I do not own Naruto
When we left off Ino is stuck in Naruto's mind and Sakura has just ran into Naruto's home to see why he is on medical leave.
He had not been fast enough Sakura had seen the scene, "What is Ino doing here? Why were you two sleeping on your couch with you holding her close like that? Why has she not woken up? The papers on Tsunade-sama's desk said she was on a training mission and was signed by both her dad and Tsunade. If you did something to Ino I'm going to…"
Sakura pulled back her fist and the chakra could be seen building up to reinforce her hit when Naruto yelled, "No Sakura you can't hit me. If you do you will hurt Ino."
Sakura hit Naruto square in the jaw. "What are you talking about Naruto how would me, hitting you, hurt Ino?"
Naruto stood up from the floor and shoot Sakura an angry look as two shadow clones pop out of now were and pushed her into a chair, "What the hell?" Much to Sakura's surprise he walked over and cheeked Ino who had a blood running down her chin that matched the blood on Naruto's chin. He turned back to Sakura, "Well Ino is on a training mission, I am part of it and she is in my head right now." Naruto let out a breath as he saw Ino was healing much like he does only a little slower(Still faster than normal), "As for how you can hurt her by hitting me I think you know how Ino's jutsu works."
Sakura looked at Naruto with a downcast look, "I'm sorry, I didn't know."
Naruto looked up at her, "Of course you didn't know, you bust in here to yell about whatever you thought I did to end up on medical leave." He rubbed his temples and sat down on his couch, "I'm sorry for snapping at you, Sakura." He looks up at her, "I know that Ino's training may put a bump in our plan for getting Sasuke back, but I need to do this not just for but with Ino." He let out a heavy breath, "I know you might not understand, but Ino's training is going to help both her, and I. I believe that maybe after this," Naruto kneels down in frount of Sakura touches her arm where the chakra burn is, "something like this won't happen again."
As Naruto stood up and turned a way to look out one of his windows, Sakura stood up and yelled, "That was not your fault."
"Bull shit," he yelled as he turned back to her, "I lost control, I let rage and hate guide my actions and you got hurt." He shook his head, "I won't let something like that happen again."
Inside Naruto's mind
"What are they talking about? Does he really think this will help us both or is he lying to her for another reason?" Ino turned to the female incarnation of Naruto.
Naru turned to her, "These are question you will need to ask him. I may be a part of him, but even I don't clam to know how he thinks."
Hokage Office
Shizune just stood in shock looking out the window Sakura had jumped out of, "What just happened?"
Tsunade walked into her office, "Oh, Shizune, you two are back, where's Sakura?" She walked over to sit down at her desk and saw the papers on top of it, "Oh shit, she didn't go to Naruto's did she?"
Shizune shook her head as she turned to Tsunade, "Yeah I think that where she was heading when she jumped out the window, why?"
Tsunade shook her head, "No time, we need to get there now," she jumped out of the same window that Sakura had.
Shizune fallowed suit out the window behind her mentor and friend, murdering to herself, "Ok, what has Naruto done now, and why couldn't we have used the door?"
Back at Naruto's home
Naruto stood looking out the window as Sakura sat looking from Naruto to Ino. Naruto turned to Sakura, "I'm going to take a shower, if you want to stay whatever, do me a sold and give Ino one the shoots out of the bag on the counter there."
Before she could answer he had disappeared and she could hear water running. She starts talking to herself, "I'm going to shower can you give Ino a shot?" She walks over to the counter, "Why does Ino need a shot?" She take a needle out of the bag, "I mean if this is all for Ino's training, why is her dad not here somewhere?" She walks over to the couch and gives Ino the shot, "And if she's in his head why has she not broke the jutsu and returned to her body?"
Tsunade come busting threw Naruto's door, she looked at Sakura as she stood back up from beside the couch were Ino was lying. She watched as Sakura sat back down in the chair, "Where is, Naruto?"
Sakura turned to her and pointed toward the bathroom, "He went to take a shower."
Shizune stood there for a moment looking from Ino to Tsunade to Sakura, "Why is Ino here?"
Tsunade looked over her shoulder at Shizune as Sakura answered, "Naruto said that he is helping her with some of her training and it seems, lady Tsunade and her dad, know so I'm guess we should not really worry about it."
Tsunade nodded, "Right, well with that said why don't you two head on out I need to speak with Naruto to see how the training with Ino is going."
