Tobi makes Supper

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto

A reply to what my friend asked me what would happen if Tobi made supper for the entire Akatsuki.

"Deiiiiidaraaa- Sempaiiii" Deidara flinched as Tobi screamed his name, Why did this happen to me Deidara thought as he worked on his secret project. "Deidara- sempai there you are; I was wondering where you went." Tobi said cheerfully before sitting down on Deidara's bed of their shared room. "God Tobi I wish you would stay on your side of the room, yeah." Deidara looked towards the left of the room where it was painted orange and black. "But Deidara-Sempai…." Tobi whined God why did I blow up the west side of the building "Because you thought it would be a blast…?" Tobi said matter-of-factly "Tobi un, how did you know what I was thinking?" Deidara eyed Tobi carefully. "Because you were thinking out loud again Dei dei!" Tobi threw up his arms in delight. Deidara's eye twitched before he said "Tobi never call me that ever again!!!" Needless to say Tobi went flying after that…

A Little While Afterwards

Tobi was walking through the hallways all alone he held an ice pack to his mask, no doubt about it he now had a black eye. He watched as the other members passed him each giving him a curious look. Tobi needed something to do, after all Deidara didn't want him around and no one else wanted to be around him. "TOBI!!!" Pein's voice boomed through the hallways turned around to see a very pissed off Leader.

"Hiya Leader what's the matter?" Tobi chimed "Tobi I need you to make supper tonight, can you do it?" Pein asked as he began to rummage through a bag he had beside him. "Yes sir!" Was all Tobi could say before Pein ran off. Tobi rolled up his sleeves he was going to make the most nutrious meal ever.

"SUPPER TIME!!!" Tobi yelled at the top of his lungs some time later. Soon all the Akatsuki members were present except for Pein and the descended Sasori. As the Akatsuki sat in their seats Tobi served then some stew which was kind of a purple color. "Well, dig in everyone!" Tobi said cheerfully as he sat down in front of his own bowl. Everyone eyed Tobi carefully as he began to eat by putting it through his eyehole. Soon everyone was eating and to tell the truth it tasted really good… "Man, Tobi this is the best!" Kisame exclaimed as he downed the whole bowl "What's your secret?" He asked again as he set the bowl down.

"Well…" Tobi paused as everyone lend in to here what he was saying, even Itachi wanted to know. "Well, I put in lots of beans, prunes, Strawberries, Mushrooms and a spicy Taco. "He beamed needless to say Everyone's jaws dropped. "WHAT!!!!" Deidara screamed as he started to feel his stomach turn. Kisame looked down at his empty bowl before a loud fart sounded in the room.

Some time later

Pein and a barely alive Sasori were returning to base when a sickening smell filled the air, Pein took on whiff before hurling all over Sasori's head. Sasori in turn threw up woodchips on Pein's shoes. "What the Heck is going on here Pein yelled as he entered his very smelly hide out in which he saw Itachi holding his stomach before a loud one went off. Sasori stared wide eyed as the Tobi came skipping letting on rip every time a foot left the ground. After that Pein could no longer hold it before he barfed yet again.

please review and this is my first attempt at humor.