Authors Note

This story continues where the Order of the Dragon ended. Harry struggles to move on with his life after Ginny has ended their relationship, he meets a beautiful young actress that helps him heal is wounds. Hermione works to overturn the pureblood marriage laws that for all intents and purposes make witches slaves to their husbands. Ginny realizes that she has made a huge mistake in letting Harry go, Will she try and win Harry back, or let him find happiness with his new found friend. Ron and Hermione discover the joys of married life, and are living happily ever after. But even the best marriage in the world suffers through dark times...

I was going to wait for about a week before starting to post my sequel to the order of the Dragon, but I was happy to get the all the reviews and feedback of the Order of the dragon.

The ending to the Order of the Dragon was very hard for me to write, and I could not leave Harry alone and isolated, so I thought i would write a second story. This story is going to focus on Harry and a new Character Emily Watts an original character. I would love to see if anyone can spot who the Emily Character is based on...It should not be hard. The story is also going to tell Ginny's and Ron's stories as well. I also will be having a bit of fun with Hermione and Ron as a married couple.

Unlike the Order of the Dragon I am not waiting until this story is completed to start posting...That is the bad news I guess. The good news is I have already got ten chapeters written and will be posting one chapter a week as I did with the Order of the Dragon. So without further comment here is Redemption.


May 2nd, 1999

Harry Potter felt the cool May breeze as he stepped out into the early evening. He was losing the battle to keep his emotions under control. He knew Ginny did not say that he had ruined her family. Even though she had not said anything, her silence was as good as a thousand words. She blamed him for Fred's death, for Bill getting mauled, for George being maimed and both Mr. Weasley and Ron nearly dying. Blaine was right, the Weasley's would have been better off if he had never asked them how to find platform 9 ¾ seven years ago. At least he now knew why Ginny broke it off with him.

As Harry stepped into the night he heard Ron calling him.

"Harry wait a minute!" Harry turned to see Ron running after him. Harry slowed and waited for Ron to catch up to him. He would let Ron tell him what a git he was for ruining his wedding, and then he could leave.

"Harry, please tell me you don't believe what that git just said to you?"

Harry looked at Ron, but he did not answer him.

After a few seconds of silence Ron continued.

"Harry, no one in my family regrets you coming into our lives…"

Harry finally spoke.

"I can think of one." He tried to hide how much he had been hurt by Ginny's silence as she let Blaine say those things.

"Ginny does not feel that way either Harry."

"Ron, her silence said it all." Harry looked away from Ron. He did not want him to see he was still not over Ginny.

Ron had no answer for Harry. He had no idea why Ginny would let Blaine say those things. Once again, Ginny had caused more damage by not saying anything than she could have had she screamed at Harry.

"Harry," Ron said slowly, "You've been my best mate for years. I know I messed up when Ginny broke up with you and I am sorry, you have to know that tosser does not speak for the Weasley family. You belong here more than he does…Don't go"

Harry was grateful to hear Ron apologize to him. He also needed to hear from Ron that he had wanted him at his wedding. However he just could not stay. He could not bring himself to be in the same room with his sister right now.

"Ron, I can't." He looked at Ron, "It hurts too much to see her."

Ron nodded. He understood what Harry was saying.

"Tell Hermione I am happy for the both of you ok. I am sorry I ruined your wedding."

"Harry, you did not ruin anything." Ron held out his hand. When Harry took it he pulled him into a brotherly hug. "You can join us for dinner when we get back from our honeymoon."

Harry smiled at Ron's invite. He knew he would enjoy being with his two best friends again. He had missed them. It would be sometime however. He had to return to the United States to train with his new Rapid Response Team. He had returned to England to put his team together. He told Ron that they could get together as soon as he got back from America.

Ron watched sadly as Harry left the grounds.


Hermione saw the tears in Ginny's eyes and did not say what was on her mind. It was clear Ginny was hurting. She looked at Hermione, tears streaking down her cheeks.

"Hermione," she collapsed to the floor. Hermione ran to her friend, as she took Ginny into her arms she cried "What have I done?"

Hermione felt someone try to pull her away from Ginny. She started to turn away thinking that it was Molly, She turned to see Blaine.

"I'll take care of her" he whispered.

Hermione felt Ginny shaking her head negatively in her shoulders.

"I think you have done enough." She hissed at him.

Blaine looked at Hermione and whispered to her angrily.

"If you hadn't insisted on that git being invited I would not have had to say anything."

George's voice boomed angrily before Hermione could answer.

"And what Git is that?" George was clearly angry. Hermione looked back and could see all the Weasley boys were staring at Blaine, looking like they were ready to kill him.