Sakura stood up looked to Shizune, shrugged and started walking toward the door. Right before they reached the door Naruto stepped out of the bathroom pulling on a shirt, "Hey Shizune, talk to you later Sakura-chan." They both waved as they left.
Naruto turned to Tsunade, "I'm concerned about the fact that when Sakura hit me Ino healed like I do all be it slower."
Tsunade did a quick check on Ino then turned to Naruto, "Well there is still no chakra taint in her my best guess from what I know about her family's jutsu is that the link forces her body to copy anything that happens to you to her from whomever she is linked to, are go, when your system did it normal healing thing her body fallowed suit."
Naruto nodded, "That sounds good as long as you're not finding any taint in her." Naruto turned away from Tsunade to watch Sakura and Shizune walk down the street from his window, "I am also a little worried about the fact that I didn't put up my mask in frount of Sakura today, I was too worried about Ino to even think about acting like a fool."
Tsunade walked up to Naruto and put a hand on his shoulder, "Well you knew that your mask couldn't last forever, and defiantly not in frount of the people that are around you most. I know Sakura has seen you in battle where you dropped it to fight."
Naruto nodded as he turned to look at her, "Yeah I know, but I was hoping to keep it up a little longer and she is a big part of my mask as a fool."
Tsunade smiled, "Well, we will cross that bridge when we come to it but for now I guess just focus on the job at hand."
Naruto nodded as he walked back to his couch, "Ok, well I really need to get back to talking to Ino I can hear she has a lot of question after this morning events."
Tsunade smiled at the boy, "Ok Naruto, I'll check up on you again soon."
Random Street in the village
Sakura looks over at Shizune beside her, "Shizune, Naruto seemed strange today, he didn't seem like himself. He was more like he is when I have seen him in fights during some of our more interesting missions."
Shizune looked over at Sakura and thought, 'Oh, did Naruto let his mask slip?' She smiled at Sakura, "Really, wow, well from what little I heard Naruto has a lot on his plate at the moment maybe your reading too much into it. If you want to talk more I think we should head to lady-Tsunade's office and wait for her."
Sakura gave her a very confused look, "Ah, ok I guess that sounds good, I do have a few questions for her."
Back with Naruto
Naruto closed the door behind Tsunade. He ran his fingers through his hair as he walked over and sat down on his meditation mat and entered his mindscape.
He appeared in his mindscape and looked at Ino as female incarnation of himself disappeared, "Well, I'm sure after this morning's events that you have more questions for me."
Ino looked over at him, "Do you really think this will help us both?"
Naruto smiled, "Yes, yes I do think this will help us both. It will help you just by being stuck in your jutsu for such an extended time you will better understand things about it, or at least I think that what your dad and baa-chan are thinking. As for me I think going back threw some of the thing in my life with you may help me to better cope with them and not just keep it hidden behind the mask I have got used to having up."
Ino smiled shyly at him, "Well I'm honored that you feel that I can help you threw some of your pain of the past." Ino turned away from Naruto, "I could tell from the interaction between you and Sakura, I can tell it is something painful for you, but I want to know about the scar on her upper arm."
Naruto let out a heavy breath as he turned to her and offered her his hand, "Ok, I will show you the memory of the day that happened. I have to warn you that it is a very segmented memory." He put up his other hand and a brown door with some red shading around it appeared in frount of them. He unlocked it and the scene around them changed.
A bridge going over a river
Ino looked over and saw Sakura, Sai, Their temporary sensei Yamato, and a second Naruto. After a few moments Yamato, in a hange of a wooden body that looked like what Sakura had described to her after she had gotten back from a mission to Suna, went onto the bridge to meet another person that she was surprised to recognize as Kabuto that she had met at her first Chunin exams.
Ever thing started to go south when Orochimaru showed up on the scene. All the sudden Ino point of view shifted from the third person that she had so far seen all Naruto's memories from to a first person and she could no longer see her partner in viewing. She thinks to herself, 'What's going on, where in Naruto?'
The memory stop progressing but Ino was still looking at Orochimaru from Naruto's point of view. Then she heard Naruto voice, "Ino I'm still with you but I could not objectify this part of the memory, so you going to see the flashes as I saw them and you will be feeling as I did during this. Do you want continue or should I stop this now?"
After a few minutes Ino replied, "No I want to see what happened here between you and forehead."
