The stars shone bright against the dark night sky. A boy sat on the edge of a cliff looking down at the caves below, through his new spyglass. Every night for the past week he had waited until everyone had gone to bed and sneaked out of the house. He had been watching men moving about in the caves.

Candle light flickered on the cave walls. There was a pile of boxes stacked outside the cave. Men walked back and forth, carrying the boxes into the cave. A boat bobbed up and down, to and from an unseen ship.

He knew they were smugglers and he was scared to get closer to the cave because he knew what they were like. His father had told him that they would do anything to get money, but he had to get closer. The thought of catching them sent adrenaline rushing through his veins. He moved slowly and quietly through the shadows towards the caves, when suddenly a hand grabbed his shoulder. He spun around to see his father staring back at him.

"James Norrington, what do you think you are doing?" His father whispered angrily.....

Thank you Damsel for giving me the idea for my story! This is a short version of my new story, which will be coming soon. Thank you for reviewing.