Blaine either did not see how angry they were or he did not care, he answered George

"Harry Potter. That git is a…"

Blaine did not get to finish his statement; the loud sound of Hermione slapping him in the face shocked everybody.

Blaine glared at Hermione angrily and raised his hand "You stupid bitch…"

Blaine never got the chance to finish, George grabbed his hand and pulled him away from Hermione and Ginny, George was shouting at him angrily as he dragged him away.

"First you insult one this families greatest friends." As he said this he released Blaine and started shoving him hard, "Then you raise your hand on my sister in law!" He pushed him towards the door, joined by Charlie, Bill and Percy.

As the Weasley brothers were helping Blaine leave the wedding, Hermione turned her attention back to Ginny who was still crying.

"Do you think he meant it?" Ginny asked through her tears

"Meant what?" Hermione asked gently.

"That he's done with me?" Ginny looked up at Hermione. "Have I lost him?"

Hermione sighed softly as she looked at Ginny.

"Yes I think you have Ginny." She heard Molly gasp as she continued "If you think about it you really haven't given him a reason to think you would want anything to do with him."

Ginny began to weep as she realized she had probably lost the one man she had ever really loved…

14 Months Later

Harry Potter stood at the back of the ballroom watching as the guest went about celebrating the end another of the endless muggle awards ceremonies. Harry could not think of anything more boring than a security detail. Especially another one celebrating the end of another pointless awards show that the muggles seemed to love so much. The added security that had been requested for this and the other ceremonies this awards season was pointless.

Harry had shared this opinion with both Kingsley and David Blake. They agreed that since the Order of the Dragon had been broken up almost two years ago there had not been much trouble. Blake pointed out to Harry that the kind of people that attended these events needed to be reassured that everything was being done to protect them, even if it was just for show.

Harry's rapid response team had earned a bit of a reputation over the last eighteen months in the muggle world. They had responded to several high profile incidents, one that had included ending a siege at a school with no casualties. His team had also been involved in some high profile arrest in the Wizarding world as well.

Harry laughed to himself. As usual Harry was getting all the attention, while his best friend, Ron Weasley stayed in the background. The two more well known arrests his team had been involved, they were actually supporting Ron as he concluded cases he had been investigating. It was not fair to Ron, Harry thought, he had become what many in both the Auror department and Scotland Yard believed to be a brilliant detective, yet it was Harry and his team that seemed to get the spotlight.

"Some how I do not think you are a guests for tonight's party."

Harry was taken away from his thoughts by a woman's voice. He looked up to see a nice looking blond girl with dark brown eyes. Harry was sure he had met her before but he could not remember where. Harry was sure he would have remembered meeting someone as pretty as the young lady standing before him.

The young lady laughed at Harry's confused look.

"You don't remember me do you Inspector Potter?"

Harry was taken by surprise. This was a muggle party and even though his team was well known by the muggle authorities, the muggle public knew nothing about them. Harry was an unknown in the muggle world; he was however, still a celebrity in the Wizarding world. To the best of his knowledge there were no wizards or witches attending tonight event.

Harry finally found his voice.

"I'm sorry, but you have me at a disadvantage."

The young woman held out her hand as she introduced herself.

"Emily Watts," She stated as she shook his hand "So what brings you to this fine event Mr. Potter?"

Harry answered her question with one of his own. As he asked he keyed his Mic opened so his question would not only be heard by the woman in front of him but those in the security room as well.

"Have we met before Ms. Watts?"

His question was answered by the Auror manning the security office.

"Emily Watts, Actress age 19. She was the actress that was attacked on stage at the awards ceremony two years ago. You questioned her at St. Mungos. She should not even remember who you are. Maybe the memory charms have failed."


Emily could not believe the young man she was talking to did not remember meeting her. She had been in the hospital after that horrible night. She would never forget the young man in front of her. After all it is not every day you find out the world still has Wizards and witches in it.

She knew that she was supposed to have had her memory modified to make her forget about the world of witches and wizards and all that had happened to her that night. However the Healers were worried that the memory charms could cause more damage to her brain. They did not want to take a chance so they had her agree not to mention the world of witches and wizards. She had kept her word, but seeing the young wizard that had questioned her at tonight's party was a bit of a shock to her.

She looked at Harry Potter as she heard a buzzing in one of his ears. It was then she notices he was wearing an earpiece. He was working.

"We met at St. Mungos. You were in handling the investigation into my attack." She answered. She blushed as she continued. "Normally I am not this forward, but I swore to myself if I ever ran into you again I would give you this."

She handed him a card with her private mobile number on it. "Mr. Potter I would be honored if you would give me the chance to get to know you."

With that she turned and walked back to the party. She looked over her shoulder and could see Harry Potter watching her as she walked away. Was it her imagination or was he grinning… God she hoped so.