So the images of the fight stated fly by, and all Ino could feel was rage, anger, and hate like it was surrounding her whole self. Suddenly Ino heard Naruto's name yell out and she was turned to see Sakura running in the direction she was seeing from. Then a blood red chakra tail flew into field of vision and hit Sakura square in the arm and she fell to the ground with a clear look of pain on her face.
The field of vision switched once more to third person with her standing beside a Naruto looking over at Sakura and Yamato looking at a Naruto lying on the ground with his eyes just slightly open. The Naruto at her side turned to a panting Ino, "Are you ok, I know that experiencing a fight in full Kyuubi form can by very overwhelming."
Ino turned to him as she comes herself down, "Yeah, I think I'm ok now."
As Naruto turned, "Good, let move on a bit."
Naruto waved a hand, and the scene changed some and she could see the other Naruto turn to Sakura as she was trying to heal her arm, "What happened to your arm, Sakura-chan, are you ok?"
Sakura turned to him, "Oh, I'm fine Orochimaru attacked me, but it only hurts a little, don't worry."
Other Naruto shook his head, "Sakura-chan, you shouldn't put yourself in danger like that."
Naruto waved his hand and the scene changed agien, now we have Yamato looking at Naruto with Sakura still sitting agent a tree but the boys had moved far enough away that she would not hear them talk. Yamato looked Naruto in the face, "The one who hurt Sakura, it was you Naruto."
Other Naruto closed his eyes, "So everything back there, all that damage and Sakura's wound? I caused it all." Naruto waved his hand.
Back in the play ground
He closed the door and looked it back up. Naruto turned back to Ino as he wiped a few tears off his face. Ino reached up and touched his cheek, "Are you ok, Naruto, what's wrong?"
Naruto looked it her, "Well I'm disappointed in myself, and sad that I hurt someone close to me because I let myself lose control."
Ino looked into his eyes for a moment, and then wrapped her arm around him in a hug, "Oh, Naruto, its ok she does not blame you. I understand how much it must hurt to know you hurt her, but keep in mind that she was so concerned about you that she rushed in to try and help and that is a big reason why she got hurt."
After a few minutes they pull apart for each other, "Ino, I going to tell you something I have not said to anyone, I just feel I need to say it once to someone." He look deep into her soft blue eyes, "I don't think we will ever get Sasuke back." He turned away from her, "I'm not giving up on him, I just think if he wanted to return he would be here now. I think Itachi is dead now, and I think he died in a way that Sasuke would believe he fulfilled his vengeance."
Ino stared at the back of his head for a while with wide eyes, "Wow, how do you feel about this?"
Naruto spins around to faces her, "How does it make me feel?!?! Should I summon up a couch so I can lay down wail you examine my head, Doc. Ino??" Ino rolled her eyes at him, and he shook his head then responded, "If you really want to know I'm sad, because I miss my friend, upset, because he felt I couldn't help him reach his goal, and scared that if he attacks our village, I will have to kill him to save everyone else."
Ino with a slightly shocked look, "Are you going to let, Sakura in on any of your doubts?"
Naruto frowned, "No, I don't think it would be a good idea, she has so much of her own hope in him."
Ino stretches then smiles, "Well enough of this brooding stuff. I want to see some happy memories." She turns to him and puts her hand on his shoulder, "I will name random people and you show me a something happy from you past in regards to them."
Naruto smiles and nodes, "Ok Ino, that sounds kind of fun."
Ino's eyes shift up and to the lift as she taps her chin with her right forefinger, the looks back at him, "Kiba."
Naruto nods, "Ok that's an easy one, Kiba is a good guy." Naruto put up his hand and the scene changes.
Ino gets to enjoy a montage of scenes of Naruto and Kiba threw the years laughing, pulling pranks, rough housing with many of the Inuzuka dogs, and even a few scenes of them checking out different women.
A training ground
A younger Naruto turns to Kiba, "Dude I have wanted to ask is it ever hard to concentrate and learn things from Kurenai-sensei?"
Kiba turns to him, "Oh. No Kurenai is a great sensei." Naruto raises an eyebrow at him, Kiba gets a strange smirk, "Oh, I see what you're thinking, you are right man she is dam hot, but if she caught me looking at her that way she would have me in a mean Gen-jutsu before I knew it."
Naruto pated Kiba on the back, "You sound like you speak with some experience." Kiba just sat there with his head in his hand, giving a nerves laugh.
