Chapter Twelve 'I Love Her'

It had been a few weeks since they had seen each other last. As Jennifer walked through the gate with her brother Ronon couldn't help but smile over at her. He kept his distance till he came over to her and John glared at them. "John," Teyla said coming over to him.

"He is going to hurt her," John said looking over at his sister and Ronon.

"Why would you think that?" Teyla asked arching her eyebrow and he just walked away.

Ronon had helped Jennifer to her room and set her bags down. She pulled him to her and gave him a heated kiss. "I missed you too," Ronon said with a smile on her face.

"It was hard not having you there to hold me," Jennifer said causing him to stroke her face. "I needed you there so bad," she said softly.

"I am sorry about your dad," Ronon said softly. "I know how hard it is to lose one," he said causing her to nod.

"My brother and me were okay," Jennifer said softly. "But I still think he is mad," she said sitting on the bed.

"Everything will be alright," Ronon said kissing her forehead. "I will talk to him and get this all worked out," he said causing her to shake her head.

"No he could kill you," Jennifer said in a panic. "I think you just hide and run anytime he is around," she said causing him to laugh.

"Ronon Dex doesn't run from no one," Ronon said causing her to sigh. "I will be fine," he said causing her to sigh and then her com went off.

"Hello," Jennifer said into her com-link.

"I know you just got back but were short once person," Maria replied. "And we need some help on planet SSS517 to get this transfusion's done," she said softly.

"Okay," Jennifer said standing up. "I will see you later," she said in a low voice. Ronon stood up with her and ran his hand along her face.

"When you get back I will have a nice bath ready for you," Ronon said causing her to bit her lower lip.

"That sounds great but you have to join me," Jennifer said causing him to kiss her softly.

"Where else would I be?" Ronon asked looking down at her. "I love you," he said.

"I love you too," Jennifer said with a smile on her face. Ronon watched her walk out of the room and then went to go find John.

John was in the armory room looking over some weapons. "John," Ronon said leaning against the door.

"You do have balls," John said looking at the gun in his hands.

"Look," Ronon said coming over to him. "I love you sister," he said. "I would never hurt her for anything," he said in a low voice.

"What about Melena?" John asked causing him to arch his eyebrow.

"What about her?" Ronon asked crossing his arms.

"She was your almost wife," John said remembering their conversation. "What makes you think you can give all yourself to my sister?" He asked. "What if your feeling is just sex?" He asked with a cringe.

"Its not," Ronon said in a firm tone. "I care for sister so much," he said. "I never thought I would be this happy again," he said in a firm tone.

"JOHN!!!" Teyla yelled coming into the room. "The planet the infirmary went too it has been attack by the Wraith," he said in a firm tone.

"Jennifer," Ronon said heading out of the room with John following behind him. Everyone was running around the planet and were being picked up by the Wraith ships.

"We've got to them to safety," Jennifer said causing Maria to nod. She looked out into the middle of the field and saw a little boy looking around.

"JENNIFER!!" Maria yelled as she ran out to get the little boy. She managed to snag him up and take him over to Maria. "Jennifer behind you," he said just as a wraith came over to her.

Jennifer was thrown against the wall and the wraith charged over to the patient. Jennifer grabbed her knife and went at the wraith. They struggled with the knife and he managed to win her over.

"JENNIFER!!" Maria yelled out as she watched her friend get stabbed.

"Run," Jennifer said to them as she fell to the ground. Just them another ring of shots came out just as she went into unconsciousness.

They hand managed to chase off the Wraith and bring back the survivors. Jennifer on the other hand was in bad shape. She had lost a lot of blood on the way to Atlantis and she wasn't waking up. Ronon never left her side and had faith she would come back to him.

"Ronon," John said coming into the room. "You need to get some rest," he said looking over at his friend.

"I am not leaving her," Ronon said in a firm tone.

"Look this isn't about you," John said causing him to look back. "I mean if Jennifer knew that I let you go without something to eat she would kill me," he said jokingly.

"How can you sit there and joke?" Ronon asked with a glare. "Your sister," he said.

"Is going to be fine," John said gripping his shoulder. "She'll come back to us both," he said in a firm voice.

"Does that mean?" Ronon asked causing John to roll his eyes.

"I will still be watching you," John said in a firm tone. "Understand," he said causing Ronon to nod with a smile. "Now come on," he said causing Ronon to stand.

"Yeah," Ronon said kissing her hand and he went to let go.

"Ronon," Jennifer moaned as her eyes fluttered opened.

"Maria," John yelled out causing her to rush over.

"What happened?" Jennifer asked looking around the room.

"You are a crazy chick that is what," Maria said with a smile on her face. "I need to do a work up you are going to have to go," he said causing Ronon to kiss her head.

"Lets go get the others," John said causing him to follow John out.

After the check up and the medication began to wear off Jennifer was alert. "Hey," she said looking at everyone.

"What the hell you were thinking?" John asked glaring at her. "That was completely reckless," he said causing her to smile.

"I love you to brother," Jennifer said causing him to frown.

"Just don't let it happen again," John said causing her to nod her head. "I think we need to give her some space," he said motioning everyone out of the room.

"But," Rodney said causing him to shove him out.

"Glad to have you back," Teyla said causing Jennifer to smile. Ronon sat down next to her and took her hand in his.

"So he is okay with us?" Jennifer asked causing him to smile.

"Told you I'd take care of it," Ronon said softly. "I thought I lost you," he said looking down and she touched his cheek.

"I am fine," Jennifer said with a smile. "I am not going anyway," she said softly.

"You make me such a better person," Ronon said causing her to smile. "I love you so much," he said causing her to smile.

"I love you too," Jennifer said softly. "Now give me a kiss," she said causing him to kiss her. It was a fact they were better together.


AN: Sorry I ended this so soon I lost inspiration for this story. Hope you still like it.