unmoved.

Raph was growing impatient. "Damnit, Leo! Tell me why you did it?! I could have killed you!"

Leo still remained quiet.

Raph growled and stood up. "You know what, never mind. I don't what I was thinking! You can just go back to your meditating!"

He stormed to the door, but was stopped as a soft voice floated to his ears.

"One does not let emotions of the mind get in the way of protection."

Raph stopped, hand on the doorway. He turned his head and looked at his brother. Leo was in the same spot, looking at him. He had come out of the lotus position and was now just sitting cross-legged on the mat. His hands were folded neatly in his lap.


Leo smiled a small smile at him. "You were angry. And I knew you weren't going to do anything rash. You may be hot-headed, but you catch yourself before you go too far."

Raph gaped at him.

Leo's smile widened a little.

"So… you're saying that you let me do that?" Raph asked.

Leo's smile never wavered. " 'Let' is a strong word, Raphael…"

Raph ran a hand over his face, trying to control the anger that was flooding his system. When he looked back at his brother, Leo's smile had vanished and he was watching him, a little look of worry on his face.

"You okay?" he asked.

Raph shook his head slightly. Leo patted the spot next to him and Raph sighed, walking over and taking the offered place.

"I almost killed you…" Raph whispered, not looking at Leo. "I mean… I really wanted to kill you. And then when Winter's Generals attacked you… you were defenseless…"

"I wasn't defenseless, Raph…"

"Then why'd they take you?!"

Leo sighed. "I wasn't paying attention… Same thing would have happened if the roles were reversed."

Raph shook his head. "I'm not so sure…"

Leo snorted. "Better me than you."

There was silence as Raph thought about it. He snapped his head up and looked at Leo, who was staring straight ahead, eyes narrowed in thought. His hands were resting in his lap, but no longer folded.

"You knew," he breathed.

Leo didn't say anything, and after a moment, he glanced at his brother. "Sorry, what?"

"You knew the Generals were waiting on the next roof over…" Raph said.

Leo's silence said everything.

"How did you know?"

Leo was silent for a little longer. "When I was chasing you, I saw them out of the corner of my eye. They were following us, and then we stopped, they were waiting until something like that happened. When you got me in that hold, I knew what would happen if I lost. They would take me and leave you alone…"

"You sacrificed yourself… for me?" Raph whispered almost inaudibly.

"I wouldn't put it that way," Leo replied.

"But… after the way I had treated you…"


Raph looked at his brother, who was gazing at him with a hard look on his face.

"Nothing was your fault. I only said the things I said because I was trying to get you to attack me. That way, the Generals would take me and leave you. And before that, I had been a pain in the shell anyways. Just think of it as me provoking you. You did nothing wrong. You said nothing wrong. It was all on me."

Raph stared at Leo, who stared back, just as hard. Neither moved for a minute.

"I'm still sorry," Raph finally said.

Leo sighed and rolled his eyes. "If it helps, I forgive you. Even though you did nothing wrong."

Raph laughed a little.

"So, wanna teach me how ya' got outta that hold?" he asked.

Leo chuckled. "Only if you lay off Mikey for a few days," he said with a smile.

Raph rolled his eyes. "It's not my fault that he's a nitwit." He stood up and offered a hand to help his brother up. Leo took and they stood facing each other.

"Yeah, well," Leo snickered. "He's your nitwit brother."

"Yours too, Fearless," Raph said. "Yours too."

Leo smiled as the two of them drew their weapons. Raph smiled as well, twirling his sais in his hands.

Sure, Leo might have changed a little in the time he was gone; he was more mature but, no matter what Don said about his appetite, he was still the same big brother he had always been.

And Raph wouldn't have it any other way.


Yeah, sappy ending, I know. But I couldn't resist.

And I took out the part with Mikey and the Nightwatcher's helmet... It just didn't seem to fit in my version...

But I do like the way it turned out. Let me know what you think! :D