Mindscape playground
Ino punched Naruto in the shoulder, "You had been checking out Kurenai-sensei?"
Naruto looked sheepish for a moment, "Well yeah, I mean she is a very good looking women and very strong Kunoichi." He turned to her, "Hey you have been in my LLL, Lust Lounge Library."
Ino smiled and giggled, "Well yeah I went in there, but I really only looked at the stat book guide and then read some of the stories with me in them."
With a smile on his face, he waved her off, "Ah whatever, its fine, but I would like you to not go back in there, I would like some of my thoughts to remain private."
Ino smiled and nodded, "Ok" The two of them continued this she would name a friend and he would show her happy memories of them.
Hokage Office at this time
Tsunade sat down to do some paperwork as Shizune and Sakura were heading out. Inoichi walked in next, "Lady Tsunade."
She looked up from the document she was reading, "Yes Inoichi, do you have any ideas for Naruto and Ino's predicament?"
Inoichi looked at her and answered, "Yes I have two ideas but one I really want to steer clear of." Tsunade waved her hand for him to continue, "Well the idea I have I still think we need to let them bound a bit more first."
Tsunade raised an eyebrow, "Why if we can get the two back to normal we should do it as soon as possible."
He looked down, "Well first I will tell you of the one both me and Naruto know about and don't want to use."
Tsunade stood up, "Wait, Naruto know away to help her out of him mind?"
He nodded, "Yes it can be done by making use of the Soul Chain or Chain of Destiny, it has been called by both names, it is how I got out when I was stuck many years ago. To use that method is a last resort. Naruto knows of it the same why I do. If you focus it may come in clear, Naruto can probably see it with Ino all ready, but it won't madder until Ino, herself see the chain." Inoichi shook his head and let out a breath, "The Soul Chain is in a sense a chain that runs from Ino's body to her soul self that is in Naruto's mind right know. Once it is visible you see it hooked to a plate on the chest over where the hart is." He drew what it looked like on a sheet of paper, "It should be possible that once she can see it that she could pull herself back to body using it. But, the problem with doing this is that if the chain gets dislodged on ether end she will die."
Tsunade with her eyes wide, "So, it would be best to not yank on it, let alone try to pull yourself along with it?" He nodded and she asked, "So, what is this other idea?"
Inoichi interlocked his fingers in frount of his face, "It is called, Mind Meld Jutsu." He then rubbed his forehead with his left hand, "We well have to do so convincing to get them to do this though."
Tsunade shoot him a confused look, "Why would they need convincing? I'm sure she is tired of being in his mind, and he is tired of having her stuck in there."
He gave a sheepish look, "Well I'm sure it will work to get Ino back to her own mind. It will work and as for why convincing will be need is because the Jutsu does much what it sounds like." He closed his eyes, "It will combine their mindscape together, and so one or both can walk back and forth between the two freely while the jutsu is active. The issue will be that once they are done and release it they will be forever linked to each other, as a part of the each mind will forever be imprinted on the others mind."
Tsunade let out a breath, "I have not heard of this skill before, what is its normal use?"
Inoichi looked away from his Hokage, "Well, you have not heard of it because it has not for battle use. It is kind of a wedding jutsu, kind of away to further link husband and wife. It has also been used when one of my clan is on their death bed to pass knowledge to a descendent or mission info to a trusted friend."
Tsunade rubbed her chin, "So if I understand this right, then there will be a good chance after all this is over there is a good chance that they will end up dating and maybe wed, because they will no longer feel whole without the other." Inoichi nodded, Tsunade laughed, "So there is two ways, she can try to pull herself back to her own body with a chain that if it breaks or dislodges from her, she will die. Or she can bind herself to one of her friends, which may lead to her and him falling in a strange form of love." She rubs the small dimond in her forehead, "Are you ok with the two of them ending up together?"
Inoichi smiled, "Yeah, I actually like Naruto, he is a very good man, and I would know I have been in his mind."
Tsunade smiled, "Well should we bring this to them now or tomorrow?"
Inoichi shrugged, "Tomorrow I think, the closer they get to each other before trying a Mind Meld the better it should go. I don't think we should bring up the Soul Chain since Naruto already know about it and it is so dangerous."
Tsunade shook her head, "Whatever, she's your daughter."
More to come.
I need a Bata if any is interested in the helping me let me know
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